View Full Version : hi to everyone from Poland

02-13-2004, 10:58 AM
this is my first time here so i want to say hello. my name is piotr jeleniewski and im student of Slawomir Milczarek from poland. we practice under Yu shifu from yantai (7*). i found here allready a very interesting articles and discussions. and im happy that people from all over the world who are practise tang lang quan have place like this to find true about history, princepless and theory.
special greetings from poland to shifu Pel (our first and famous teacher) and to shifu Tunks (who i admire for skills and soul)

02-13-2004, 11:13 AM
Welcome to the Board

02-13-2004, 11:40 AM
It always good to have new people on the boards. Welcome.............. I hope you find it as interesting and informative as the rest of us.

02-13-2004, 11:57 AM
Hi Piotr Jeleniewski,

Welcome to the board. My name is Robert Hui (Mantis108) and I study Taiji Tanglang under GM Chiu Chuk Kai. It is great to have a Polish Seven Stars stylist who studies the Yantai version. This board is indeed getting more interesting by the day. Looking forward to your inputs and insights. Have fun. :)


Robert Hui

PS Shifu Tunks and Shifu Pel both knowledgeable exponents whom I think of as great friends and brothers in mantis kung fu visit here as well.

02-13-2004, 01:36 PM
Piotr Jeleniewski,

Hope I got that right! Anyway I am Steve Cottrell of Fort Worth Texas. I have met your teacher on several occasions in China and know his teacher. You are very fortunate to have him as a sifu. I have also seen his students and know you guys have acheived a fast and powerful Tanglang.

Welcome to the board! Please greet Sifu Slawomir Milczarek for me. I have just mailed his copies of the Mantis Quarterly today.

Also let him know that I will be asking him for another article when he has time.


Steve Cottrell

German Bai Lung
02-13-2004, 04:16 PM
Hi and a warm welcome from Germany as well!

I hope you will recognize the great benifits that can achieved by reading interesting threads and posts like the ones from Sifu Robert Hui and Sifu Steve Cottrell. But there are a lot of very well educated persons here on board, so that mantis history seems to come alive ... :)

By the way: in november there will be a great tournament in Budapest from the Hungary Seven star Mantis Organization. Maybe we will meet there?

02-14-2004, 05:38 PM
Welcome Brother!

I only just read your post. Good to here from you brother. I hope everybody in here makes Piotr very welcome! He is one tough monster, just like all the rest of Shifu Milczareks' students.
Greetings to your wife and young son. How long until he starts with the Ma Bu?

02-17-2004, 12:35 AM
thanks to all for so warm hello.
to Steve: i met you personally in qingdao 2000 during the competition. of course i pass greetings to my teacher.
to Bai Lung: it would be nice to meet. tournament in budapest can be a good ocasion. if you be so kind, please send me some information wich i pass to Slawomir Milczarek. maybe we can take part in this meeting. thank you.
to Brendan: greetings Big Brother. my son start to practice allready. he won two fights with winnie the pooh! :) winnie the pooh decide to not fight in third fight - he lost his head...

02-17-2004, 01:12 AM
ha ha, he's off to a good start. just dont let the cruelty to animals society find out...