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View Full Version : i'm back :D

02-18-2004, 07:01 PM
broke my leg and wasn't able to do much of the fu for a few months :(

but now i'm back and badder than ever before :D

oddly enough, it seems like WC is like riding a bike. my chi sau doesnt even feel rusty. i was expecting much worse.

02-18-2004, 07:25 PM
The "locals" have been asking about you. Glad you're back and healed! Jump right on in - save the odd stinger here and there, the water's fine. :)

- kj

02-18-2004, 08:27 PM
yep still alive :D

you'll have to let me know the next time you're having a get together and i'll drop by. always looking for more chi sau to liven things up :)

i've lost about 20 lbs being on my "sit on your butt with a broken leg" diet, so i cant throw my weight around as much in chi sau (since i dont have any). it's making life more interesting :D

seems like things are lively as ever here... :)

02-19-2004, 10:15 AM
weeellllcome back to that same old place that you laughed about

broke your leg , nice your catching up to me now go break your ribs and back ,collar bone and assorted fingers
and we will call it even
did i mention bursted appendix:D

good to see you around again