View Full Version : what to think

02-23-2004, 08:08 PM
H.H. Dailai Seng Shih of the Neo Chan Temple
a.k.a. Grand Master Simon of Temple Kung Fu


Im not sure how I feel about Him having such a close title to the Dailai Lama.

David Jamieson
02-23-2004, 08:22 PM
here we go :D lol

olaf is an odd fellow to be sure by all outward appearances.

I believe a poster here went through the trouble of drumming up the court notes on a suit against him where he actually revealed (as one must do under oath in a court of law) the truth of his actual kungfu training.

IE: he didn't have any but has been an enthusiast and practitioner for a long time. He's been involved in the martial arts for a long time, but the stories he tells are a little over the top.

Not all his musings are worthless though, but I've met people who have had terrible experiences with teh way he does business with his students, the contracts etc.

anyway...just saying. Do a search for the court record threads on simon for the full report.
