View Full Version : how i changed my wing chun

02-25-2004, 04:57 PM
hi marcus and gangsterfist , i don"T mind diccussing my disabilatey on the fourm my crebal palsy arfects my motor skils when i started wing chun the stance in sil lim tao was my major problem i could not keep my back straight i made my stance a little bit bigger than normal and shorten it when i got the hang of it my belive is the more slowly you do your footwork the more it helps slt and i did my footwork hundreds of times over and over sometimes three hours , a night someimes with puches sometimes not also very slow poon sua and changing postion and and doing the pak sua attack as well, this helped me, and then the slow sparring my sifu chris stamilious australin champion twice in the australian kung u championships,
started to move around slowly at first every time i did not move that mongul would hit me until i moved so much for being nice to disabled people and he is my best friend for 28 years when i hooked up with sifu randy williams randy was very kind and patient with me as well and taught me many more things about foot work this changed me as well peace russellsherry

02-25-2004, 05:27 PM
Thats great russell. Kung fu literally means hard work. Keep up the hard work and you will get the results you desire. Also, I think your sifu was doing you some good when they were drilling you. If my sifu hears the phrase, "I can't," you get to automatically do 100 push ups. Needless to say, no one says I can't anymore.

Good luck with your training.

02-25-2004, 05:53 PM
If my sifu hears the phrase, "I can't," you get to automatically do 100 push ups.

What if the person then says "but I can't do 100 pushups"?

just joking. :D

Russell, good stuff mate, keep it up.

02-25-2004, 06:00 PM
LOL, actually that has come up in class!

My sifu's response was, if it takes you all class to do 100 push ups, then it takes you all class.

I did 100 last night in slow controlled sets took me about 10 minutes.

I ditto anerlich's comment, keep up the good work.

02-25-2004, 06:02 PM
Russellsherry- Proud of you.

02-25-2004, 07:41 PM
hi guys thanks for all your kind words and surport peace rusellsherry

02-25-2004, 11:35 PM
in my limited (3 years) time studying wing chun i've seen amazing progress with the one or two students we've had in class with physical disabilities. I don't know if it reflects on the style or my sifu specifically (though I'd like to think so!) My sifu was injured in a car accident 10 years ago and was told initially he wouldn't walk again - now he teaches Wing Chun!

of course it ultimatey comes down to the heart of the student disabled or not!

Good on ya Russell Sherry!

02-26-2004, 09:07 AM
"Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind."

I'm happy for you that your teachers have been most kind and patient in giving you those rich gifts - of confidence in your ability and of kung fu when the odds are heavily stacked against you.


02-26-2004, 04:11 PM
hi simon , and paul h , thanks for your surport , simion i chose
wing chun kung fu becuase i thought i might be able , to handle it the fact , it is based on simple movements , helped me greatlly,
and the one thing that really helped me was my friends chris stalmilous carlo bassi both aussie champs out of wiliam cheungs australian kung fu championships, i also fought in these tounerments becuase my mates were doing it , and i went ok the secret to my succes is my basic training then when i met randy
williams sifu when randy tuaght me at bill je level i found i could handle that ok, randy helped me greatly pacticuly when he tught me ratten rings footwork pattens ginger fist and others things , as well randy was most kind and patient with me and he helped me put my faith back into martial arts , he also said when he was out, here last time he would like myself and david foggie to teach other disabled peole in which i hope to do one day peace

02-26-2004, 08:02 PM
Keep up the hard work russell. It sounds to me like you already got over the hump, and it should be down hill from here. I would wish you the best of luck, but I know you don't need it. You have already proved you can do it with out luck, which IMO is better.



02-28-2004, 08:14 PM
Hi Russell

Just wanted to let you know that I admire your dedication and
determination in wing chun. Hope your plans to help others with disabilities comes true, someday soon.


03-03-2004, 04:39 PM
hi guys thanks to all whom gave, me support peace russellsherry

03-03-2004, 07:19 PM

If I may, have you practised, and do you currently practise, any meditation, and if so do you feel it has had an affect on your physical abilities? If so, how much or little?

Links to a discussion on another thread. TIA for any experience you may care to share. Thanks for your time.

03-03-2004, 07:39 PM
hi anerlick , i have not , practised medation per se, but i do my sil lim tao with a lot of beathing exersizes and i focus on my elbow postion and movemont slow so you could say maye i was in medation peace russellsherry by the way your sifu would know i am olny interested i nwing chun and its use for self defence
ha ha i thought i slip that one in to the keeper , anerlick please send my regards to sifu rick , i am proud of the way of he promotes wing chun its funny we both ended up doing our own thing peace russellsherry

03-03-2004, 10:19 PM
Thanks, Russell.

I'll give Sifu your regards.


03-06-2004, 06:04 AM
Originally posted by anerlich

What if the person then says "but I can't do 100 pushups"?

just joking. :D

Russell, good stuff mate, keep it up.

i'd assume that would be 100 more :D

03-06-2004, 03:03 PM
i started doing wingchun when i was 16 18 years ago then after 3 years the school closed down and with none been close i turned to other m/arts i.e kickboxing and other ones. going from style to stlye not been as happy as in winchun.then a bad knee caused then end of that i still practiced wingchun in the house . till just laterly i have found another sifu and have been training back in wingchun for about 6 months and i have never been happyer and my power with practicing in the house for all those years it seems to be alot better than it was

what i am trying to say is wingchun is not for every one but it rocks for most of use:)