View Full Version : Shout out to LA peeps and West Coasters!

02-26-2004, 07:31 AM
Can I get a hand count of how many of you would be interested in spending a one day workshop with Novell Bell (Blacktaoist). It will be either in 2 or three weeks on Sunday and I guarantee you'll walk away with a more realistic outlook and a positive idea of bagua. The workshop will either cover the first 2 palm changes of Cao Zhongsheng's Yin style BaGuaZhang. Front piercing palm and Grinding palm. Plus solo drills, two man conditioning and combat drills or an earlier set from Lohan. E-mail me at bagua@kabooom.com so I can get an idea of the space I need.

Jeff "count" Kabaker

03-08-2004, 01:25 AM
**** Bro, you gotta give us more time than two or three weeks,I'd love nothing better than the sun and sea, not to mention seeing Novell again , but alas I'm out.
The best to you and yours,also to Wutan Cali.
Sincerly Bob