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03-02-2004, 08:04 AM

Martial Arts VS Fitness battle

Martial Arts -
* Teach you to kick ass
* Develops up to mid level fitness looks wise
* Develops some confidence
* The core of it is rarely used on real situations
* Develops "ninja street lethal murderer justicer" mindset on you
* Its considered repulsive by some chicks

Fitness -
* There are always chicks around
* Develops high level fitness looks wise
* Develops some confidence
* Its used 100% of the time, since your looks influence almost all the people you meet daily, including you
* Doesnt develop street lethal mindset on you, makes you more cool
* Its considered atractive to all chicks

Any wanna add anything?

SanSoo Student
03-02-2004, 08:18 AM
Fitness and Martial Arts both develop mad amounts of ego, or over-confidence.

Ray Pina
03-02-2004, 08:21 AM
Martial arts:
Stage 1) self confidence
stage 2) inner self confidence/outward modesty

Stage 1) No applicable skill
Stage 2) some applicable skill but doubts
Stage 3) muscle memory reaction to stimuls
Stage 4) ????????

Stage 1) low self esteem
Stage 2) feeling better, looking better
Stage 3) completely self absorbed. Move beyond just weights to bathroom full of hair products
stage 4) shaving chest and back
Stage 5) plucking eyebrows:)

Mr Punch
03-02-2004, 08:36 AM
* Its used 100% of the time, since your looks influence almost all the people you meet daily, including youI don't 'meet' myself daily unless I'm a multiple personality disorder... oops sorry, didn't notice it was you Xebs!


* Develops "ninja street lethal murderer justicer" mindset on youThis is exactly why I do it! :D :rolleyes:

* The core of it is rarely used on real situationsSeriously, generally I agree with what you said, but I would say I use the core of it every day, in everyday situations, and I'm not talking about fighting:

balance on the train,
centredness at work,
both when negotiating crazy busy streets full of rude people,
structure when carrying, lifting, standing, sitting,
breathing techniques when massaging, having sex, running for the train,
kicks, fuk sau, sun fist, knees, elbows, just about anything opening doors without making it obvious (telegraphing),
grappling with my fiancee,
meditation technique when trying to get my lazy ass out of bed...


Of course, most people don't appreciate my level of fantacism. So I don't tell them.

03-02-2004, 10:35 AM
balance on the train - ok, agreed
centredness at work - hmm, dunno
both when negotiating crazy busy streets full of rude people - dont think MA influence there, since dealing with crows is somethin one always done and keeps doing the same way?
structure when carrying, lifting, standing, sitting - Fitness gives you those with the posture correction and muscle improvements
breathing techniques when massaging, having sex, running for the train - your breathing improves a lot by just doing the cardio, fit people have more sex, fit people are awesome runners. besides if you wanna breathing stuff do just Yoga.
kicks, fuk sau, sun fist, knees, elbows, just about anything opening doors without making it obvious (telegraphing) - ... yeah... mkay...
grappling with my fiancee - fit people can just buy the kama sutra book and test with the milions of wimmins they get
meditation technique when trying to get my lazy ass out of bed... - fit people can take Yoga class at the gym too

03-02-2004, 11:18 AM
I think with some of the martial sports, you pretty much have to be fit in order to be able to do them. I cannot imagine someone with a heart problem doing boxing or muay thai. Yes, I know that Evander Holyfield boxed after having a heart problem, but I tend to think that he was the exception rather than the rule.

03-02-2004, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by EvolutionFist
stage 4) shaving chest and back
Stage 5) plucking eyebrows:)

Actually, at my school, they teach eyebrow plucking before chest and back shaving :)

But really tho, only pluck the "unibrow" in the middle. Don't pluck out the actual eyebrows (except around the edges for shaping purposes), for two reasons: 1. people without eyebrows look funny, and 2. eyebrows are required to keep sweat out of your eyes.

03-02-2004, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by Xebsball
* Its considered repulsive by some chicks

what kind of chicks do you know? :(

blooming lotus
03-02-2004, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by EvolutionFist

Stage 3) completely self absorbed. Move beyond just weights to bathroom full of hair products
stage 4) shaving chest and back
Stage 5) plucking eyebrows:)

dude..I love a good product ads much as the next chick..probably more...but that whole back shaving thing....lil more than we wanted to know ...thx for sharing:eek: :D

you really shave your back??? sooooo not attractive

Volcano Admim
03-20-2004, 04:11 PM
bling bling

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