View Full Version : Training in Tokyo

03-11-2004, 09:53 PM

Anyone got any good tips on places to train in tokyo.

i'm looking for a place one can walk into and start doing some pad drills and sparring.
Perhaps a kickboxing gym or some traditional school with sparring and pad works from day one... and maybe not that many forms... :)
If you know of a really good shotokan school in tokyo, please post that too.

Hope for replys.. thanks

03-11-2004, 10:25 PM
if you're looking for serious contact, try the Kyokushinkai dojos.

sing fu
03-11-2004, 11:13 PM
You could also try a range of MMA, JKD, kickboxing, Taikiken (like Yichuan) groups too. Where are you going to be in Tokyo, and what kind of art are you into? :)

Mr Punch
03-12-2004, 06:00 AM
Most Kyokushin dojo aren't that hardcore, but it's a start. It isn't typically that traditional either; not much kata. It will give you a lot of contact from day one or two, but a lot of dojo don't allow leg kicks or hand/elbow strikes to the head.

You could do worse than try out
Purebred (http://www.purebred.co.jp/
) . There're a lot of pros and shooto guys there, including Kid Yamamoto among many others.

Then as this guy (http://www.onthemat.com/training_report_japan.html) says (tho the site'll give you eye strain and isn't nec that hot after the bit I'm just about to mention!) Shinjuku Sports Centre in Takadanobaba gets everybody up there and pretty open minded too, and at 400Y for pretty much as long as you like morning or afternoon, it's pretty good. My daytime schedule changed so I can't make it now, but I have been known to mess with some monsters with mad skills in there.

Then there's us. We are a sifuless but reasonably experienced informal group of mostly wingchunners, with a mantis guy and some other styles. We aren't hardcore by any means (we have our moments tho! ;) ), but we're about to get some pads and helmets and the like to up the pace. One of us is moving this month and he's getting a heavy bag in his home and I'm following suit in about June, so come along, outside Shinjuku Sports Centre on Sunday mornings from about 0930 to up to about 1300-1400, and hell, if we like each other, we may let you beat us up! :D

I'm out this week but there'll be others there.

BTW, it's 'baba station, Waseda Exit, turn right, go up the hill, cross the main street and head diagonal left through the bushes and it's there.

Mr Punch
03-12-2004, 06:03 AM
You still around Sing?

You never did get round to checking us out, and I never got round to go check at the Katori Shinto Ryu either (that was it wasn't it?)...

It's on my list!

Gimme a call sometime or a PM or something.

03-12-2004, 09:44 AM
Most Kyokushin dojo aren't that hardcore, but it's a start.

What the heck is happening with Oyama's art? NOT hardcore?? It's a shame...

03-12-2004, 01:56 PM
Tokyo rules

03-14-2004, 07:38 PM
Hi again and thanks for the replys,

Mat, thanks for the invitation... we we're in a hurry this sunday to go to your sparring session... so we missed this part:

BTW, it's 'baba station, Waseda Exit, turn right, go up the hill, cross the main street and head diagonal left through the bushes and it's there.

Resulting in us taking four and a half hour to find shinjuku sports center :(

You seemed to be gone by then, but we ended up trying bagua for the first time, so everything worked out allright :)

We'll do our best to make it there next sunday, so I hope to see you then.

Sing fu, what's Taikiken :)

I've done a little kickboxing, and some form of northern shaolin, but the shaolin was a LONG time ago.
My friend is a shotokan guy.

We're staying at Minowa station, near Ueno station and it sure would be fun to test a session of JKD :)

And lastly Kristoffer,

It sure does:D

03-16-2004, 08:06 PM
Hi again,

My friend's found his style's main dojo so he's set up good by now :)

I found a combined karate/kickboxing school that seemed really good. However, to join the kickboxing class you had to be a yellow belt in karate, and it would take 3 months to get a grading test. And by that time I'll be travelling back to sweden probably, so unless I can get by that somehow I guess I'll have to pass that one up.

So, if anyone's know of a good kickboxing place it would be great if you could send me a tip.
I'll take a break today and go to disneyland :D and go by a daido juku school tomorrow.

Anyway, have a good time :)

03-18-2004, 08:34 PM
Check this school out. (http://www9.big.or.jp/~koppo/)

Report back, please.