View Full Version : TKD news

Ray Pina
03-15-2004, 08:12 AM

03-15-2004, 08:57 AM
Last week when that fight broke out on the floor of the South Korean parliament, I was hoping to see someone bust out a Tae Kwon Do move. That would of been hilarious.

As for the article, it's sad that TKD might be kicked out of the Olympics. Sure most martial artists hate TKD and think it sucks and find it to be the Grand Ultimate McDojo, but it was still fun to watch them fight in the matches on TV (IMO). Perhaps they can find a better replacement.

03-15-2004, 05:27 PM
Most people in the martial arts community, as Philbert said, really don't care for TKD. As a system of self defense, it's really not for me, but I've thought about learning it from a friend or 2 simply for the fun it. Unless something is totally terrible and annoying, it's not a great superb thing if it gets removed. While, I really don't watch the Olympics (because I live in a cave and don't know much about dates except my birthday and x-mas), when I do find it on, I'd still watch TKD, it's still related to Martial Arts.

03-15-2004, 11:40 PM
There's good TKD out there - I've had my butt kicked by it. It mainly catches a bad rap because of the speed at which you can get a bb in some schools, the flashy kicks and the outlandish belt ranks in some orgs, like the ATA with their camo belt...

norther practitioner
03-15-2004, 11:54 PM
Well, if they get knocked off, it'll give cma a much better chance at getting in though...:D

03-15-2004, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by norther practitioner
Well, if they get knocked off, it'll give cma a much better chance at getting in though...:D

lol, you're bad NP

norther practitioner
03-16-2004, 12:03 AM
Koreans are worried that Taekwondo could get bumped out of the Olympics altogether in favor of a Chinese martial art called wushu.

Thats directly from the article....

but yeah, I'm still rooting for any form of cma.

03-16-2004, 12:13 AM
TKD is a good martial art, I have fought good TKD practitioners. Its just like sevenstar says there is good TKD out there, and its deamons that make it look bad are the bad teachers/practitioners.

TKD has good thought behind it too. It will confuse you with foot work to keep you at bay and at a long distance. It does not have the answers to everything that could possibly happen in combat, but its a good kicking and long range system.

The one thing I found that I fall for is getting into a repetitive manner. They will come at you with a few of the same high speed kicks giving you little time to react. Then once you fall into a pattern (usually after 2 or 3 of the same kicks) they change it up and strike a different way. This is really effective and when I face an really good TKD person they pull it off nicely.

03-16-2004, 12:15 AM
lol any1 notice that the intials also stands for something else that many people use on the net wtf hahah

03-16-2004, 07:03 AM
I once faught a TKD practitioner, but I stayed in close and won.
It took me some time to get in on him which suprised me alot, I even got a little fustrated. His kicks were like bats being swung by andre the giant. Instructor BYung Lee, was his teacher and I dare not fight another man form that school, That was a tiring and challenging fight. I've thought about joining this school while I was in it's range for the longrange of my MA ability. I think I will go and join, I need a sparring partner or some one to keep me motivated; I hate training by myself.

03-16-2004, 07:07 AM
Originally posted by Ironwind
I once faught a TKD practitioner, but I stayed in close and won.
It took me some time to get in on him which suprised me alot, I even got a little fustrated. His kicks were like bats being swung by andre the giant. Instructor BYung Lee, was his teacher and I dare not fight another man form that school, That was a tiring and challenging fight. I've thought about joining this school while I was in it's range for the longrange of my MA ability. I think I will go and join, I need a sparring partner or some one to keep me motivated; I hate training by myself. But then you would break the super secret golden rule of showing your deadly art in public. :eek: :rolleyes:

Ren Blade
03-16-2004, 07:12 AM
I agree there is good Tae Kwon Do out there. Just like Kung Fu, there is crap and there is good out there. No one should make conclusions on a style based on just the negative things they've seen or heard. Cause it hits you harder if you're beaten by something you once thought sucked.

There was a quote from Under Siege 2 that I liked "Assumption is the mother of all fuk ups!"

Ray Pina
03-16-2004, 07:35 AM
Personally, I'd rather see San Da in The Games than TKD or Wushu. And TKD over Wushu.

03-16-2004, 07:42 AM
I'd like to see sumo wrestling. Those guys got some power behind their girth.