View Full Version : Yes my spear is gone with the oops.......

03-21-2004, 12:07 AM
Why does my spear keep flying off?
I can't seem to keep it on
I'm good and everything but I think that in compitition something like that would result loss of points wouldn't it?
Can I get a helpful hint from a spear fighter out there.
I just wanna keep my spearhead from flying off (espcially at bystanders and judges).

03-21-2004, 04:54 AM
bad spear. no good

03-21-2004, 04:54 AM
no good spear

Chang Style Novice
03-21-2004, 09:57 AM
If your speartip keeps falling off, consult a doctor immediately. He'll give you a shot of penicillin and staple it back where it belongs.

And for Pete's sake, stop Xebbing yourself so much!

03-21-2004, 11:02 AM
eew :D

Seriously, is your spear a ready one or have you manually constructed it using a shaft and a spearhead?

03-21-2004, 11:05 AM
yea u could just buy a good one :D

03-21-2004, 11:06 AM
I am going to assume that you mean that the spearhead either falls off or shoots off while doing your routine.

If on the other hand, you are doing one of the slide moves and slip and end up shooting your spear across the room, the cure for that is more practice.

But, with the spear head, a lof of them are not made right.

Typically, you have the red 'horsehair' around the top. That is put on AFTER you secure the spearhead.

The shaft is simply a standard white wax wood staff. the end needs to be shaved down so it is a snug fit into the spearhead base.

This is where one problem comes in. Sometimes, they shave it too much...bad fit. Sometimes they don't shave enough...it doesn't go in far enough to seat. You really have to take some time in making it fit together well.

Then, in the spearhead, there is a small hole for a screw to fit through. Usually, this is the ONLY thing that is securing the spearhead to the shaft. Also, in most cases, the screw is not long enough...so it doesn't secure much of anything.

Once you have a good fit with the shaft and spearhead, get the longest screw that will fit the securing hole in the spearhead and NOT be too long to go into the spearhead.

Then, fit the spearhead onto the shaft and drill a smaller hole for the screw to go into - all the way into the shaft.

Now install the screw.

Then you put the horsehair on...it goes on upside down above the screw hole. Then you turn the horsehair down and you secure it tightly BELOW the spearhead with a tie. You COULD place two small screws below the spearhead. Then, when you tie down the horsehair, you make sure that the tie includes catching on the small screws.

Then make sure they are all secure.

The spears you buy do not have this much care taken in securing the spearhead...and it is quite common for them to be loose or come off.

David Jamieson
03-21-2004, 01:00 PM
pop the spear head off, load the top of the shaft with silicon caulk, or epoxy resin (the double compoung will glue metal and wood toghetr nicely) stick the head back on.

bada bing, it ain't coming off when you practice.

shouldn't make a huge diff on teh weight and it's not like you're actually using a spear for any type of real combat anymore anyway.

just make sure the head get's put back on straight, you don't want it dring funny.


03-21-2004, 06:59 PM
chill with the chi man.

03-21-2004, 10:09 PM
The ones we used had a screw through the wood. I cant imagine it flying off like that...

03-23-2004, 05:01 AM
Glw was right it wasn't seating right.
I did what he said for the most part and came out with a pretty decent spear It hasn't flown off yet.
Now i can put my full power into my routine.