View Full Version : Jet Li: calling it quits?

SanSoo Student
03-22-2004, 12:16 AM

Jet Li claims to be giving up the movie biz, do you think he is serious about this...or just trying to get publicity?

03-22-2004, 08:08 AM
maybe he wants out of the movie he is making with jackie chan ebcause he knows jackie is the man :o

SanSoo Student
03-24-2004, 12:24 AM
hope that movie turns out to have descent Hong Kong action.

blooming lotus
03-24-2004, 06:13 PM
dudes...that is very cool...I am huge fan of jet li and being serious about kungfu above practicaly anything else, If you found a teacher or a style you wanted to learn...for sure you'd drop what yiu were doing and get into it.......welll...I would drop what I was doing...you know , as in stfu and training....props from me....can't deny him that right :cool:

03-31-2004, 10:05 PM
i never realy like jet li to much he seems like a wannabie bruce lee
i dont know

03-31-2004, 10:12 PM

Hi! My name is period (.) I establish the logical end of a sentence so that another sentence may be begun with minimal confusion.

Good example: My name is Bob. I like Isshinryu Karate.

Bad Example: my name s bob i like Isshinryu karate

There really aren't any parallels between the two, aside from the sound of there last names. And that Bruce Lee made crappy movies in Chinese whilst Jet Li made crappy movies in English.

Ben Gash
04-07-2004, 04:40 AM
Vash, however, Jet has made some great films in Chinese.

04-07-2004, 07:51 AM
If it's for real, I give him props for leaving a promising career to pursue monastic Buddhism.

04-07-2004, 12:51 PM

That is a very honorable thing to do. I think it'd be cool as ice if he gave up movies for buddhism.

04-08-2004, 10:48 AM
He was Buddhist from childhood - in fact, there was this story of how Wu Bin forced him to eat meat to become a champion. I'm not sure if he's vegetarian now, but surely, he's always been Buddhist.

blooming lotus
04-08-2004, 03:55 PM
can anyone confirm that?...

04-08-2004, 08:44 PM
i was being sarcastic about the comment earlier. thats cool if he wants to do that. i respect him, maybe he will do seminars touring the country and such that would be neat. as for being a vegetarian. i think a lot of CMA's that take heart the true teaching become a vegetarian of some sort. its all part of the tradition.

blooming lotus
04-08-2004, 11:12 PM
I'm a vegetarian myself, but as a Ch'an buddhist I make a committment to my health....so if my body needs animal protein and there's no way around it...I let myself eat aswell......don't like it, but I do it

norther practitioner
04-09-2004, 10:01 AM

Eating meat...

I still eat chicken and fish, but thats because I wouldn't get enough protien otherwise.

As long as monks don't kill the meat, or it wasn't killed for them, they can eat it, depending on who they are. There are a lot of monks who still eat meat, if it is offered to them.

04-09-2004, 10:23 AM
They also can't witness it being killed....

blooming lotus
04-09-2004, 01:59 PM
I'm just going to go sentimental for a sec...if all life is worth saving ( or at least not harming)...how many animal lives is one humans' worth???

04-15-2004, 07:59 AM
did someone say jet li and jackie chan are making a movie together? can someone give me more info on this?

04-16-2004, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by dodger87
did someone say jet li and jackie chan are making a movie together? can someone give me more info on this?

it was on their website a while ago. i dont know if its there anymore.

link to jet li's site

jackie chan's site is real slow for me. or else i would provide link.

norther practitioner
04-16-2004, 10:55 AM
how many animal lives is one humans' worth

I figure around 256,895 or so...


Listen, If you take yourself too literally, you'll miss the lesson your body is teaching you. We are not herbivors.

blooming lotus
04-16-2004, 11:14 PM
that's dbatable...but for now health first...so if I need the meat I'm taking it

Odin of Wei
04-28-2004, 06:49 AM
Originally posted by Shaolinlueb
maybe he wants out of the movie he is making with jackie chan ebcause he knows jackie is the man :o
I don't know. Jackie is getting pretty old.

His two recent movies were not his greatest. And it looks like he is using more computer than....himself. And when he does use himself he seems to be getting slower.

Those are my observations.

I like Jet Li. He seems to be more of a real aspect to Gung Fu movies than comparied to Jackie.

I still want to badly see when Jackie and Sammo Hung is in that jail....what is the name of it?
And Project A was just the best! Who ever hasn't seen Project A should get beat.

Jet Li is just as good too. From the second movie he's made, The kinds from Shaolin to Hero. Is just all great flicks.

Either way it will be very saddening for him to leave.

And I hope Jackie isn't running out of ideas too...we can only hope. :(

04-28-2004, 12:13 PM
Well maybe jet li is going through a tough time at that time and maybe that he needed that inner peace when he was studying with his teachers and masters. I have studied buddhism myself and it is very enlightening and helped me through tough times maybe thats what he is looking for that place that he had before the movies. well that is my opinion.

Odin of Wei
04-28-2004, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by unlawfulbreak
Well maybe jet li is going through a tough time at that time and maybe that he needed that inner peace when he was studying with his teachers and masters. I have studied buddhism myself and it is very enlightening and helped me through tough times maybe thats what he is looking for that place that he had before the movies. well that is my opinion.
That is more than understandable. :cool:

07-13-2016, 10:24 AM
'League of Gods' star Jet Li reveals plan to retire from the film business (http://en.yibada.com/articles/138457/20160706/league-of-gods-jet-li.htm)
Maolen E. | Jul 06, 2016 05:13 AM EDT

Chinese actor Jet Li (R) and director Ronny Yu attend a news conference after the premiere of his movie 'Fearless' on February 23, 2005 in Seoul, South Korea. The movie 'Fearless' will be released in South Korea on March 16, 2006. (Photo : Getty Images/Chung Sung-Jun)

Li Lianjie, who is professionally known as Jet Li, is retiring. The 53-year-old martial artist and actor recently revealed his plans to call it quits after ten years.

During a charity event in Beijing, China on July 2, "The Forbidden Kingdom" star uncovered that he intends to bow out and quit the movie business soon. Before that, he plans to help build platforms to benefit young people in different commercial enterprises.

The action star also addressed reports suggesting his deteriorating health. Li said he would like to tell the public frankly regarding his disease and let them know that he is facing it calmly and dealing with it positively.

"I have the disease, I'm struggling, but I'm not in a wheelchair yet," China.org.cn quoted Li as saying before a predominantly Chinese crowd.

The actor was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in 2013. Since his heart rate can hit 130-140 as normal, Li maintains some steroid medicines for a long time. He has been advised not to do any sort of vigorous movements nor exercise.

Li has been enjoying a reprieve from acting, though he had a cameo role in 2014's "The Expendables 3." He was initially stated to be appearing with Vin Diesel in "xXx: The Return of Xander Cage," but has been replaced by Donnie Yen.

Earlier reports claimed that Li personally chose to exit the project for as-yet officially undisclosed reasons. Li then addressed the claims, stating that his absence was because of his illness, his new hobby of memorabilia collection and religious faith.

Nonetheless, Li will be making his big screen comeback as Jiang Ziya in "League of Gods," an upcoming Hong Kong-Chinese fantasy film directed by Koan Hui and Vernie Yeung. Based on the 16th-century Chinese novel by Xu Zhonglin's "Fengshen Bang," the upcoming film recounts the tale of how King Zhou (Tony Leung Ka-Fai) of Shang turns into a tyrant due to the wiles of a vixen spirit, Daji (Fan Bingbing), who is disguised as one of his concubines, City on Fire reported.

With an estimated production budget of $300 million, the film is scheduled for release in China, the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom on July 29. Check out the trailer below:


Again? (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?29153-Jet-Li-calling-it-quits) Oh Jet. Just quit. Don't tell us and then come back. That would be like signing off from the forum here. :rolleyes:

07-15-2016, 09:40 AM
This article looks like the source of the previous one. So no worries. Poor Jet though. Someone in my family suffers from thyroid issues and it's no joke.

Jet Li: I'm ill but not in a wheelchair yet (http://www.china.org.cn/arts/2016-07/05/content_38814249.htm)
By Zhang Rui

Chinese kung fu megastar Jet Li said he has hyperthyroidism but his illness is not so serious that it requires him to be in a wheelchair yet at a charity event in Beijing on Saturday.

Chinese kung fu megastar Jet Li. [Photo/ weibo.com]

Li was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in 2013 and has had to take steroids meds for a long time, which has caused some problems for his heart and prevents him from making vigorous movements. "I have the disease, I'm struggling, but I'm not in a wheelchair yet.”

There have been reports suggesting his deteriorating health, but Li said he would like to tell the public frankly about his illness and let them know that he is "facing it calmly and dealing with it positively."

The 53-year-old actor has been in conspicuously few films since 2013 -- he had a cameo role in "The Expendables 3" in 2014 and will have a role in upcoming "League of Gods" at end of July. Li said his absence was due to his illness, religious faith and his new hobby of memorabilia collection.

He added he would retire from film business in ten years and before that he will help build platforms to benefit young people in various industries.

League of Gods (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?68635-League-of-Gods-aka-Feng-Shen-Bang-aka-Fengshen-Yanyi)

08-25-2017, 08:15 AM
Jet's back, sort of...

Jet Li: “Hello World! I am Alive and Kicking!” (https://www.jetli.com/2017/08/jet-li-i-am-alive)
By jetli.com 1 hour ago in Jet Li, Video


Jet Li Laughed at His Death Rumors


On August 21, Jet Li visited By-Health factory located in Guangdong. He is the ambassador of TCM Conceptual Brand “Naturone” since 2014.

Before the event started, Jet laughed at his death rumors:

” There were many fake news about me sitting in a wheelchair and also many fake news of my death. But every time when i showed up, they were so surprised that I’m still alive,” Jet said.


In this event, By-Health organizer held a gathering for Jet and his fans. During the period, he shared some of his thoughts about Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wushu and the way of keeping good health.

“Health can be divided into three stages: prevention, treatment, and recovery. As we know prevention is better than cure, Traditional Chinese Medicine is mainly focused on the first stage, preventing chronic illness. We should take good care of our body before we get ill. That’s why many people train wushu to be healthy and prevent themselves from getting sick,” Jet said.
At the end of the event, Jet’s fans got the chance to interact and take pictures with him!


There are more pix if you follow the link.