View Full Version : A Year+ As a Lesson.

03-22-2004, 10:14 PM
Or something deep like that. I need to write this, mostly to keep from going insane.

Well, Saturday was the one year anniversary of my shodan test. That was also the last time I had a decent workout. Or bent over to tie my shoes. Or actually hugged a girl with both arms. Or drove my own truck. I've had the past 365+ days to become out of shape and lazy. But, I decided those were two things I didn't want to be, so I'm changing that thing. I'm actually going to look at the things I'm taking away from this injury, and how those things will affect my training, and my life in general.

For starters, I'm going to have a much more profound respect for the simple fact of health. I used to get irratable when I couldn't make it to the gym, or when I had a crappy workout. Other times, I'd just lay around and do nothing, griping about how bored I was. That's a lot of wasted time, I think. With this respect, I'll be able to more fully appreciate a clientss needs to change their body. I understood how the body's condition could affect the mind, but I didn't truly grasp the depth to which it worked. Yowza. I'm also going to get my certification for injury rehabilitation and specialized strength training for the elderly. I'd already planned on becoming certified in nutrition and kid's strength training.

Another thing I'm going to be able to do is plan out my days. Not in the anal-retentive manner I tried before, but in a sensical, this-can-work kinda way. I was way to tense of a person. I'm suprised I didn't explode when my arse unpuckered.

I'm also going to be able to more fully appreciate the need for extended health maintanence. I used to work through "minor" injuries, thinking that if I get this workout it, then my rehab will be faster. What in the unholy fug possesed me do to stupid sh!t like that?! I KNEW that it was dumb, yet I did it anyway! Anyway, having been like this makes me understand that I don't want to be out of commision ever again, so I'm going to be spending a lot of training making sure I'm doing everything right; no training deficits, no crappy diets, no ignoring that little voice that says "DON'T FU(K WITH ME!!!" Stuff's getting done right.

Something that really got my mind working is traditional chinese medicine. I'm going to focus a lot of my time on understanding TCM, eventually going to school and getting a decent, informed working knowledge of it. I know how to build the body and all it's systems, but only two ways. The fuel matters a lot, too.

Well, this wasn't as organized, deep, profound, or cool as I thought it'd be. But, it was theraputic, and that's what I need at this point.

yall keep it real. Hopefully pretty soon I can start a training BLOG relaying my climb back up the training ladder.
