View Full Version : To kill or not to kill a cat? That is...a koan

03-25-2004, 10:49 AM

I was greatly amused on your cat koan's post. Here is the western logical answer to it from my viewpoint. One of the monks should had said to the catkiller wannabe: "Thou shall kill the cat!" This will cause a logical contradition if one insisted on killing the cat. I should have been there in the temple! Ha! Ha! Good discussion on the nature of the koan though! I find it has a very good insight on WC philosophical approach - the middle road where there is no right and no wrong.


P.S As to why the sandals on the head as you walk away. My thinking is walking barefooted balancing sandals on your head makes no noise and have a connotation of giving up prior claim which is pertinent to the idea of giving up ownership claim of the cat. The case is only valid if there are two people disputing it. Hence walk silently away and there will be no case.

03-25-2004, 11:26 AM
Glad you enjoyed the read. Indeed you were at the temple in a past life most likely as a cat passing through hahahhahahaha.


03-25-2004, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by PaulH
I find it has a very good insight on WC philosophical approach - the middle road where there is no right and no wrong.

Action is action, and everything you do has a consequence.

If you are not clear about what are you doing (action or/and consequence), then, you are lost in your own karma you created.

Ignorance about what action or/and consequence is not middle way. Insist of that is middle way is heretic.

Stand in the MIDDLE of High Way where all the cars passed by is taking in a MIDDLE way stand? :D

Watched out for the car and police.
They might see you as standing in an extreme way! Hehehehehe

Sure nothing right or wrong, but you might end up dead or going to mental hospital. :D

03-25-2004, 12:47 PM

I guess I was upset at being killed by that no good monk so I come back now to get my western revenge! Ha! Ha! Happy Birthday! Getting older is getting wiser, my friend!

Best wishes,

03-25-2004, 01:23 PM

To follow the middle way requires the necessity of balancing both extreme ends. I thought this is a given. Funny how Sun Tzu knows this equation all along: "Know yourself and your opponent..." It's all so logical now! Ha! Ha!


03-25-2004, 01:43 PM
Thank you for your well wishes. I think you were the sly alley cat that got away to cause more trouble at a later time. They say when you get older the second thing to go is your memory and I can't remember what the first thing is. ;) Take care my friend