View Full Version : What if you were in Dawn of the Dead ?

03-28-2004, 08:47 AM
I think that whoever watched it would have had somet thought about what you are going to do in that situation ?

Surely. some of us here has a massive asenal at home.

So really, if you wake up one day, finding that zombies have taken over the streets, what would you do ?

Felipe Bido
03-28-2004, 09:12 AM
I'd smear ketchup on my face and start to chase people around, munching on their heads. Maybe the zombies will mistake me for one of them until I find a fast car to run away.

03-28-2004, 09:38 AM
I would take refuge in the Playboy Mansion. I might not survive there but I can sure find some creative ways to die. ;P

03-28-2004, 11:20 AM
. . . wouldn't everyone in the playboy mansion be zombies? That counts as necrophelia, and no matter how sexy the dead body that wants to eat your brains, it's still a dead body that wants to eat your brains.

That having been said, I'd pull Milla Jovovich (http://cdn.compuserve.com/gallery/i/j/jovovich/lg1a.jpg) outta Resident Evil to protect me :cool: OrMichelle Rodriguez (http://www.savannahnow.com/diversions/images/082302/full_rodriguez.jpg) . :cool:

03-28-2004, 11:27 AM
". . wouldn't everyone in the playboy mansion be zombies?"

Naw see I think the zombies are attracted to brains. You can bet that those chicks will be pretty low on the radar, in that regard.

03-28-2004, 11:37 AM
Ah, I see. truly, your logic is admirable.

03-28-2004, 12:05 PM
^ lol

03-28-2004, 12:31 PM
I always think what I would do when I see Zombie movies. Funny thing :D
I always thought that if I was in a movie like that I'd grab a sword and slice up people until I get tired and have to lock myself up somewhere and eat. Then I'd slice my way to find other whackos who's out killing zombies. Seriously, they move so slow it's almost redicolus. I don't care if there's 50 zomboz around you I say a guy with a sword could take out a whole bunch. That, and if you had a little group of ppl who backed you up with guns etc..
It would be pretty fun I think

This leads to another deep question..
If you kill a zombie is it dead? The zombie is a living dead so it shouldn't be killed, rather, another state of dead. If zombies kill zombies is it still murder? How can they smell brains if they are dead and infact have dead noses? Why can't I find my cell phone?

03-28-2004, 02:59 PM
So what are we going to arm ourselves with ?
Surely, a sword would be a sidearm

Honestly, I don't think guns would be such a good option. Once you run out of rounds, you are done for.

Gwan Dao maybe ? Probably a trident for trusting in case you are in a situation where you need to push one away inside of decapitating him completely. I would personally prefer a zhan ma dao as the primary weapon. A broadsword as a sidearm for its hacking ability. And finally, maybe a pair of daggers to go into the zombie's temple in case they get that close.

I guess I would fortify myself inside a mall as well. Plenty of food and water.

Actually, forget all that.
I am going to dig up my old bag of necromacy tools and take control of those zombies for myself. Then have them go do my bidding and conqour the world !!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

03-28-2004, 03:28 PM
Here's what I'd use:
1. Saw'd off shotgun with shells filled with dimes
2. Desert Eagle .50
3. Broadsword
4. ******* Sword
5. Napalm cocktails
6. Grenades
7. Baseball bat with gutter nails through it
8. A mace
9. Land mines (I'd kick it on the porch, drinking a beer, watching zombies being blown up)
10. Chainsaw
11. RPG
12. Kwan Dao
13. and a broken beer bottle:D

Now my only problem would be carrying all that sh!t, but I'd have a blast (note the pun:D ) killing hordes of zombies.

03-28-2004, 03:36 PM

The cudgel of Isshinryu
The sai of Isshinryu
the tuifa of Isshinryu

will get my @$$ ate. I'm packing something that's big, powerful, and automatic like a mufuka.

03-28-2004, 04:37 PM
haha, I think every guy thinks about this at one time or another.
since i do all types of swordsmanships, I'd naturally have a sword or two as a main weapon.
since we're talking somewhat sci-fi, i'd say the BEST weapon would be a lightsaber..... sigh, wish them badboys could be made.
Also, ever seen Congo? At the end? she uses a communications lazer to cut bunch of monkeys in half. I'd use something like that too. Something lazer.
I like that chainsaw idea, but that might take a little too long to kill each zombie.
Now what type of zombies are we talking about? the dawn of the dead type zombies that are just undead? or infected zombies like in 28 days or resident evil. Cause both zombies need different fighting strategies. The zombies that infect everyone they touch/kill needs totally different strategies to kill.
Definitely want a lazer type weapon for them things.
For swords, I'd have a extra long Katana (like the one in Vampire Hunter D) and a nice two handed b.astard sword. But if we're talking about those zombies that infect people, i'd wear all armor when using the sword. Any armor that is bite proof and probably wear a fencing helmet.
I honestly wouldn't use a gun, its too limited and useless once you run out of ammo. I prefer "ammoless" weapons.
Hmmmm..... Maybe I'd cover the swords in a sticky gasoline then light them on fire..... And each zombie i cut also gets on fire. YEEEEEEEEHH!
Better make sure them swords are SHARP though.... don't want that thing getting stuck half-way through.:eek:

Oh, don't know why some of you said knives and short weapons.... I wouldn't want to get that close. I'm just aiming to cut off the head and move on!

Man.... light saber though...... perfect for this situation. That should be the next Star Wars. "Resident Anakin"... nono! "28 days on Tatooine" or "Dawn of the dead Storm Troopers" Last one makes sense since they got like a billion of em. Call it something wrong in the cloning. Like after 5 years, they turn undead. Seriously, someone make that movie, I want to see lightsabers killing undead.

03-28-2004, 04:41 PM
Let me play! Let me play! :)

GE Minigun!!! Ain't no zombie gonna dodge that! :D And if things started to get boring, I'd make use of my brand-new shoulder mounted plasma-caster. Ha! Bang! you're all dead.

Of course, if things started to get dicey, I'd have to call upon some ninjas to flip out and kill tha whole thing dead... :D

03-28-2004, 04:42 PM
Indeed. Them mammal-type ninjas is fugged up in the head.

03-28-2004, 04:44 PM
go back and read my edit! :D

Chang Style Novice
03-28-2004, 06:44 PM
What if I was trapped in a world full of walking corpses lacking higher cognitive function?

What do you mean "what if"?

Mr Punch
03-28-2004, 09:23 PM
Lmao CSN! Reminds me of Bob Hope's gag in The Cat and the Canary... ;)

Anywa---y, back on to the serious topic...

Chainsaw's'll be to wieldy and tiring, tho whoever said they'd take too long to kill someone has obviously never used one. Aside from the unwieldiness a good chainsaw is the closest we've got to a lightsabre in that it will cut through most things from many angles...

Whoever said guns are useless because once you run out of ammo you're done for has already has his brain eaten! :D :p Think of the number of republicans you can take out BEFORE you run out of ammo. Did I say republicans, sorry, meant zombies (thanks Bob!)!

And Kristoffer, you've been watching too many old zombie movies man... The Good Zombie (TM), like the Good Grappler (TM) or the Good CMAer (TM), has a good all-round game. And they're just not slow.

Night of the Living Dead (68): some slow, some normal;
Dawn of the Dead: ditto;
Day of the Dead: getting faster...!
Return of the Living Dead: very fast, very tough, better reflexes than most people, stronger than most people, and of course, undefatiguable;
Evil Dead: evil, and fast;
After 28 Days: mostly fast as people with better reflexes, take a long time to redie even when on fire for example.

Now in my opinion, most Chinese swords have to much of a danger of sticking, as they're mostly a bit broad, plus some of them aren't so sharp, so it would have to be as many guns as I could carry, preferably Uzis and such so it doesn't restrict my ability to run like a man with a lot of zombies running after him; and of course a katana or two (depending on the weight of my guns but I'd probably sacrifice a gun for a katana), and wakizashi. A ******* sword's also just gonna tire you out, but of course, Blade's modified number would have to rock!

But the question I'm surprised nobody's asking is, which martial art...!? You don't wanna go to the ground with the undead, so BJJ's definitely out... what's your poison?!

BTW, the werewolves in Dog Soldiers were pretty hardcore too... think I'd give up the gun in favour of the lightest grenade launcher/rocket launcher I could find or something with explosive shells, a katana or two AND a chainsaw! But which MA!?

quiet man
03-29-2004, 02:42 AM
I was gonna say Royce would choke all the zombies, but...

But the question I'm surprised nobody's asking is, which martial art...!? You don't wanna go to the ground with the undead, so BJJ's definitely out... what's your poison?!

Ninjutsu! I could become invisible!... wait a minute... do zombies have a keen sense of smell?
Alright then, walk on water... I'm pretty sure the zombies can't swim...

... or maybe some Wudang Shan art... go Li Mu Bai on their @sses and jump on rooftops an' stuff...

03-29-2004, 05:47 AM
come on guys, everyone knows that zombies bite, so all you need is ur samurai kit. with a samurai armour suit u cant get bitten, and u can hack your way around. As much as i am Pro-Kung fu, Busindo is what u need for zombies, nice powerfull stomping kicks, keeping ur distance, perfect.

I still think trevorstalker's got the right idea with the mini gun.

03-29-2004, 06:31 AM
AK5 (http://www.soldf.com/ak5.html) with grenade add on
multi grenade launcher (http://www.soldf.com/mgl.html)
land mines (http://www.soldf.com/trpm10.html)
and put this (http://www.soldf.com/tksp127.html) and this (http://www.soldf.com/rbs77.html) on my big ass hummer.

+ of corz my Katana, my throwing knifes, molotovs and hand grenades

03-29-2004, 06:35 AM
..a flame thrower could come in handy

quiet man
03-29-2004, 10:42 AM
You know, this is just great. Before, we were fighting about whose style's better. Now we can fight about whose style's better AGAINST ZOMBIES...

BTW, nice one, CSN :D

03-29-2004, 12:06 PM
thanx manofkent!

i'd go like "hey you zombies mutha****as... minigun is in tha house!" piles and piles of minced un-dead flesh on the ground. of course, i'd be using the infinite ammo cheat code, so the fun would never stop... :D

but minigun is the coolest weapons ever...

i wish there were minigun forms in northern praying mantis... :D that would be awesome! :D


03-29-2004, 12:22 PM
Some thoughts...

The thing is if you look at the people who survive in zombie movies, they are generally ill-prepared in the beginning. So, one could argue that the best armament is the ability to keep your head straight.

If we're talking armament, how about a tank. Any tank, modern or as far back as WW2. The zombies don't have a chance. Just run them over, shoot them with the main gun, the machine guns, whatever.

As far as where to go, I think the people in the original Dawn of the Dead had it right, minus a few details. They should have concealed the helicopter and protected the entry-ways better. Truthfully in that scenario, once you clear out the space, your biggest concern is wandering groups of scavengers, not zombies. In the original Dawn of the Dead, they parked trucks in front of all the entrances, but didn't do anything to keep the trucks from being moved. They should have totally disabled them. The key is to make it not worth someone's trouble to mess with you. set up some boobie traps, etc...

Once the mall is cleared out, you should keep your shooting skills by picking off zombies outside from the safety of the rooftop, provided that there is a good supply of ammo...

As far as weaponry you can carry, if you find yourself in a position where you need more firepower than a shotgun or a handgun, you're already screwed. That's kind of the whole point of the scariness of a zombie apocalypse - they have such a huge advantage in numbers that openly fighting them is doomed from the beginning.

03-29-2004, 01:34 PM
Realisticly speaking humans would win against the zombies coz once we put in our millitary forces (think combined troops from every industrial country in the world) they are pretty screwed. But it's always fun to think about this.

03-29-2004, 08:49 PM
I would just want to go with a quiet weapon. Seems like most zombie movies, they use the loudest freaking weapons. Mine as well put up a flare and huge sign with "come and eat me" letters.
I hate to say the word ninja, but thats the style you'd have to go with. Maybe guerilla tactics would be better. just irrates me watching the zombie movies and the humans are being SO FREAKING loud and flashy. I just wanna yell "SHUTUP AND YOU'LL LIVE LONGER!"

I think zombies cant see for crap, but have good smell. Pretty sure anyway

03-29-2004, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by Kristoffer
Realisticly speaking humans would win against the zombies coz once we put in our millitary forces (think combined troops from every industrial country in the world) they are pretty screwed. But it's always fun to think about this.

If it sjust normal undead yeh... but if its from a virus like in 28 days, that's a different story. They'd do the isolation method realistically.

03-29-2004, 09:07 PM
I think I'd take Blade's sword, two uzi's, a nice sawed-off, a couple of hand grenades for those hard-to-reach places, and a couple of desert eagle's.

And some gatorade.

03-30-2004, 12:56 AM
Originally posted by inic

If it sjust normal undead yeh... but if its from a virus like in 28 days, that's a different story. They'd do the isolation method realistically.

True, true. The Z's in 28 Days scared the crap outta me. These type of Z's, u know if they ever been in another movie/game?

Vash - I wouldn't pick uzis coz they don't have enough firepower. You'd want something that would blow their heads of in one or two shots. Any automatic rifle would do this, but the uzi? I'm not sure it would. After thinkin about it I'd use any type of AR or AK5 etc, carry as many clips I can (if I used a standard combat vest (http://www.soldf.com/stridsvast2000.html) I could prolly carry about 20 mags, each with 30 bullets in them. If you hit a guy with these bullets it will not go through you it will turn in the flesh, ripping your whole upper body to pieces behind you. It's pretty accurate too so u don't have to worry about missing. Always fire two shots at the time there so no need to waste bullets in a automatic frenzy (coz most will miss that way). I'd carry that and a big ass shotgun. You know one of those where they fit extra slugs on the side of it.

That way you have both long range, firepower and close range. Aaaand still be able to run like ****.

03-30-2004, 08:07 AM
Vash - I wouldn't pick uzis coz they don't have enough firepower. You'd want something that would blow their heads of in one or two shots. Any automatic rifle would do this, but the uzi? I'm not sure it would. After thinkin about it I'd use any type of AR or AK5 etc, carry as many clips I can (if I used a standard combat vest I could prolly carry about 20 mags, each with 30 bullets in them. If you hit a guy with these bullets it will not go through you it will turn in the flesh, ripping your whole upper body to pieces behind you. It's pretty accurate too so u don't have to worry about missing. Always fire two shots at the time there so no need to waste bullets in a automatic frenzy (coz most will miss that way). I'd carry that and a big ass shotgun. You know one of those where they fit extra slugs on the side of it.

They make uzi's in 45 cal., which would be ample for taking down zombies due to low velocity, high impact (lots of kinetic energy is transferred due to the relatively large surface area of the bullet). It would knock them down with one shot whether it did them in or not.

Regarding AK or AR, you're talking 7.62 or .223 respectively. Low caliber, high velocity ammo. It does go right through tissue, the enormous damage comes from the vacuum created when a high velocity round goes through flesh, it basically sucks out a huge wound channel as it goes. And 20 30 round mags of 7.62 is 600 rounds, that's a considerable amount of weight and space you're talking about.

Finally, nothing is guaranteed to take off a head in one or two shots, nor is it necessary to behead a zombie according to the common conventions. It is merely necessary to cause sufficient head trauma to cease brain function, and most any bullet seems to do this.

In the case of the 28 days later type, as they are not true zombies (read: animated dead tissue), they are more dangerous due to the viral thing, but less dangerous because any sufficient amount of tissue damage will kill them.

Just some thoughts...

Repulsive Monkey
03-30-2004, 08:23 AM
Um you do realise that the pic you showed of Anorld was NOT a mini-gun (whatever that is) but of a Medi-gun don't you???!!!!

What's a minigun?

03-30-2004, 01:05 PM
"Regarding AK or AR, you're talking 7.62 or .223 respectively. Low caliber, high velocity ammo. It does go right through tissue, the enormous damage comes from the vacuum created when a high velocity round goes through flesh, it basically sucks out a huge wound channel as it goes. And 20 30 round mags of 7.62 is 600 rounds, that's a considerable amount of weight and space you're talking about."

Yeah it leaves a helluva hole that's for sure. Now that I think of it, since zombies are dead and thus fragile as Michael Jackson.. any bullet would probebly do to rip their heads of. And 20 mags isn't really that heavy. It's about as much as the combat vest weight with standard equipment (minus the 25-30 kg back pack). + if there's a world of dead ppl walkin around I wouldn't mind carrying that stuff. You run out of mags pretty fast anyway.

maaaaaaaaan I think I take this **** to seriously :D

03-30-2004, 01:12 PM
Dawn of the dead (http://www.apple.com/trailers/universal/dawnofthedead/dawn_apple_large2.html)
Shaun of the dead (http://www.workingtitlefilms.com/film73/73image5_1_movie.swf)

03-30-2004, 03:24 PM
Repulsive Monkey,

Dude, I don't know what a "medi-gun" is, but Arnold IS definetely holding a replica of a GE M134 Minigun (actually, I think it's the very one Jessie Ventura displays on "Predator").

The GE M134 is a 7.62mm gatling gun used by the US in either the indo-china conflict or Vietnam as an anti-personnel weapon (not used by troops, but actual mounted on choppers). It's rate of fire is about 4000RPM. It's actually a small caliber weapon, since most gatlings are anti-aircraft (perhaps you're confusing with other gatlings like the 20mm Vulcan or the 30mm GAU-8/A Avenger which are aircraft guns).

There's even a smaller caliber minigun a 5.56mm "Microgun", but I don't think it was largely used or anything.

03-31-2004, 06:57 AM
maaaaaaaaan I think I take this **** to seriously

Hey, you can't be too prepared for a zombie apocalypse.


Re: the minigun. It's clearly a ridiculous weapon for an individual to carry. It works in Predator because it fits with the sort of comic book vibe of the movie, but it's been tested vs. zombies in Resident Evil: Nemesis, and it's unwieldy for most zombie situations...


Mr Punch
04-16-2004, 12:07 AM
Jeez, wouldn't want you guys backing me up in the zombie holocaust... you're none of you serious enough about this! It's supposed to be MA styles against zombies! None of ya ninjutsu BS... 'sides even ninja smell (like mammals), so the zombies'd find them.

I'm quite happy with my WC and aiki. Aiki for quickly shoving the undead away from you and making sure they don't grab you, plus the occasional rotting neck break and head control, and wing chun for striking with speed, breaking grips quickly, and keeping calm under centreline (biting) pressure. I'd have to use predominantly palms of course to prevent the risk of infection form lacerated knuckles. My one concern is, I would like a longer range, my WC kicks are too short range... any advice? Is thai stronger/faster than TKD? Will it give me the chance to get those fancy kick-the-head-off moves?

Mr Punch
04-16-2004, 12:08 AM
BTW, it's a werll known fact that BJJ is useless against zombie hordes.


04-16-2004, 09:41 AM
I've got quite the arsenal at home...so I'd probaby use that up first. I have a Glock 19 [9mm], and Glock 29 [10mm], a wicked ass tactical Mossberg 12-gauge shotgun, an AK-47, and an M4 [AR-15]. So I'd probably use up all of the rounds before moving onto the nunchakus, samurai swords, broadswords, tonfas, kamas, escrima sticks, sai, and of course...baseball bats.

Then after all of that, I'd do as someone else here suggested, and smear myself with ketchup, and walk around moaning and stuff...:p

Mr Punch
04-19-2004, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by MatT3T4
Then after all of that, I'd do as someone else here suggested, and smear myself with ketchup, and walk around moaning and stuff...:p Wait a minute, you're American right? Wouldn't some average fat-ass just try to eat you...? :D

04-20-2004, 07:59 AM