View Full Version : Testosterone Levels and Hair Growth/Loss

03-30-2004, 04:13 AM

I was flicking through my sisters book "Why men don't listen and Women can't Read Maps" By the Pease couple, and read that testosterone is associated with beard and body hair growth rate and also baldness.....(?)
Now, does this mean that higher levels of testosterone cause larger and faster growning hair on the body but also causes baldness?
Or did I read it wrong?
What are your understandings of the effects of testosterone on the body and mind?


04-02-2004, 04:44 PM
i guess nobody as any thoughts or theories on the matter....?:(

04-02-2004, 05:13 PM
i asked about this awhile ago too. I'm a very hairy ba.stard and I have no idea why. I'm wondering if testosterone levels have something to do with it.

04-02-2004, 10:53 PM
Does this help?



04-03-2004, 12:45 AM
Originally posted by inic
i asked about this awhile ago too. I'm a very hairy ba.stard and I have no idea why. I'm wondering if testosterone levels have something to do with it.


Ford Prefect
04-03-2004, 07:53 AM
Hair growth on the body can be related to testosterone, but it is also caused by genetic factors. Same with going bald. Just because somebody is hairy and bald doesn't mean that they have high testosterone. However, increases in testosterone will lead to male pattern baldness. That's one of the side-effects of roids.