View Full Version : Fight effective?

king chun
03-31-2004, 03:07 AM
Hey all, I have been researching Bruce for a while, and realised that the 'one inch punch' is actually WC, and i have seen it done by some sifu or the other on tv. I was wondering......... whats the theory behind that, and how realistic is it to expect to land one in a real fight situation?

03-31-2004, 03:34 AM
The "one inch punch" is simply one expression of WCK "short" power. Short power can be used for palm strikes, elbow strikes, etc. It is very realistic to expect to use it in a real fight. One old WCK adage is...."if I can touch you I can hit you!" At the stage where you have bridged and actually laid hands on the opponent short power is key because you don't want to lose contact by drawing your hand back to strike.


Keng Geng
03-31-2004, 10:52 AM
Bruce Lee didn't know how to do a 1 inch punch. And what you might be seeing him do is not it.

03-31-2004, 12:40 PM
Bruce Lee didn't know how to do a 1 inch punch

my god !

and of course you know this from first hand experience
man i love these types of answers

bruce would push people for the sake of the wow factor but if you do a little research you will see he says the punch is not ment to push your enemy away but to shock and drop them were they stand

any good wing chun man will have this to some degree if they can use it against a aggressive opponent in a real confrontation well thats up in the air since most seem to prefer the hail mary chain punch answer to everything

filipino and some jkd cats have good short shock and drop power
as well not just wing chun
it's not such a big deal or some closed door secret power
as some would like to believe

body mechanics , min to max contraction , focus and intent
don't get fooled by all the fairy tales and chinese proverb crap

but like i said no big deal what good is a short range weapon in a long range fight so the ability to get there is just as important
nothing to get enamered about
one more tool in the tool chest is all

03-31-2004, 01:07 PM
The theory behind it is to use targetted muscle relaxation combined with vigorous muscle contraction to accelerate the fist to high speed over a short distance and back it up with some whole body weight movement and structure.

This however describes any good punch. :-)

Keng Geng
03-31-2004, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Ernie
and of course you know this from first hand experience
Do you have first hand experience that he can? Research? Apparently there's research proving that Lady Wing Chun didn't exist.

Anyway, it's good to hear that BL knew what the inch punch was supposed to do...

03-31-2004, 03:03 PM
Do you have first hand experience that he can? Research? Apparently there's research proving that Lady Wing Chun didn't exist.

ha ha well yes and no i read up on the man
i have had dan inasanto hit me with the punch the way bruce showed him
i have had , gary,hawkins,peterson,and even paul vunak all hit me and i have felt it first hand

i can now do it and have had the same effects

so have i had first hand experience in some ways yes

were is your experience to support your pont that bruce didn't know how to use it

no attacking just wondering why anyone would make such a difinitive statement with no proof

as for the history of wing chun i find the whole thing silly
has nothing to do with today
more brainwash sales pitch stuff

Keng Geng
03-31-2004, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by Ernie
no attacking just wondering why anyone would make such a difinitive statement with no proofhow can you be so definite that I don't have any? I'm sorry I'm not a name dropper, but if you'd like me to be, for an instance I can.

03-31-2004, 03:15 PM
name drop away as long as the facts are true and not just oppinion

it can only support your statement

i got no problem laying my cards on the table , so i welcome you to do the same

as for being difinitive of who and what you know and are capable of doing

i would never make such a silly statement i haven't any first hand experience with you or people you train with that i know of
so i wouldn't make anysense that's why i asked

don't see what the big deal is

Keng Geng
03-31-2004, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by Ernie
name drop away as long as the facts are true and not just oppinion. it can only support your statement I don't see that they support your statements, therefore I wouldn't use them to support mine.

This is a forum where all you have are words to read. Suggesting that you have felt Inosanto's inch punch the way Lee supposedly taught it, has no bearing on whether it was the inch punch at all. And who is the judge as to what the inch punch is? Because 4 names did it alike makes it correct, right?

i haven't any first hand experience with you or people you train with that i know ofThat's most certainly correct.

03-31-2004, 03:37 PM
I don't see that they support your statements, therefore I wouldn't use them to support mine.

it's what i figured :D

This is a forum where all you have are words to read. Suggesting that you have felt Inosanto's inch punch the way Lee supposedly taught it, has no bearing on whether it was the inch punch at all. And who is the judge as to what the inch punch is? Because 4 names did it alike makes it correct, right

go to my web site look at the picture and you will see i have at least posed for a picture with these guys ha ha ha

dude i don't hide

like me love me or hate me doesn't effect me either way
no fake names or imaginary moves or mysterious all knowing teachers

i just keep it real

i don't get caught up in all the brainwash stuff

but to each there own

have fun walking the earth with your secret supreme knowledge

anything to keep you from going postal

Keng Geng
03-31-2004, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by Ernie
go to my web site look at the picture and you will see i have at least posed for a picture with these guysI know, I've already seen them. LIke I said they have no bearing as to whether their inch punch is an inch punch.

i just keep it realWhatever that is.... Anything to keep you from going postal, right?

03-31-2004, 03:52 PM
Whatever that is.... Anything to keep you from going postal, right?

now you got it:)

03-31-2004, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by KingMonkey
The theory behind it is to use targetted muscle relaxation combined with vigorous muscle contraction to accelerate the fist to high speed over a short distance and back it up with some whole body weight movement and structure.

This however describes any good punch. :-)

the way you describe it here it sounds like a battering ram. I think over time one would develop more precision to be able to deliver their "force" into the body(the opponents). not through the body.

03-31-2004, 04:44 PM
Two points.......

A battering ram to the head would hurt.

I think you're inferring too much.

03-31-2004, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by KingMonkey
Two points.......

A battering ram to the head would hurt.

I think you're inferring too much.

well yea, a battering ram would hurt, but i just meant a battering ram seemed like low level skill.

The way you described it, it seems like too much effort. inefficent. I guess it's just my personal opionion that it can be done with less effort while being substantial.

I'd like to apologize in advance if i come across rudely.

Keng Geng
03-31-2004, 05:18 PM
Joy, you know how to do the one inch punch? Your thoughts?

03-31-2004, 05:37 PM
hi guys i with earnie on this wong shun leurng said that bruce lees hand technicques, were his stong point and he trained very hard to get what he had when you look at his forearms you know how hard it he hit, also remember first and
foremost bruce lee was a showman just becuase it looked different, to what is taught normaly does not mean it does not work also he might have been hideing the real stuff so to speack after all it was bruce, peace russellsherry

03-31-2004, 06:34 PM
Joy, you know how to do the one inch punch? Your thoughts?
I inch, zeo inch makes no difference.

The one inch punch has become a show thing.People dont know a good one inch punch unless they feel it and provided its done without local muscle work. And doing it with full power at the right places is dangerous business.

For demo purposes- for a audience that wants to "see" things
folks including Bruce Lee "pushed" rather than really punch- watch his feet and back heel. Good entertainment and good advertisement with people flying back.Better than karate.

He didnt know wc jong work- where you can see short power at work with po pai for instance and you can tell the difference between tense and relaxed power.

With true short power- wherever you can touch-not just with the fist- you can explode.

I dont want to dwell on me without being falsely modest- but I have brothers and sisters who have short power at 1 inch or less.

I know that Demille and others have worked on the BL punch.
Impressive as feats of musculature.Arnie probably hasa good pushing punch.

Without good wing chun body structure AND dynamics and lots of wing chun developmetal work there is not
a good wing chun short punch.

There are different kinds of "power" in empty hand work or weaponry- depending on the material and the sequencing.Pushing, jarring, exploding, imploding and the vectors and dynamics and balances involved.

I have seen the videos of BL's SLT, chi sao, bag punching and kicking.Though he probably didnt always show what he possibly knew- his forte was conditioning, speed and muscling combined
with personal fierceness -more "external" power..

There are boxers without any wing chun background who can hurt you at very short distances but it would be a boxing punch with shoulders involved and it would hurt and in the jaw or plexus it can even be a knockout- but it wouldnt neceassrily have the penetrating power of a true wing chun punch witha ground conncetion and bottom heavy connections IMO.


03-31-2004, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by yuanfen
...plexus it can even be a knockout- but it wouldnt neceassrily have the penetrating power of a true wing chun punch witha ground conncetion and bottom heavy connections... For the past 20 years or so I have had a standing bet for anyone who thinks they can hurt me with a 1-inch punch to the solar plexus. I haven't lost any money yet, but I have made a few bucks.

04-01-2004, 07:10 AM
Sorry knifefighter. You missed some points in the thread.

A good one inch punch is not an everyday thing.

Some folks wouldnt waste time with your bet and would not care to prove anything to you.

Good luck with your skepticism re wing chun.

Keng Geng
04-01-2004, 08:22 AM
Not a lot of people know how to do the 1 inch punch. So I'm sure you're making a lot of money there, Knifefighter. But not a lot a sifus know how to execute most of the Wing Chun concepts - except many long time Tai Chi sifus. haha

I believe there are more Tai Chi sifus who know more Wing Chun without having learned it, than those WC'ers who have.

04-01-2004, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by yuanfen
A good one inch punch is not an everyday thing.
Some folks wouldnt waste time with your bet and would not care to prove anything to you.Ah, the old "very few people can actually do it and those that can have nothing to prove" argument... And I suppose you just happen to be one of those few people who can. But of course, you have nothing to prove, right?

04-01-2004, 01:35 PM
Knifefighter- sez-

But of course, you have nothing to prove, right?
Not really- including to yourself- until it needs to be proven

04-01-2004, 02:35 PM

Out of curiousity, what was the agreed upon definition used for "hurt" in those past attempts at an inch punch to the solar plexus? What did they say your response was supposed to be?

king chun
04-02-2004, 01:24 AM
Wow, I didnt expect such a big response, keep em comin.

Seing as you guys are all so helpful with your endless combined knowledge of the universe an all, i have another question;

How different do you find the video WC forms to the ones your sifu shows you? I havent been to training for a while due to injury (skateboarding), and was considering buying a forms video so i can learn all my forms before i go back.......

Cheers!, your a great help!

04-02-2004, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by Watchman

Out of curiousity, what was the agreed upon definition used for "hurt" in those past attempts at an inch punch to the solar plexus? What did they say your response was supposed to be? Depends. Obviously, you have to agree on that. I've done anything from just standing there, to doing a windsprint back and forth right afterwards, to trading back and forth with a boxing hook to the shoulder until one person has to stop.

04-02-2004, 06:05 PM
God.....this thread reminds me of all that is bad about Wing Chun....:rolleyes:

04-02-2004, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by KenWingJitsu
God.....this thread reminds me of all that is bad about Wing Chun....:rolleyes: Which part? The part about the invisible techniques? Or the part about how easy it is to kill someone with the deadly WC punches? Or the part about how only a select few can pull off the devastating one inch punch? Or the part about never having to "prove" that your techniques work until a real life-or-death situation requires you to?

04-02-2004, 06:53 PM
BTW, if you really can show high power development with a one-inch punch and can use and demonstrate it in a dynamic situation and think you can teach others how to do it, I'd love for you to show me. I am a strength and conditioning traininer with contacts in professional sports. There would be a variety of demand for this kind of thing from a variety of professional athletes. I could hook you up with some very lucrative contracts to teach this to some pro athletes.

04-02-2004, 07:00 PM
can i pick my target

if there willing to just stand there i got a great 1 inch knee shot to the nuts

and a great 1 inch thumb shot to the eye that works wonders

but remember they must stand perfectly still

and in now way hit back

break out those contracts daddy needs a new pair of adidas :D

Phil Redmond
04-02-2004, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by yuanfen
.......There are boxers without any wing chun background who can hurt you at very short distances but it would be a boxing punch with shoulders involved and it would hurt and in the jaw or plexus it can even be a knockout- but it wouldnt neceassrily have the penetrating power of a true wing chun punch with a ground conncetion and bottom heavy connections IMO.

That fact that a boxer "can hurt you at very short distances" is a good thing. A good short distance hit is just that. The result is what should matter not the name WC.

04-03-2004, 05:20 PM
LOL, this is the one I prefer. I can be a kung fu killer and never have to get off the couch.


Abstract preference and different kinds of testing of wing chun
development are two quite different things.

And bragging on a net list about one's achievements are a third quite different thing.

S0- you are welcome to LOL.


04-03-2004, 06:00 PM
is it bragging if i can back it up :)

or just being honest;)

04-03-2004, 08:11 PM
I believe that the one inch/no inch punch is a tool to teach the student to deliver force from a short distance and from any position.

During demo it is possible to release quite a large amount of force. Personally i am under no illusions that my 1 inch would really stop anybody, but it may give enough pain for me to reload and fire again and again.

Wing Chun teaches us to attack until the fight is won or we can escape. Common sense should also advise you of that.

Whether ernie or joy or bruce can drop somebody with a short punch is almost meaningless to others. Students should train for short and long forces but not expect any one technique to be a fight winner but mearly actions along a path to survival and victory.

There is alot of bs about short punches. Just train to be the best you can and don't put all your egs in one basket. Expect to follow a one incher with a lot of 10 incher's.


04-03-2004, 09:10 PM
Ernie- no problem. Your honesty is aok.

But honest talk has its variety of styles.

Different mixes of talk and silence.
