View Full Version : kung fu and career

04-03-2004, 11:03 AM
Hi everyone, I'm new here. Are there a lot of accomplished kung fu practitioners who also have intense careers not related to martial arts? What I mean is people who are doctors, lawyers, professors etc. but still find the time for martial arts. In these modern times, it seems so hard to find a lot of time to practice unless your career is somehow related to martial arts.

04-03-2004, 12:07 PM
I'm a web developer and train about 15 hours a week, sometimes more.

04-03-2004, 12:23 PM
im a personnel advisor in local government 37 hours of the week. im going to re-apply for the police as soon as the eyesight standards change in october (failed on the eyesight tests last year).

i study about 10 - 16 hours a week for a part time degree (can't afford uni at the mo)

i train about 8 - 10 hours a week. probably be more in the summer as i hope to start running in the mornings.
VAAAPP VAPORIZER (http://essentialvaaappvaporizer.com)

04-03-2004, 04:02 PM
Web site admin, used to train 20+ hours a week until we had a baby. Right now I'm lucky to get 10 hours/week.

04-03-2004, 04:52 PM
Facilities Manager

Teach part time 6-8 hours a week.

personal training time 2-8 hours a week.

eventual goal to quit the real world by the time I'm 40 and teach full time. (3 years to go)

04-03-2004, 09:54 PM
Not true.

Full time veterinarian in Orange County.

I practice 1-2 hours per day. On the weekends, I practice 4-6 hours.

Qi Gong and Tai Ji in the morning.

Long Boxing or hard arts at nite.

I also take time to compile my notes into books.

Most of my teachers passed away in 1990's. I still keep a training schedule and Zazen every day like a monk.

04-04-2004, 03:44 AM
whats a Zazen?
Bdsm movies (http://www.****tube.com/categories/8/bdsm/videos/1)

04-04-2004, 07:00 AM
Sorry! I mean sit for meditation.

Over the years I studied with Wushu teachers of oringinal teachings. I was taught the very basic moves and principles of each school of Wushu. Shaolin, Wu Dang and all.

The only difference is that I was asked to think and say what I think. My Shaolin Chan teacher only listened. I have to think and say for the same subject for 6 months. Why? So that I have a full understanding of the move and principle.

Granted to practice the move the right way all the time is to aquire skills. I was asked to spend more time to "study" it.

What is Tai Ji Quan? I answered gentleness, small force, yield, manuever, push and pull, sudden circular strike--- 6 months later. I answered that it is a ball. So the Zen of Tai Ji is a ball.

Why? Your hands always ended up moving outward (peng). Your hands may move up or down, laterally (to the left or right), forward or backward. But there is always a direction of Jin outward. It is difficult to explain. If you think of a ball, it maybe easier to understand. You have defense and offense at the same time. It would take months to explain, which I did in Chan sessions to say why and how I think. Luckily, I had to write down the notes for my thinking processes. I started to disclose some of my notes in my books. I called them the Zen books of Wushu.

What I was doing? I was meditating. This is the only way to "study".

Study of fightings (Wu Xie) is the highest learning in old China. You have to study everything about fighting and how to win. That means science, physics, history, geograhy, kinetics, medicine, anatomy, physiology, phsycology, technology, tactics and stretagy, ideaology, religions on an on. Everything about how, why, where, when, and what we fight.

Of course, you may acquire skills to fight without knowing how it works. But you maybe defeated easily, again without knowing why and how.

Zazen is used to meditate and study questions in life in Shaolin Chan Buddhism. Fighting is also a question in life.

04-04-2004, 08:17 AM
It's not always about how many hours you train. It's about the quality of that time that matters.

David Jamieson
04-04-2004, 08:26 AM
st00 has taken the correct, folded, spindled and mutilated it and sent it via air mail to poughkeepsie!

04-05-2004, 10:22 AM
..and my training has never been as bad as it is now. :( Well, maybe it was worse when my kid was born, but that was right about when I took this job...

04-05-2004, 11:16 AM

I am a professional Land Surveyor and corporate officer for a large Corporation.. a consultant/expert witness for a state agency.. own my own Martial Arts school.. actually teach +/-10 hours per week and train personally about the same amount of time.. once a month i (my school, "Extreme Harmony Martial Arts Academy") host a Taiji Club meeting.. and, if negotiations work-out, i may begin to move away from corporate life to a more full time teaching position.. i'm working on a book, too.. but, every time i think it's nearing completion, i read something so closely worded that i have to revise mine..

Life is a great adventure.. be well..

04-05-2004, 04:28 PM
priorities is what it comes down to. It's not that there is very little time anymore for people to do the martil arts, is that every martial artist has a choice every morning when he wakes up. He can spend a few hours each day working out, or he can choose to do other things.
Over the last few years I've got pretty serious about my training, and that meant cutting a lot of things out and re adjusting the way I looked at my life. Instead of going home and watching TV, I go home and train. Instead of staying up late and going to clubs with my freinds all the time, I workout, and go to bed early so I can get up in the morning and workout again. I still find time for my wife, and she understands that there are times when I need some time to train. I take time off too. No long periods but form time to time I may skip a workout, or take a day off to relax and do other things.
and of course as ST00 points out, it's what you do with the time you have. I used to have this fat freind who always compained about being fat cause he used to workout everyday. Well (along with eating all the crap he did) he would get to the gym, and sort of workout for a few minutes, then jibber jabber for 15 minutes, lift some more weights, wander over to the water fountain, watch a little tv, then lift some more weights. He never got anywhere with it.

04-05-2004, 05:02 PM
40+ hrs of work, 3-4 hours of semi-privates, 4 hours of gym time, and whatever I can fit in of regular class. Everythng depends upon family though.

04-05-2004, 05:19 PM
Red5 is correct. When I was able to train, I was doing 17hrs of school a week, 23hours at a video store, babysitting my brothers for our mother, and spent some time with my girlfriend, too.
I usually logged 15-25 hours a week training.

It's all about priorities. Just give up the little things, like tv, late nights, the trvial time wasters. That's time that adds up quick.

'course, I don't have a wife or a child to worry about, so that's not something I can prioritize.

Train when you can.

blooming lotus
04-05-2004, 06:07 PM
I have a child to worry about, I am always studying full-time like as much as possible and train the same. If I'm working aswell I might only get in 4-6 hrs a day...maybe up to 8???....but if I don't need to work i like to clock up up to 12......that's crazy by any standard but ...I have no life outside my daughter, my research and my art...so don't take it too hard;) :D :cool:

04-05-2004, 06:44 PM
I am lucky if I can fit in 30 minutes a day, but as Red5 said it is a matter of priority. My training is important to me, but there are other parts of my life that are more important

04-05-2004, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by joedoe
I am lucky if I can fit in 30 minutes a day, but as Red5 said it is a matter of priority. My training is important to me, but there are other parts of my life that are more important
Such as pies. ;) :p

04-05-2004, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by Serpent

Such as pies. ;) :p

Yes indeed, pies are very important. I am so obsessed with pies I keep dropping them.

04-05-2004, 08:47 PM
And once again the Goktimus thread LIVES!


04-05-2004, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by Serpent
And once again the Goktimus thread LIVES!


It never truly died :D

04-05-2004, 11:12 PM
i thought it said kung fu and cancer and i was like yeah this is the thread for me.

but it didn't.

so uhh, ill just go back to drinking.