View Full Version : ATTN: Unmatchable--trojan virus in your profile

04-03-2004, 05:27 PM
hey man, the homepage you have on your profile sends a freaking trojan out.

Chang Style Novice
04-03-2004, 06:05 PM
That's gotta be a new low for trollery.

04-03-2004, 07:20 PM
sorry. I have no homepage I don't know how it got there but I have alot of trojans/spyware and possibly viruses on my comps from various porn sites I can't get rid of that sometimes does weird **** with my comp. These files have names like:

I tried to use cleaner and adware but it won't get rid of them. When I go to msconfig and try to uncheck them from the startup menu they still appear, and when I search them up and delete them they reappear.

04-03-2004, 07:31 PM
just remove the link on your profile so you don't pass it on.

luckily I keep mcafee on all the time.

04-03-2004, 07:57 PM
if you got street smarts you dont need an anti-virus
me and bro dont use none and we get no virus
its cos we old school from the streets we know the old school old way of avoiding viruses without this fancy new "anti-virus" stuff

David Jamieson
04-03-2004, 09:19 PM
xebby, I am down with that! :D

I thought I was the only one.

It is good to know there are others who know the ways of virus avoidance the oldschool way.

04-03-2004, 10:21 PM
fools, with golden bell and iron shirt, you are protected from everything ................except bullets.

04-04-2004, 12:45 AM
..and spears

04-04-2004, 05:31 PM
What's the old school way? You mean deleting them manually in DOS?

04-04-2004, 05:36 PM
i think xebby was talking his usual crap and KL was just singing backup

all I know is I now suddenly have **** ing adware all over my machine...not **** in' happy.

04-04-2004, 06:18 PM
I wonder who went to Unmatchable's profile after they read this to see for themselves?

Royal Dragon
04-04-2004, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by IronFist
I wonder who went to Unmatchable's profile after they read this to see for themselves?

:D :eek: :confused:

04-04-2004, 08:57 PM
"Look, i know the super natural is something that isnt supposed to happen but it does happen"

Oso, i dunno why you disrespect me, thats not very good a thing to do... :mad:

Thanx for the support K-dude :D
What me and KL do is we basicly avoid potential virus files by simply checking out the file extension. Thats the first and most important step along with other minor ones, wich also include NOT using that microsoft email program wich name i will refuse to pronouce ( - since its been i think more than once dudes found holes on it that made it download some virus from attached files automaticaly some time ago i think they did, cant remember if it was once or twice though).

04-04-2004, 09:40 PM
^ You mean Outlook? Outlook is like a virus distributing program that also has email capabilities.

04-04-2004, 10:00 PM
lol exactly man :D

04-05-2004, 02:53 AM
xeb, you are simply talking about email viruses.

I clicked on the link unmatchable had as his homepage and was immediately attacked by a trojan virus. different.

04-05-2004, 09:05 AM
If you have a current virus cd, boot your computer with the cd in and choose "boot from cd" when the choice comes up. Usually this will clean up some problems. If that doesn't work, google seach those file names + "remove virus" or something like that to find instructions on how to remove said viruses.
Oh, and be careful with, you know. You could go blind.:D

04-10-2004, 03:48 AM
Easiest way to get viruses is from crack/serial sites. Those things are LOADED with spyware and all sorts of crap that installs on your computer without u doing anything. Downloading all the latest windows patches helps some, but you have to keep updating...

Not using internet explorer and outlook helps greatly. Try Mozilla and Tunnderbird as alternatives.

Anti-virus and firewall installed helps if u maintain an updated and well configured setup. Tiny Personal Firewall is very good, but you have to know what u're doing. And if u're going to turn it off every time a pic doesn't load on your favourite porn site, than forget it...

One very good alternative for windows is to have a separate user account which has the least amount of access rights. i.e. don't log in as admin. This user will only have write access to files in his own folder, so if u go surfing the net and download whatever virus, it can't alter any system files or registry settings since it will have the same access rights as u (sh!t all). Disadvantage of this is that u can't install any apps and a lot of pre winXP apps will not work. But u can use this account for all your porn/warez needs.

This is the same approach linux uses and is said to be virus free. Only that in windows most users run as admin for convenience reasons (plus default install).

Edit: and forget what Indestructible said about going blind. if i still have perfect 20/20 then u know that's complete bull :-)