View Full Version : Why Huladance and Bellydance are a must for WCK MMA.

04-07-2004, 02:12 PM
Why Huladance and Bellydance are a must for WCK MMA.

1, they teaches one to be alive.
2, they teaches one to have great body
3, they teaches one to be grace
4, they teaches one to use the full body
5, (for gangfighter) they teaches one to have qi in Dan tien while moving

04-07-2004, 02:16 PM
just call me swivel hips

being able to dance in general helps

so does getting up off the couch but that is asking way to much:)

04-07-2004, 02:17 PM

The Belly Wann Yon Yiu ( return you sou waist :D as the back bend in BJ or Jim's KU LAU) is super!

Learn that before you do your BJ or BJJ or BJJJ :D A MUST!

old jong
04-07-2004, 02:17 PM
What are the advantages of Huladance over skipping rope?...Both are similar little girls pastimes. (in my young times anyway!);)
Belly dancing is definitively for grown-ups ( I think!);)

04-07-2004, 02:19 PM
in belly dancing do you mean when they paint a smiley face on there bellys and do a little vegas number;)

04-07-2004, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by old jong
What are the advantages of Huladance over skipping rope?...Both are similar little girls pastimes. (in my young times anyway!);)
Belly dancing is definitively for grown-ups ( I think!);)

See you do Huladance in sparing with the grapper, so those grappers are similar to the ROPE you jump over them. :D

as for the Belly Dance, you do it while CHIIII SAUUU so that other will not find your COG or you can use your hip to pin or pound him out.
Same after take down, he wrap you with his legs and you just pound him out of concious with the hip. in the sametime slap the heck out of him. :D


Hey, this is WCK is the best MMA invented by the Chooooosen ONE! :D

04-07-2004, 02:24 PM
he wrap you with his legs and you just pound him with the hip. in the sametime slap the heck out of him

o.k. now your just getting gay eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek

04-07-2004, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by Ernie
he wrap you with his legs and you just pound him with the hip. in the sametime slap the heck out of him

o.k. now your just getting gay eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek

You must be having a programmed thought! programmed BY Too much TV!

Ernie, you need to think pure as in Saseme STREET! :D

Just do it side way! DUDE!

04-07-2004, 02:32 PM
You must be having a programmed thought!

Ernie, you need to think pure as in Saseme STREET

nah dude i just got street sense and i know when to tap out and the '' ef '' out of there :)

screw that prison initiation

this kid has boundries!!!!!!!:D

04-07-2004, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Ernie
You must be having a programmed thought!

Ernie, you need to think pure as in Saseme STREET

nah dude i just got street sense and i know when to tap out and the '' ef '' out of there :)

screw that prison initiation

this kid has boundries!!!!!!!:D

In SLT/SNT there is a move which using the butt to pound the person hug you from the back.. hehehheheeh,

04-07-2004, 02:37 PM
i'm sure there are masters of this move in west la.

to each there own

he who lays a on line , may lose more then he bargined for

04-07-2004, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by Ernie
i'm sure there are masters of this move in west la.

to each there own

he who lays a on line , may lose more then he bargined for

I thought Leung Yee DAi is a male actor who play female. So whats new?

ARe you quiting WCK? :D

04-07-2004, 02:45 PM
now you got me thinking a bunch of monks living together in a temple no woman allowed , no tv ,

little kids being forced into all these strange flexable positions
only wrapped in robes heyyyyyy wait a minute

oh my god !

kung fu was made by freaks !!!!!!!!!!!

m. jackson would have just loved it there

time to re evaluate everything

04-07-2004, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by Ernie
now you got me thinking a bunch of monks living together in a temple no woman allowed , no tv ,

little kids being forced into all these strange flexable positions
only wrapped in robes heyyyyyy wait a minute

oh my god !

kung fu was made by freaks !!!!!!!!!!!

m. jackson would have just loved it there

time to re evaluate everything

Nah, there is no monks.

It is Yim Wing Chun her self.
Then the opera artists. very proper environment. Not a Sex and Violent environment.

You know, idea is a strange thing, thoughts are a strange things. people who do grapping, or ground fighting dont think about other stuffs but only technics, winning, counter... . The Hawaiian hugging is a custom and trust and open heart, nothing else. When one hug one's sister one doesnt think about strange stuffs.

If one watching too much TV or National enquiry magazines... and let those news run through the mind, then the mind will get one to think about strange things. One is not those thoughts which running though one's mind. but With all those data from TV...stuffs run through influence's one's mind, that's why we think differently. with watching all those double cross movies, it makes one think about others always have a plot....

Same with WCK, Bruce Lee, Grapper, MMA, all are ideas runing through one's mind long enough to influence one's thinking. Advertisement is about how to influence one's mind how to rect instictively without a choice. Zen is about observing the Subjective experience so that one is clear about what is going on in one's own mind and have a choice.

I dont think about Diaz but Paris this day, Gues what? Ton's of news about Paris but not Diaz.

How many minute passed before one lost oneself into the movie's drama after the good movie starts. Try next time to observe the subjective experience of oneself in the movie theather. See what is happening. is it you? or is it Tom cruse or Angelica there? or you have become the character of that movie....who are you at that time?

The samething, how is the training work? does one lost track about self? move by the coming sword or rush in grapper? or cute bellydancer's hip move????

who are we? how much we got influence? are we those thoughts running in our mind? do we have to always obey the thoughts running in our mind? what if those are others thoughts showing up in our mind but not our's? are we we think we are who we are or we are just projection of our environment feed into our mind and we take those thoughts as ours, and then we act according to it to compete the projection. We are too thin, too fat, has to be cool, has to own a posche,..has to join the club, has to ..... who are we? who are you before all these projection thoughts running in your mind? that is the same question as how you look like before your parents were born.

observe the subjective experience without getting carry away from the experience. There Zen monks see thier original face. Not about reasoning or thinking theory, only then, as Mas Oyama's said " all things willl reveal."

Those Shao Lin Zen monks' job is to observe the subjective experience not to be lead by the subjective experience sensation. Anti Qing is a Norm projection of some Chinese due to who lost thier power/money/family ... Will those monks in Shao Lin who Observe the subjective experience got influence by those group projection losing themself and inventing killing art which will kill others which has nothing todo with the incidents and keep those projections to decades and decades later? If so, they are not Zen monks but tons of movie watchers got influence by the movie of society...... That is not Zen. because they stuck in the duality of you and me; one's experience and the object making one feel so. and always lead by the object projection ( hot button pushed)

If Zen monk or any one today did martial art in that vengece way, that means Qing win the minute one lost oneself in that vengece experience. For those monks and people can never even understand thier subjective experience is control by the vengece of Qing (object). that means the Qing always take over those anti-Qing's mind. But then who is Qing? they are just human like us, some good and some evil influence by thier environment. Just like us. Programmed to do what they projected to do from someone's idea who is lost.

Some wild thoughts for you this weekend Ernie. hahahahaha.
There is no WCK in fighting. That is just fight. There is no fighting. There is just how one response or react with what one knows how to manual one's body via one's experience from doing sun punch, bellydance, hulla dance, grapping..... climing a clief... swiming... But if one tries to limit only to a certain things one should do , one is going to get into trouble. When one thirst one drink, not just limited to drink Coke. sure the Coke seller loves one to think that way. But that is being controlled.

04-07-2004, 07:05 PM
For those engulfed in its culture, hula is serious business - for some a lifestyle, even a religious experience.

I saw a documentary on hula recently - truly awesome stuff and some extremely skillful practitioners of the art. I commented to some friends of mine (who happen to be from Hawaii, and understand something of hula culture) that it looked to me as if the serious "dancers" were practicing a form of kung fu; my friends heartily agreed. In their use of posture, gravity, and the skillfulness of their movements, and their sheer intensity and focus, I can easily see a correlation to our own martial arts practice and development. The men doing their hula movements and chants were almost frightening.

One could do much worse in terms of examining and analyzing disciplined human movement.

- Kathy Jo