View Full Version : TCM arthritis treatmen and prevention

04-08-2004, 11:29 PM
any experiences to share? although i don't do much in the way of hand damaging training, i am a butcher and work in the cold. apparently the most commom ailment is arthritis of the hands.

blooming lotus
04-09-2004, 01:46 AM
There are a few ways to approach this

You could do some accupunture/accupressure for genereal treatment...or go for something dietary, like celery-seed

the celery seed isn't so much tcm but if you go see your local tcm doctor/practitioner, they should be able to treat you for not a great deal of $$. They'll probably give you some drinking herbs to take home...but ask for some pain relief points for at home diy treatment.

maybe look into some qigong or taiji for general wellness and mobilitly aswell

good luck with whatever you find ;)