View Full Version : Q for Sifu Ross or other knowledgeable New Yorkers

04-10-2004, 06:48 PM
I'm always an interested reader of David Ross's posts and I know he often mentions the fact that traditional training methodologies don't always support their desired outcomes.

In the 70's (I think), Fu Jow Sifu Wai Hong had quite a reputation for producing effective fighters. Probably the one most of us would be familiar with is Paul Vizzio, who I believe went on to fight in the PKA.

I was curious to know if anyone was/is familiar with the training strategies employed by Wai Hong. Did he run a very traditional type school? Was he a progressive thinker? How was he viewed from within the CMA community?

Apologies if this is common knowledge - it's pretty far away down here in Oz.

Thanks in advance.


David Jamieson
04-11-2004, 01:57 PM
Why don't you pose this question to someone who actually trained with wai hong?





or even


just hit their contact pages. Each of those guys has trained personally with Wai Hong and all are sifu.

04-11-2004, 04:15 PM
Thanks mate. Will do.

04-11-2004, 07:23 PM
Yo, Jimbob. When you find out the answer, come on back & let us know what they said. I'm interested in finding out too. Fu Jow Pai is some hardcore Kung Fu. Too bad more traditional schools don't fight full contact.

04-11-2004, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by Kung Lek
Why don't you pose this question to someone who actually trained with wai hong?



just hit their contact pages. Each of those guys has trained personally with Wai Hong and all are sifu.

Not sure you'll get a answer to that question from Tak Wah Eng. He and Wai Hong fell out some time ago ,but you can still try.


04-11-2004, 08:29 PM
The guy in the first address listed was apparently a Fu Jow Pai middleweight full-contact champ. I'm sure he could offer some good info.

David Jamieson
04-12-2004, 04:16 AM
Hey Jeff-

Although the teacher and student may have had a falling out, it doesn't mean that Tak Wah doesn't know how the training regimen went at the school.

He was there for some time after all.

But, you're right ion the sense he might not feel comfortable answering questions about it because of the politics, but he is still well known for his Kungfu skill and he did train with Wai Hong for a good deal of time.


04-12-2004, 05:30 AM
i know a guy that studied black tiger style. i dont think it was in nyc though. i know he lacked a lot of application for his moves. he studied somewhere in mass in the 80's early 90's i believe.