View Full Version : ma profiles

blooming lotus
04-10-2004, 09:49 PM
Here is my profile to date.....please feel free to post your own...some will have more and some will have less but bl haters consider it a challenge ;) :cool:

to date:

tkd ( 8yrs on and off)

aikido (3-4 yrs on and off)

wrestling (couple mths)

mma/fightclub/womens self defence academy ( few mths)

qigong (15 yrs ...soft/hard/healing)

taichi ( chen, yang, wu ....10 mth ish)

wing chun stick ( 9mths on/off)

dim mak ( yr ish)

ninjitsu ( few mths but still practice on/off)

little shaolin ( few months (?8-ish) but committed for long haul)

boxing ( 14 yrs on/off)

does tae bo count???:D (6mts)

falungong (few mths)

Ironbody ( yr-ish)

also have yrs competitive long distance running exp.
fitness and nutrtion certs
ex-aerobics instructor / general pt
yrs dancing exp.
body conditioning general
recruited with nz army


another jutsu
few more shaolin forms
fencing?? or other sword art (?dbl broad)
tan tui


04-10-2004, 11:57 PM
That's quite a lot of stuff. Are you still practicing all these forms (even in some extent)?

I've got a few years of Choy Lay Fut.
..and of course dancing. ;)

David Jamieson
04-11-2004, 03:13 AM
I'm just a guy. :)

After years of varying intensity in the levels of study, I've come to the conclusion that I don't know anything.


Mr Punch
04-11-2004, 05:35 AM
Kung Lek
I've come to the conclusion that I don't know anything.
You heard it here first kids!!! :D

There're gonna be a lotta people here with no arguments Kungy Baby! :p

David Jamieson
04-11-2004, 08:46 AM
yeah, but they are all just a bunch of girly flabby keyboard warriors who have not come to the realization that they themselves know less than nothing. :D

so argue away, it is meaningless to me. lol :p

04-11-2004, 09:21 AM
traditional 5 Animal Wushu / Shuai Chiao - about 4 years
been experimenting with Muay Thai, boxing, tkd, aikido but never really gotten serious in any of them. I might pick up Muay Thai for real some day coz I really like it. Also planning to join a BJJ school and possible concentrate on my stick/knife work in the future (along with my Wushu)

Had a two week Pakua seminar in Beijing too. Not my thing though

04-11-2004, 11:30 AM
IMA under a Tchoung ta Tchen lineage instructor on a regular basis for 11 years. ( 8 yrs old to 19)

Yang Taiji, O mei qigong, bagua and xingyi for 5 years( 14 to 19)

Dayan wild goose qigong 6 1/2 years

Damo gong

Chen zhou kui style new frame Taiji for 3 years

Muay Thai and Pankration on and off for 4 years

Falun gong 3 or 4 years ago, now doing Tibetan Yoga for couple years, both very good but the Tibetan Yoga is more for me I think, nothing against falun gong it's very powerful and accesible and I might take it up again in the future when I am done in other styles, but I can only do so much, and I can't do everything at once

04-11-2004, 12:20 PM
JJJ - 1 year

Northern Mantis - 2 years

Wing Chun - Only played with chi sau skills with other Wing Chun peeps. Good stuff

Mizong - Started in 95, still practicing today.

04-11-2004, 01:17 PM
-A little Taekwondo when I was a kid
-About 1 month of Aikido
-1 year at a Hung Ga/Choy Lay Fut school (never learned any Hung pillar forms though, just Lau Ga, CLF sets and a Northern Fist 2 man set)
-7 Years of Hung Sing CLF (my "major" style, I train at the school about 3 times a week for a few hours)
-6 years of Hun Yuan Chen Shi Taiji Chuan ( Chen Taiji mixed with some Xin Yi Liu He Chuan, Tong Bei Chuan and Ba Gua Zhang.)
(my "minor style" I go to class about 1-2 times a week)

04-11-2004, 02:30 PM
wow, mine's pretty boring in contrast to just about everyone else's...

Shorin Ryu Karate- 3 years (purple belt)

then, WAY TOO MANY years later-

My Jhong Law Horn- about 1/2 year.

04-11-2004, 02:43 PM
4 years tkd
3 years shaolin louhan
3 years yang taijiquan
some ying zhou pai, maphalando silat, boxing

and about 6 months of lion dancing, the head

SanSoo Student
04-11-2004, 02:46 PM
Muay Thai- 4 years
Boxing- 5 years
Hung Gar- 1 year
Sansoo- 6 years

04-12-2004, 12:05 AM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
Here is my profile to date.....please feel free to post your own...some will have more and some will have less but bl haters consider it a challenge ;) :cool:

For someone who's most extensive practice appears to be "on/off" and with a few months here and there of a bunch of other stuff, you really have nothing to boast about.

Before you start issuing challenges to us, I challenge you to make one ego free post. I don't think you can do it.

David Jamieson
04-12-2004, 04:21 AM

this is an internet bulletin board, by virtue of that alone, the only reason anyone is here at all is ego, yourself included.

LOL, if anything is obvious about martial arts discussion forums, it is that.

Nothing wrong with ego and I have no idea why everyone thinks they can get rid of it. That is just sillyness.

If we had no sense of self at all we wouldn't be able to walk.

:) ah the posturing on a monday morning is something to behold. see my chest puffed out! my arms akimbo.!! Ha!

norther practitioner
04-12-2004, 11:37 AM
Um, I have some time here, and a little of time over there...

About three years with my current Northern teacher.
I've been doing taiji with him as well for about a year now (lets just call it on and off for 2 years)

I studied a little bit in NY before I moved to Colorado. That was southern and northern shaolin, a little tibetan crane, some hung gar, some exposure to wing chun, and eagle claw.. lol.

04-12-2004, 01:19 PM
3 months high school wrestling. I'll pummel all of you.

David Jamieson
04-12-2004, 01:21 PM
Not on an S.A.T you won't with only 3 months of high school :D

04-12-2004, 01:29 PM
Don't make me get my ear muffs!

blooming lotus
04-12-2004, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by MasterKiller
3 months high school wrestling. I'll pummel all of you.

ok...now that's just scaring me :eek: :D :cool:

As for the question, who ever posted it, yes I always practice something and more ofetn than not practice several..ma is my life, and I have given up everything including my daughter to persue it....you serpent are a trolling moron, and in a total of about 4-5mths I have heard you say NOTHING of any substance, so grow the f*ck up and get a real art...trolling doesn't count.....

Ps...and straight up, I worked hard as a mofo for yrs ( to the point of your average dedicant insanity ) through so much sh*t and because of that I can kill you with my bare hands...egotistocal but true, so you want respect here you need to earn it with maturity, information or shared experience (sangha in mind..ie: our little ma community)...your approach su*ks !!!!!.......and you're how much older than me?????

I have to meditate on some more peace and detatchment, but you dude...you're just clueless.....


04-12-2004, 06:28 PM
17 years in Ngor Chor Kun.

About 9 months in european fencing.

David Jamieson
04-12-2004, 07:00 PM
40 trips around the sun.

numerous fights throughout childhood and well into my teens.

several street fights as a young man

formally trained in Isshinryu Karate for 4 years as a teenager

formally trained in Tae Kwon Do for 4 years as a teen merging into my 20's

formally trained in foil, epee and sabre 5 years overlapping with the tae kwon do.

formally trained in boxing (western, and i have a juvenile boxing record extended over 30 cards!) overlapping with Karate training.

high school wrestling team.

Hunter safety course / R.C.M.P firearms course / Practical firearms and small arms use

formally trained in sil lum kungfu for 7 years

for the last 3 years and currently mixing it up and exchanging with both formal and moderncombative partners from a variety of backgrounds.

Put it all together and who gives a leaping monkeys flung goodies!

I could get hit by a truck tomorrow and that's about the only thing I am certain of, ergo, I know about as much as I know and that's allI know which in the harsh light of day ain't much. so there! :D nyah


blooming lotus
04-12-2004, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by joedoe
17 years in Ngor Chor Kun.

About 9 months in european fencing.

that sounds good. whats the difference in european fencing vs ??...what other fencing is there???

and ahhhmm.... what's ngor chor kun?? :o :p :D

04-12-2004, 08:21 PM
Dunno, just wanted to clarify that it was European fencing :)

Ngor Chor Kun is the Hokkien name for Wu Chu Chuan or Five Ancestors Fist.

blooming lotus
04-12-2004, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by joedoe
Dunno, just wanted to clarify that it was European fencing :)



but does anyone really know of any other fencing???

04-12-2004, 09:34 PM
Well, I guess any swordplay could be classified as fencing so some CMA schools could do Chinese fencing. I am sure the filipino and indonesian schools could class a lot of what they do as fencing too.

04-12-2004, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by blooming lotus

you serpent are a trolling moron, and in a total of about 4-5mths I have heard you say NOTHING of any substance, so grow the f*ck up and get a real art...trolling doesn't count.....

While you just spout egotistical bullsh!t. I just enjoy your lunatic rantings, so I try to stir them up occasionally. And you bite all the time. Are you learning yet, Miss Genius I Could Kill You With My Bare Hands?

You gave up your daughter?!

04-12-2004, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by Serpent

While you just spout egotistical bullsh!t. I just enjoy your lunatic rantings, so I try to stir them up occasionally. And you bite all the time. Are you learning yet, Miss Genius I Could Kill You With My Bare Hands?

You gave up your daughter?!

Geez you are a sh!t stirrer Serp :D Care to link the thread that brought on this disagreement? :D

04-12-2004, 10:33 PM
Northern Shaolin, Shang Tung Eagle Claw since 96
Chin Na & Submission Fighting since 96
Yang Taiji possibly since as early as 97
Qigong same as taiji
Tantric Yoga since 98
Capoeira Angola since 2k
Sport Gymnastics few months as of 2k4

also a bit of Kickboxing & Sanshou

minor & informal training in Choy Lay Fut

04-12-2004, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by joedoe

Geez you are a sh!t stirrer Serp :D Care to link the thread that brought on this disagreement? :D

Heh. You know I can't help it. ;)

There's been a few threads, but this (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=29190) one should do for starters.

Then you could check out this (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=29478&perpage=15&pagenumber=1) one for variety.


04-12-2004, 10:47 PM
oh yeah, I'd also like to ask/utter what serpent asked/uttered:

" You gave up your daughter!?!"

feel free to answer ..or not...

04-12-2004, 10:51 PM
Joe - check your pm's man.

04-12-2004, 11:56 PM
Got it. Thanks :)

04-13-2004, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by joedoe
Got it. Thanks :)
You mean the pm or the whole "bl is a nutjob" thing? ;)

David Jamieson
04-13-2004, 05:10 AM
bl don't pay attention to these guys, their whole lives are empty and meaningless.

If it wasn't for their ability to play warped little tricks and troll people on the internet, they would have overdosed on their anti-depressants long ago. :D

keep in mind that this place will only burn you if you touch the flames.


Pork Chop
04-13-2004, 06:32 AM
2 years of hsing yi, competition taiji, modified version of sl martin's green dragon stuff, and some wishy washy mantis from age 16 to 18.

Year to a year and a half of mostly wah lum & seven star mantis, with some long fist, ging mo basic forms, eagle claw, and hung gar starting in late 98 (I was 21).

Few months of some basic, introductory shuai chiao (same time as mantis).

Few months of training with my san da buddy (summer 2001).

2 years of Jow Ga southern long fist starting a few months before my 25th birthday in 2002.

Been doing san shou/da and boxing for a little over a year now; think I'll stick with it for a while.

In the last year I've played with some Judo, some high school/collegiate style wrestling, and a bit of no-gi submission grappling.

Still remember all the forms I learned from my first sifu; still somewhat in touch with him too- so that's probably my foundation.

Would like to spend more time on some no-gi stuff and maybe try to compete MMA. My immediate future involves getting back in the ring to increase my san shou/da experience.

04-13-2004, 07:38 AM
karate = 3 1/2 years

then i quit and went to kung fu

shaolin = 1 year 7 months
wing chun '' ''
wushu '' ''
tai chi chwan '' ''
san dan '' ''

04-13-2004, 08:59 AM
5 years ATA as a kid (wasted youth)

2 Years real TKD mixed with some other stuff. Trained with a dude whom I was taller than when I was 12. He squated 400+lbs, though, so it's all good.

3 Years Isshinryu karate

1+ Year, Cripple Internet Kung Fu

BL, what can I say that hasn't been said, aside from lude sexual comments?

Also, how'd your custody hearing go?

04-13-2004, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by Serpent

You mean the pm or the whole "bl is a nutjob" thing? ;)

The PM. I am not too concerned about whether BL is a nutjob or not, was just curious as to what sparked you off and having read the threads I can see what got you started ;)

04-13-2004, 06:05 PM
I also did a year Tae kwon Do with world champion Pierre Guenette. And a year after that with world champion Dan Zaleski.

04-13-2004, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by joedoe

The PM. I am not too concerned about whether BL is a nutjob or not, was just curious as to what sparked you off and having read the threads I can see what got you started ;)
So, you agree then? She's a complete loon, right?

Join us........ ;)

04-13-2004, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by Serpent

So, you agree then? She's a complete loon, right?

Join us........ ;)

Well ... you see, I don't understand enough about sports/personal training to form an opinion. She does seem to have a great deal of faith in the Chinese medicine system of chi etc. but that is not necessarily a bad thing, just a different point of view.

Do you think I should become a politician now? :D

04-13-2004, 06:45 PM
6 Years (Goju ryu) Okinawan / 2nd dan

15 Years Ba Bu Tang Lang 8 Step Praying Mantis/ Sifu

8 Years Jin gon tzu li gong Qigong/ beginner

04-13-2004, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by joedoe

Well ... you see, I don't understand enough about sports/personal training to form an opinion. She does seem to have a great deal of faith in the Chinese medicine system of chi etc. but that is not necessarily a bad thing, just a different point of view.

Do you think I should become a politician now? :D
Ah, you're no fun any more. What have you done with the real JoeDoe?

04-13-2004, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by Serpent

Ah, you're no fun any more. What have you done with the real JoeDoe?

During the marriage ceremony my testicles were removed :D

blooming lotus
04-13-2004, 08:24 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Serpent
So, you agree then? She's a complete loon, right?

Dude........I don't even care that you call me crazy...until several clean bills of mental health, so did my family, because of course to train like a mofo possessed for so many hrs a day for so long, and give up sex, modelling and take your kid to China ( hell - on - earth) to study kungfu at the temple...you must be totally off your head...

how'd it go???? My heart broke and I couldn't do another court day...so tommorow I leave without her...to the temple...to ????become a nun....or throw myself into kungfu min....

thx for asking

Ps : your trolling is good ...

and I've hardly worked out for a month and I can still kill you with my non-existant dimmak
and my above 95% av. intellegence!!!!



04-13-2004, 08:48 PM
Questions of sanity aside, what makes you think you are a better MA than Serp? By what measure have you gauged his skill?

I can honestly tell you that while Serp likes to stir people up and even indulge in a little trolling, he is a pretty skilled MA. I am not saying that you aren't either, but don't assume that because he rubs you wrong way he must be an unskilled punk ;)

04-13-2004, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by joedoe
... he must be an unskilled punk ;) ... like me ;).

BL, O masterful troll, I have to say you are crazier than I ever thought if you voluntarily gave up your daughter like that. I understand you have this compulsion to go and become a nun or whatever, but is that really worth giving up your daughter over? Don't you think that's a bit selfish? Most parents I know would put their children before anything in their lives. Those that don't probably shouldn't be parents.

04-13-2004, 10:13 PM
if u don't like her attitude fine but...

we don't know anything about her life aside from what she has told us.
it might be a bit premature to cast such severe judgements on her.

04-13-2004, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by Toby
Most parents I know would put their children before anything in their lives. Those that don't probably shouldn't be parents.
Read carefully. The second sentence says "Those (parents I know) that don't probably shouldn't be parents" - bracketed section added for clarity. I was careful not to say that BL shouldn't be a parent. I've got in enough ****ing matches with her already. Funnily enough, if she wasn't a she, I doubt there'd be so much tolerance shown towards her persona considering the amount of bull**** she posts. I think that she deserves the award for the best troll in kfo's history. Her posts get wackier every day. She just gets better with age, like a good red. And yes, I've read the "Duty of care" thread, all the SD threads, Ralek's threads and other troll classics.

<edit>Added closing quotes</edit>

04-13-2004, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by Starchaser107
if u don't like her attitude fine but...

we don't know anything about her life aside from what she has told us.
it might be a bit premature to cast such severe judgements on her.

I agree that you cannot really make value judgements about people over the net because you don't have complete info, however if you are going to reveal information about your personal life like that on a BBS then you have to expect that people are going to jump on it. I personally try not to do it, but I also accept that it will happen. If you don't want someone to pick apart your private life, then don't put it out there to be picked apart.

blooming lotus
04-13-2004, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by joedoe
Questions of sanity aside, what makes you think you are a better MA than Serp? By what measure have you gauged his skill?

I can honestly tell you that while Serp likes to stir people up and even indulge in a little trolling, he is a pretty skilled MA. I am not saying that you aren't either, but don't assume that because he rubs you wrong way he must be an unskilled punk ;)

i never said the dude was unskilled......even though someone else said until you post a pic or clip you dont exist....(* which I haven't seen from any of you beside iron, gene, kl, and a few others) what I'm saying is that he's a moron..but really, he just needs a life and entertains himself and everyone here by trolling I don't think I'm superior, but I'm confident if attacked by whoever, I could use my skills and live...that's it..all i'm saying

as for my daughter, court is still going on, so maybe truth will win out????

Ps....judge all you like...

enlightenment is what???????????

I'm not going to try to convince any of you to grow up...amuse your self with what ever it takes but most of you are acting like a bunch of ....Ill be f*cked..idunno..whatever ...good luck in your narrow- minded childish ignorance :rolleyes: :cool:

Ps. I'm getting sick of logging on to a bunch of bs information to talk to immature little nogs who can't trade new information, or handle constructive debate with out getting a personal bar on.....is that what you want for kfm????.......you dudes are killing this forum...if this all I find here I don't know how long I'm sticking around and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one...tension is tension and your full - o - bad thoughts....I'm sick-a - hearing em

04-13-2004, 11:25 PM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
...you dudes are killing this forum...if this all I find here I don't know how long I'm sticking around and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one...tension is tension and your full - o - bad thoughts....I'm sick-a - hearing em I'd argue you're killing the forums, but then I guess you're just the entertainment of the month. As to the last bit - I was hopeful when you posted you were leaving in the other thread with Serpent, but it turned out to be a vain hope :(. Stick around BL, you're good for a laugh ;).

blooming lotus
04-13-2004, 11:28 PM
dude...I was here before you...you turn up and make stoopid as*ed remarks that I in my almighty nothingness proved wrong and as far as I'm concerned while you're probably a decent guy..you are no-one that I respect fore knowledge here...I have seen little intellegence or experience from the majority of you...

just because you say I'm wrong...dont think that means any one buys it :rolleyes:

blooming lotus
04-13-2004, 11:30 PM
be honest you dudes....this bl hater thing started right around the time you all flooded my email and pm inboxes requesting photos and personal info...it has JACK to do with what we're even talking about.....I don't judge you or ride your as*es for not being as smart, because being wrong and learning is ok....are you sure that you're as old as you said were?????

you act like my little brothers pesky friends...
after they all got their rejections

take a step back...because I sincerely think you are acting like Idiots

04-13-2004, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by blooming lotus

i never said the dude was unskilled......even though someone else said until you post a pic or clip you dont exist....(* which I haven't seen from any of you beside iron, gene, kl, and a few others) what I'm saying is that he's a moron..but really, he just needs a life and entertains himself and everyone here by trolling I don't think I'm superior, but I'm confident if attacked by whoever, I could use my skills and live...that's it..all i'm saying

as for my daughter, court is still going on, so maybe truth will win out????

Ps....judge all you like...

enlightenment is what???????????

I'm not going to try to convince any of you to grow up...amuse your self with what ever it takes but most of you are acting like a bunch of ....Ill be f*cked..idunno..whatever ...good luck in your narrow- minded childish ignorance :rolleyes: :cool:

Ps. I'm getting sick of logging on to a bunch of bs information to talk to immature little nogs who can't trade new information, or handle constructive debate with out getting a personal bar on.....is that what you want for kfm????.......you dudes are killing this forum...if this all I find here I don't know how long I'm sticking around and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one...tension is tension and your full - o - bad thoughts....I'm sick-a - hearing em

However your statement that you could kill him suggests that you believe his skills are not up to yours, which I thought was an interesting assumption to make. Now, you may well have skills that far outstrip his, but your assumption seems to be that because he gives you a hard time on the forum, then he must be of lesser skill than you.

I am not trying to judge you at all. In fact, if you notice in my previous post I have tried to be as diplomatic as I can be.

I also don't think you have a right to declare that anyone else is killing the forum. If any one person is capable of doing something to kill the forum, then maybe the forum isn't worth hanging around on. What you are really saying is that a group of people are making the forum a place that is not pleasant for you to hang out on. Fair enough. But don't get all high and mighty and accuse other people of 'killing' the forum. As long as I have hung out here, it has always been a place where people take the p!ss out of each other despite all efforts to have serious conversations :)

If you don't like what comes out of some posters, you always have the ignore functionality ;)

blooming lotus
04-13-2004, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by joedoe

However your statement that you could kill him suggests that you believe his skills are not up to yours, which I thought was an interesting assumption to make. Now, you may well have skills that far outstrip his, but your assumption seems to be that because he gives you a hard time on the forum, then he must be of lesser skill than you.

thats not what I'm saying so stop putting words in my freakin mouth lesser skill has nothing to do with it....it's a combination of skills that through my experience in hairy situations have kept me alive...i know how hard I study and I know how hard I train..end of story..If i'm wrong, then maybe one day I'll die proving you right???

I also don't think you have a right to declare that anyone else is killing the forum. If any one person

or persons...

is capable of doing something to kill the forum, then maybe the forum isn't worth hanging around on.

What you are really saying is that a group of people are making the forum a place that is not pleasant for you to hang out on. Fair enough. But don't get all high and mighty and accuse other people of 'killing' the forum. As long as I have hung out here, it has always been a place where people take the p!ss out of each other despite all efforts to have serious conversations :)

If you don't like what comes out of some posters, you always have the ignore functionality ;)

you're right...fair enough...and cheers...good advice......they don't have any information i can't better from elsewhere anyway...really all i've gotten from te jerk - offs is a link to an n-large shake...I'm gon go talk to folks who really have something to share


04-13-2004, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
dude...I was here before you...
So Aug comes before May? Dang, you've got me again. Just because you've got more posts doesn't mean you were here before me ;).

Originally posted by blooming lotus
just because you say I'm wrong...dont think that means any one buys it :rolleyes:
Every single post I said that you were wrong, every other poster agreed with me. I provided quoted evidence about where you were wrong. You continued to say how brilliant you were and how we just weren't intelligent enough to understand your points (all of this deciphered from your almost illegible writing). So far you are yet to produce evidence of your correctness in any thread, except to say that we as "westerners" just don't understand you, almighty one. Even your last post implies how stupid everyone else is compared to you. The reason people (including me) get personal is because I (we) don't like being insulted by a halfwit with an air of superiority. Continue to live in your dream world. I'm glad you're happy there.

As to the thing about the e-mails and pm's, so far only one person admitted doing that and IIRC he had a reason for it. You provided no other evidence of it happening, but whatever strokes your ego. Maybe they were all curious as to what a $10,000-a-week model looks like :rolleyes:.

Originally posted by blooming lotus

you act like my little brothers pesky friends...
after they all got their rejections
My standards are higher than that ;).

You're hilarious. Please don't go, I need my daily dose of laughter.

blooming lotus
04-13-2004, 11:50 PM
ohhh...so you've just had nothing valid to say.......

ps. I created this thread as a nice "put up or shut up " and to get the *****ing off real conversations...but since no-one did..i'm outty ;) cheers

04-14-2004, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
ohhh...so you've just had nothing valid to say.......
Yeah, because number of posts is related to validity of comments :rolleyes:. Then again, by that criterion, Serpent has more valid things to say than anyone else on the forums. Scary thought. I lurked for a long time before registering. Probably the safest way to browse the board, but then I'd miss out on fun like this ;).

Originally posted by blooming lotus
ps. I created this thread as a nice "put up or shut up " and to get the *****ing off real conversations...but since no-one did..i'm outty ;) cheers You keep saying that, but you're still here. BTW, we can't keep the *****ing off real conversations because it's impossible to have a real conversation with you. You live in a fantasy world in your head. View past hot training forum threads for examples.

04-14-2004, 12:04 AM
Originally posted by Toby
I've got in enough ****ing matches with her already.
Yay! I got in another!

04-14-2004, 12:20 AM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
wing chun stick ( 9mths on/off)

OK, just for you BL (if you haven't gone) - a serious question. Since this is the only one I know enough about from your list, I'm curious how you found a sifu willing to teach you the WC pole without having to go through the rest of the system first? Was it difficult to convince them to teach you just the one form?

blooming lotus
04-14-2004, 01:38 AM
no.....and like I said...I also have dim mak

Look..I just wanna practice kungfu and study anything that will help me do that better...so please find a better way to fill your time..I'm busy and you bug me


04-14-2004, 01:46 AM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
I'm busy and you bug me
My life is complete.

Like I said, it was a serious question. I've just always thought that you would be required to learn the empty hand forms, the dummy and the knives before being taught the pole. I just thought it was very strange that a sifu would be willing to skip the rest of the system for you. While I'm personally a long way off learning the pole (so the next comments are conjecture), I would think that you would require a bunch of fundamentals that would be developed over years of training the earlier forms and applications that you would otherwise miss by going straight to the pole.

blooming lotus
04-14-2004, 01:49 AM
NOW you wanna talk shop with me?!?!

Wtf dude??

I have come to the conclusion that you have no life and secretly covet Serpent's head groupie spot

see ya

blooming lotus
04-14-2004, 01:54 AM
ok...if you really want to know..a friend of mine teaches and is familiar with where I'm at so i guess we just worked some stick and a few trade-offs..also did some different swords....same dude..mainly japanese katanas and stuff...some chucks...etc etc.., but i suc*ed at that so I let it go..don't you spar and trade techs with your friends from other branches??? talk shop etc etc??

please don't answer that cause I don't care for the response. but that will be question answered..you're right..I'm lucky to have know the people i have

04-14-2004, 02:07 AM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
NOW you wanna talk shop with me?!?!

Wtf dude??

I have come to the conclusion that you have no life and secretly covet Serpent's head groupie spot

see ya I tried before in the training forum but my IQ was too low :(. I didn't understand your brilliance.

I couldn't give a **** about Serpent. (Sorry Serp ;)). I don't usually post here in the KF forum. Just followed you here. I'm usually read-only in here. In case you forgot, I (and other training guys) was (were) involved in starting the whole BL hating thing long before Serpent ever got involved. Well, actually you started it all with your posts. Anyway, that's all in the training forum.

Interesting about your WC experience. I would think that's unusual. If you take the time to answer, did you learn a pole form or applications or both?

04-14-2004, 06:21 AM
Aw, Toby, I thought we had something! :( :)

bl, you are amazing. In the worst sense of the word.

bl said:
just because you say I'm wrong...dont think that means any one buys it

EVERYONE said you were wrong. Nobody buys your ****. You're wrong.

take a step back...because I sincerely think you are acting like Idiots

No, please. You step back. You keep saying you'll leave, but you're still here. Please, fvck off.

JoeDoe, thanks for the kind words. ;)

04-14-2004, 06:46 AM
Originally posted by Serpent
Aw, Toby, I thought we had something! :( :)
Shhh! It's more fun if it's a secret ;).

Originally posted by Serpent
EVERYONE said you were wrong. Nobody buys your ****. You're wrong.

I was thinking about this. I think she just got sick of everyone telling her how wrong she was in the training forum and came here instead where people haven't read her recent material so she may get some support. As I've said before, for some reason people give her a lot of leeway (due to her gender?). Surprising given the amount of crap she spouts.

04-14-2004, 04:33 PM
Ah, a secret? Excellent! Same time, same place tonight then? (Better bring a tarpaulin though, after what happened last time....)

As for bl's crap, I think she is getting a lot of leeway because of her gender. But then again, stupidity is gender non-specific and she's proving that a girl can be just as much of a dickhead as any guy.

Does she really think that peopple don't read more than one forum? She's a genius, after all, so she must have figured out that much at least...

blooming lotus
04-14-2004, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by Serpent

EVERYONE said you were wrong. Nobody buys your ****. You're wrong.

No, please. You step back. You keep saying you'll leave, but you're still here. Please, fvck off.

. ;)

LOL...I tried ........................but he kept talking to me!!!

anyway.....I don't buy half your sh*t either and I certainly don't buy tobys' .....

as for WC ...yes I learnt applications more than form, because that's my flow...I just apply those apps to best form I have at time...that make sense????

don't care....

Ok..back to Serpent...how 'bout posting some pics or a clip of your own 'cause from your last 8 mths - ish posts I don't know sh*t about you or your proficeiency 'cept that you're a funny -cat and a smart dude....

and anyone else for that matter..I only posted pics from a few yrs back when I was doing some crazy training and was pretty tiny...but at the time it was only about the abs , which I produced but I still put up....anyone else???

04-14-2004, 05:15 PM
Well, here's the thing. This is a public message board full of funny cats and smart dudes. For that reason I have no intention of revealing personal details on here. For one thing, I value my anonymity and secondly, I come here for a laugh, some light relief and the occasional interesting conversation about martial arts. Who I am personally is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned. It's different for other people, but everyone comes here for their own reasons.

I've met a few of the people from this forum and they have also respectfully observed my desire to remain anonymous. However, you want some kind of confirmation of anything about me, you could ask JoeDoe - he's still around pretty regularly. Then again, he's already said some kind things about me, which should be enough really.

You just want my picture because you're actually a lonely, fat, 53 year old virgin living in her mum's basement who's only contact with the outside world is a computer. But I'll keep your secret. ;)

blooming lotus
04-14-2004, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by Serpent

You just want my picture because you're actually a lonely, fat, 53 year old virgin living in her mum's basement who's only contact with the outside world is a computer. But I'll keep your secret. ;)


the dude cracked it!!!

thx for the public expose and the comedic ( but trying) chat/s.....

I repsect your need for privacy....dig it totally.....

cheers troll dude ;)

04-14-2004, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by Serpent
Well, here's the thing. This is a public message board full of funny cats and smart dudes. For that reason I have no intention of revealing personal details on here. For one thing, I value my anonymity and secondly, I come here for a laugh, some light relief and the occasional interesting conversation about martial arts. Who I am personally is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned. It's different for other people, but everyone comes here for their own reasons.

I've met a few of the people from this forum and they have also respectfully observed my desire to remain anonymous. However, you want some kind of confirmation of anything about me, you could ask JoeDoe - he's still around pretty regularly. Then again, he's already said some kind things about me, which should be enough really.

You just want my picture because you're actually a lonely, fat, 53 year old virgin living in her mum's basement who's only contact with the outside world is a computer. But I'll keep your secret. ;)

The only problem with me vouching for you man, is that I seem to have little cred here anyway. ;) Oh well, I tried :)

Don't worry Serp, I know how goo dyou are and that is all that count :D

04-14-2004, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by blooming lotus

thx for the public expose and the comedic [b]( but trying) [/bl]chat/s.....

Still can't quite lose that superior attitude though, huh.

04-14-2004, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by joedoe

The only problem with me vouching for you man, is that I seem to have little cred here anyway. ;) Oh well, I tried :)

Don't worry Serp, I know how goo dyou are and that is all that count :D

LOL. I guess so.

In truth, the only thing that matters is that I know how far I still have to go. That's all that really counts...

David Jamieson
04-14-2004, 06:01 PM

you don't reveal your self here for a variety of reasons, most all of them psychological, because in truth, people don't give a sh.it who you are or the rest but for a rundown, when it comes to people who have talked as much smack as you here are the reasons why you won't divulge info:

a) the obvious one, you are a coward and a puzzy

b) you are ashamed of your sexual orientation for whatever reason

c) you think you are ugly, and so does your family and that coat hanger scar on your head pretty much says a lot in itself

d) you are afraid of a little spam and hate mail on your moms personal computer.

e) you are actually only a minor and probably shouldn't be here, but ya feel like a big man talking to real kungfu guys... and well, there are about 10 or so of us here.

f) you don't want to reveal that you are a geek psycho with about 20 other logins here, like others and will be thought of as a tool (which quite often you are anyway.

g) you fear for your life because of some silly remarks you make in an internet forum which takes us back to a)

anyway, you're not alone, there are a lot of people like you here, all lonely and useless, just like david spade after chris farley died

(props to the writers on the simpsons team for that little nugget of gold :D )

04-14-2004, 06:15 PM
This whole thing with you being the polar opposite of Kung Lek the moderator is getting a little old. And not really all that funny. You're trying too hard. Back up a little and let things flow, yeah?


04-14-2004, 06:26 PM
Kung Lek - let's be fair here. There are other reasons for anonymity. I know what Serpent's are, and I respect them. If it were required that you gave your real details (not that it could be enforced) I suspect that you would have an almost empty bulletin board.

I think when all is said and done, if you want to come post here you have to be ready to deal with the BS. :)

04-14-2004, 06:29 PM


David Jamieson
04-14-2004, 07:02 PM
man, i can't believe you guys gave me buy in on that. I know serps running a few id's here and some of them contradict the others and he uses serp for lashing out and stuff, the others for goofing off and maybe one of them for seriousness.

and why can't i be polar opposite guy?

I think i deserve to be a little ascerbic these days...

I still got good stuff, I'm just being a thorn in the side to some and pal joey to others.

it's all good.

impeach bush now

that is all

cheers and thanks for playin!

blooming lotus
04-14-2004, 07:20 PM

and it still comes back to the fact that you folks are some entertaining mo..fo 's!!!!



04-14-2004, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by blooming lotus

and it still comes back to the fact that you folks are some entertaining mo..fo 's!!!!



Glad to hear I can entertain someone :D

04-14-2004, 07:59 PM
we aim to please.

blooming lotus
04-14-2004, 08:16 PM
I was going to write something smart - as*ed, but you just got back from Europe right?.....

find any good kungfu???

04-14-2004, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by Kung Lek
I know serps running a few id's here and some of them contradict the others and he uses serp for lashing out and stuff, the others for goofing off and maybe one of them for seriousness.

In absolute honesty, I don't use any other id's here. I did have a different one once that I don't use any more. I only ever post as Serpent and only have done for years now. Believe it or not, I don't mind, but I don't have Xebby Syndrome.

04-14-2004, 11:03 PM
i trained in these arts:

the art of the middle finger : 21 yrs

arrogance: 20yrs

ego: 25 yrs

telling everyone to F off: 25 yrs

being an a$$hole: 25yrs

04-14-2004, 11:37 PM
So you're BL's other login then?

blooming lotus
04-14-2004, 11:45 PM
alter egos don't exist on these boards....

ask xebby or...volcano admin

Kl or red5

and dude...I can spout enough on my own.....I don't give a sh*t what comes from it.....hide shmide..............I 'll stand by what I say


David Jamieson
04-15-2004, 05:14 AM
you don't honestly think i'm red5 do you? lol

Mr Punch
04-15-2004, 08:27 AM
BL, just seen your pic on that other abomination of a thread, and I have read thorugh the other abominations of threads and I've just come up with one question... WTF have you got against eyebrows...? :D

04-15-2004, 08:35 AM
Originally posted by Kung Lek
and why can't i be polar opposite guy?

Because you would have to sign in as Bizarro Kung Lek, like when the Superfriends faced their alter-ego bizarro selves from another dimension.

Mr Punch
04-15-2004, 08:45 AM

Boxing, few months when I was a kid, mostly getting beaten to the ground.

Rugby, four years forwards, one year wing.

Aikido, since 1990. At my peak, six times a week dojo plus kata and exercises every day. For the last four years or so, tried out a dojo or two over here, and otherwise only sometimes get to use principles in sparring and chi sao.

Karate, generic but eclectic. About one year before my aiki shodan to sharpen me up a bit. Lots of probably 75% contact sparring, gumshield, nut guard.

Various kf, tc and JMA concepts, mainly two person step drills and sparring, inc weapons. One partner, and sometimes others from other disciplines, and lacks thereof (! :eek: :D ). Bout 3-4 times a week for 4 years.

Wing Chun, since 1996. Started (first three years) just about everyday with sparring (with practitioners of other styles inc boxing, thai, hung gar, mantis and pak mei) and lots of chi sao, kwoon three times a week and private once a week.

Yang Tai Chi, concurrent with first three years of Wing Chun. Twice a week, occasional privates. Not really martial but did some push hands and some apps, and applied it to my other sparring.

Kendo, officially since 2000. Not much time now.

Live in a great place for MA, but no time, and anyone who says I need to reprioritize to get more training time needs to work out how to fit an extra couple of hours in the day. 27 hrs should do it.

Would love to try local boxing, shooto, BJJ, daitoryu, yoshinkan, kyokushin, i-chuan, more kendo, battojutsu, iaido, koryu and gym, but real life sucks. Maybe later.

04-15-2004, 09:29 AM
Kateda (dont ask!) 2 years

a southern kung-fu style 3 years (called modified hong choy chuan fa)

Kick / Thai boxing 10 years

(original style) Mizong Chuan 5 Years.

various classes of TKD Karate


blooming lotus
04-15-2004, 05:20 PM

it's called being groomed

check it out ;) :D

04-15-2004, 05:24 PM
i dont know where you people think im Volcano or some others
you guys is crazy for what i know

04-16-2004, 06:55 AM
April marks my the end of my 13th year of study.

The first 10 years were dedicated to (all mixed):
kick/thai/western boxing
san shou
shaolin wushu
ng mui kung fu

For the last 3 years I've been studying aikido. I also enjoy study all martial arts academically, specifically interested in its applications as a form of physical education (writing a master's thesis on that). (hey all you MAists, interesting in a career that you can apply your skills in but not have to do law enforcement....try PE! we need more good people!!)

I've stopped sparring almost entirely, and I don't do wushu anymore because I injured myself.

blooming lotus
04-17-2004, 05:24 AM
Originally posted by Mat
Would love to try local boxing, shooto, BJJ, daitoryu, yoshinkan, kyokushin, i-chuan, more kendo, battojutsu, iaido, koryu and gym, but real life sucks. Maybe later.

nice profile but as for your gripe...it really does come down to propirities.....