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04-14-2004, 08:46 PM
The guy in the video (Dmitriy Chernikov) allegedly robbed the poor woman, stomped on her face, then left her in the elevator where she died (he did this to other women before to sustain his drug habbit and didn't want to leave witnesses). He is supposedly going to be sent to jail on murder and robbery charges.The video itself was caught on a security camera.

Notice how the women didn't even see or notice the guy before she was grabbed and how easy it was tot ake her down.

04-14-2004, 09:32 PM
That was awful and sad, I stopped watching before it ever got to an elevator

04-14-2004, 11:13 PM
of course she got taken down, she is a woman and he is stronger than her... kung fu is not going to help in a situation like this, sorry to say it

kungfu cowboy
04-14-2004, 11:19 PM

Mr Punch
04-14-2004, 11:31 PM
And watching this helps us how?

Didn't click.
No reason to.

Watch how easy it is to take her down! ****ing circus is it? :mad:

Any MA lessons? No.
Any SD lessons? No.
Any personal freedom lessons? No.
Any pro/anti firearms lessons? No.
****, any anti-terrorism lessons? No...

Just looking for some ****ing relevance or need for this in my life.
Just keep tuned in folks...

04-14-2004, 11:50 PM
Originally posted by Face2Fist
of course she got taken down, she is a woman and he is stronger than her... kung fu is not going to help in a situation like this, sorry to say it

perhaps grappling woulda helped... there are girls that tap guys, so aI know it's possible for a woman to beat a man on the ground, which is where he took her.

Even more importantly though, is simple awareness... the woman just walked in and never paid attention to anything else. She should've been looking around. Had she done so, she may have been able to mount some sort of offensive, or do something that may have enabled her to get away, even if it were only a scream that scared him off from fear of being caught.

04-15-2004, 06:20 AM
wow i jsut watched some woman get muyrdered. :mad: :( thank you for ruining my day.

Mr Punch
04-15-2004, 07:41 AM
Originally posted by SevenStar
Even more importantly though, is simple awareness... the woman just walked in and never paid attention to anything else. She should've been looking around. That's a crock, Seven. I dunno where this took place but are you suggesting we should all be walking around all the time like a bunch of marines on point? How many of us would be checking around in so many sits like that? Normally I'm a big advocate of awareness, it's saved my ass a couple of times, but in this case I think you're way off.

I'm not gonna watch any more of the vid to determine whether grappling would have helped her or not. The simplicity of him flooring her suggests her head had already frozen..

Ray Pina
04-15-2004, 08:10 AM
What a piece of $hit.

There is a lesson though. I love life and there's so much beauty and trouble never really finds me (though almost got into a fight on Tues.) but there is garbage out there, too. Can only hope he is on the reiving end in prison.

The thing is, punks like that won't target someone like us, someone who may be able to fight back.

04-15-2004, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by Mat
That's a crock, Seven. I dunno where this took place but are you suggesting we should all be walking around all the time like a bunch of marines on point? How many of us would be checking around in so many sits like that? Normally I'm a big advocate of awareness, it's saved my ass a couple of times, but in this case I think you're way off.

I do it. Call me paranoid if you want, but I do it. When I walk to my car, I look up under it as I get close, making sure nobody is in it. I will sometimes even check the backseat. A friend of my dad's almost got killed that way - someone climbed in her car while she was at a gas station. Luckily for her, the attendant saw the man get in. They pretended as if they were friends shooting the breeze as the attendant phoned the cops.

I walk a few feet away from walls, that way I have some visibility around a corner before I come up on one. I am always looking around me. the only time I really don't do it is if I'm with a group of people.

Chang Style Novice
04-15-2004, 08:58 PM
Okay, Unmatchable has now officially never contributed anything of value, persists in plagiarizing member posts in other forums, and has now posted a snuff video.

When do we ban this piece of sh!t?

David Jamieson
04-15-2004, 10:04 PM
csn- i agree, there was no value to posting that and frankly, i would have wiped it off the board immediately for what it was. a snuff film with no redeeming value.

honestly guys. get rid of this thread at the very least.
unmatchable, get a life what you've done was punk@ss and you don't even realize how stupid and shameful it is.

you should probably just go back to lurking and maybe try to learn something in between me and red 5 shouting at each other.


04-15-2004, 10:52 PM
At least I don't post porn and a guy showing his ass like some members on kfo have in the past. and btw, if your too weak to handle that (which was also posted on the og by soemone else) than your too weak to handle a real street incident. I posted what it is you didn't have to click on it.

04-15-2004, 11:07 PM
I can't believe some of you would take this poor womans fate as some testament to grappling vs striking .

really, this is beyond sick. :mad:

04-15-2004, 11:12 PM
This stuff happens all the time in the inner cities.

04-15-2004, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by SifuAbel
I can't believe some of you would take this poor womans fate as some testament to grappling vs striking .

really, this is beyond sick. :mad:

I don't. It was merely a thought of possibility.

04-15-2004, 11:38 PM
i had to close it out for different reasons.

i guess im desensitized to the point of being inhuman yet still have somewhat of a conscious about it.

04-15-2004, 11:44 PM
Dude, whatever.


Please, for real, delete this thread. Let the woman keep her dignity at least. This isn't something that should be trifled with.

04-16-2004, 12:13 AM
where relevance is concerned not only is there the whole awareness thing, but there's also something to be said for the fact that he certainly didn't seem to feel hurried. he really seemed to take his time and that's scary considering he'd gotten away with it before and might have again had it not been for the camera.

then again this isn't ogrish and i can respect that people don't want to see it when logging onto kfo. i haven't been around much to see um's other posts, but to his credit he did remove the link.

Mr Punch
04-16-2004, 12:16 AM
Looking at the examples you posted Seven, I'm closer to your way of thinking than I thought, but yes, I would call you a freak!!! :D I often think I take that kind of awareness **** too far, and I can't honestly expect any 'normal mortal' (OK OK, non MA layman) to go to the same lengths.

Abel, it's too late, it's obviously all over the net. But at least here it now seems have a chance of provoking useful comment. Or at least getting Unmatchable banned... although personally I don't care about his antics so much.

04-16-2004, 12:27 AM
a complete lack of regulation and anonymity have insured that no one will be spared their dignity ever again. this vid is extremely tame compared to a lot of other **** out there. hell just the other night i stumbled accross a video of guy getting decapitated. almost as bad as the russian soldier one.

does that make this video any better by comparison? no .... im not trying to say that, but to be honest i didn't even realize how out of place it was here until someone else mentioned it.

04-16-2004, 12:43 AM
NOT paranoia 7*, street savvy

Chang Style Novice
04-16-2004, 08:08 AM
Look again - Unmatchable did not delete the link, Sevenstar did.

Also, Unmatchable, grow a brain.

I may not be able to handle a real street incident, but maybe I can. That doesn't have anything to do with whether this was an appropriate thing to post here, and it unquestionably wasn't. If someday you have something of value to post (highly unlikely) post it. Until then, shut your ignorant, stupid piehole.

04-16-2004, 09:28 AM
Look again - Unmatchable did not delete the link, Sevenstar did.

my bad. i'll shut my pie hole too for giving him more credit than deserved.