View Full Version : Kotc

04-14-2004, 11:01 PM
I just found King of the Cage 3 and 4 on a double sided DVD at Wal Mart for $5.50! It's pretty cool. I've only watched 4 fights so far, but it's pretty cool stuff. Each side of the DVD is 12 fights. I think each side is like 2 hours long. Two of the fights I've seen so far were about a minute long, and the other two lasted both 5 minute rounds.

And kneeing to the head is allowed.

Does anyone know when KOTC 3 and 4 happened? The DVD says released 2004, but that doesn't mean that's when the events took place.


04-14-2004, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by IronFist
I just found King of the Cage 3 and 4 on a double sided DVD at Wal Mart for $5.50! It's pretty cool. I've only watched 4 fights so far, but it's pretty cool stuff. Each side of the DVD is 12 fights. I think each side is like 2 hours long. Two of the fights I've seen so far were about a minute long, and the other two lasted both 5 minute rounds.

And kneeing to the head is allowed.

Does anyone know when KOTC 3 and 4 happened? The DVD says released 2004, but that doesn't mean that's when the events took place.


kotc is the poor man's UFC, which its not saying much.
You should check out Pride.

04-15-2004, 12:01 AM
bah. mma is mma, and everyone has to start somewhere. you don't have your first fight ever in pride...

Ford Prefect
04-15-2004, 07:00 AM
Favorite KOTC match I have on DVD is Chad Smith vs Duane Ludwig. I don't know what number that was though.

Pork Chop
04-15-2004, 07:06 AM
I recommend the 5 double-sided disk set of KOTC 1-8, greatest hits, and life in the cage documentary.
The docu is sweet and shows the lion's den training
king of the cage has a website where they list the details of their earlier events- when, where, who, etc.
IFC, Extreme Fighting Challenge, UFC, Pride, KOTC, Grappler's Challenge, they're all good...

04-15-2004, 07:36 AM
i go with 7* here. it's like watching ballroom boxing; not all are great, some you're like "WTF?!" but you can't dismiss it wholesale - gotta start somewhere!

Water Dragon
04-15-2004, 08:10 AM
ballroom boxing?

04-15-2004, 08:14 AM
people in evening wear.... no... wait.

it's a local showcase that gets aired on cable around here. think club fights

Pork Chop
04-15-2004, 08:41 AM
I like ballroom boxing because they hold it like a mile from my house: Michelle's in Glen Burnie; makes it on Comcast sports a lot.
In fact Rahmann fought there like last weekend.
Weird watching something on cable that; if i wasn't so busy/lazy, I could walk to go watch.

04-15-2004, 06:51 PM
Actually, you know what? I've been watching the first disc and so far I think it's my favorite MMA show I've seen. The fights are generally short (3 minutes or less), and lots of action. It's not like UFC style let's stay in the guard for 15 minutes and not do anything. Now don't get me wrong, I know there's a lot to that, but when these guys are in the guard it's like pretty soon there's a submission or a guard pass or whatever. Maybe they're not as good of fighters as the UFC, but I like watching it better.

Then again, I've only watched KOTC 3 so maybe it's a fluke and the rest of them stuck.

I was kind of afraid when I bought it cuz I thought what if it was just like sloppy ass redneck slug fests or whatever.

Anyway, all the fighers are pretty cool. The only one that didn't look like it had much technique was one fight between two 6'1" 270lbs guys, and they just kinda slugged for a while. But it provides for variety.

So, I recommend this KOTC 3-4 set if you can find it.