View Full Version : Teenage Martial Arts Expert

04-15-2004, 01:48 AM

kungfu cowboy
04-15-2004, 01:56 AM
Colin Banham, for Blair, said his client had been unarmed but Mr Cooper had deliberately armed himself before coming back to the park.

There you go.

He had also been aware of his martial arts skill and had been initially acting in self-defence.

Yep. Sounds good. Sounds like he was a lame martial artist.

04-15-2004, 03:53 AM
"Yep. Sounds good. Sounds like he was a lame martial artist."

Only because he went back. the guy should not have stamped on his face repetedly, but if some1 comes over swinging weapons, your gonna kick his ass.

04-15-2004, 06:12 AM
they have korean akrate now?

David Jamieson
04-15-2004, 06:26 AM
this is more bull sh.it propaganda to make average people afraid of martial artists.

don't let them(the media) meme (http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=meme) martial arts into being a crime! Because that is clearly what they(the media) are trying to do by throwing around words like "martial arts", "martial arts weapon" and "martial arts expert" in context to this fight which was clearly not attended by any experts of any martial arts.

I mean come on shelly "A form of Korean Karate"? wtf?? Could the writer possibly be more ignorant and stupid?

04-15-2004, 06:41 AM
Originally posted by Kung Lek
meme (http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=meme)

such words i did not know exist. what kind of education you getting up in canada? :o :D

04-15-2004, 07:22 AM
don't let them(the media) meme martial arts into being a crime! Because that is clearly what they(the media) are trying to do by throwing around words like "martial arts", "martial arts weapon" and "martial arts expert" in context to this fight which was clearly not attended by any experts of any martial arts.

Oh please. Yes, Kung Lek, there's a conspiracy by the media to portray martial arts as dangerous. Or, alternatively, maybe it's because action movies, both foreign and domestic, have portrayed martial artists as unstoppable killing machines for decades, and that is the only image the majority of people (including the "media") are familiar with. Most martial artists do nothing to correct this image, and many do their best to perpetuate it.

04-15-2004, 07:39 AM
The martial arts are dangerous. I think the media plays both sides. Sometimes we get "kung fu hero stops mugger" articles and sometimes we get "kung fu villian kills old man" articles.

There are plenty of good martial artists doing their best to improve our image, but they have to fight both public perception and the perceptions of their more violent contemporaries.

Mr Punch
04-15-2004, 07:45 AM
Originally posted by Kung Lek
this is more bull sh.it propaganda to make average people afraid of martial artists. HTF would that work? The martial artist is the one who got his face stomped.

kungfu cowboy
04-15-2004, 07:54 AM
Are people afraid of martial artists?:p

He should not have gone back. Especially with a weapon. Especially since he was the initial instigator. Sounds like he suffered some gruesome injury, which should never happen to anyone (who doesn't do something absolutely wretched, like that asswhole in the other thread, who most ABSOLUTELY DOES deserve much, much worse) anyway.

Ray Pina
04-15-2004, 08:03 AM
Honestly, I think most people think martial artists are a joke and don't fear them at all.

Growing up I've heard guys say they do Karate as a last minute defense to scare the guy away, take a side stance, throw a weak kick and get pummeled. I'm sure many people have seen this type of thing.

I don't understand why the other guy got five years. The trained "martial artist" returned with a weapon.... you have an obligation to yourself to make sure he can't get back up and try again with the weapon. You might not get lucky the second time.

Mr Punch
04-15-2004, 08:22 AM
Originally posted by EvolutionFist
I don't understand why the other guy got five years. Cos he stamped a prone man in the face four times [shrug]
The trained "martial artist" returned with a weapon.... you have an obligation to yourself to make sure he can't get back up and try again with the weapon. You might not get lucky the second time. The 'trained martial artist' was obviously a puny dipweed whose martial arts weren't gonna help him. 'Making sure he can't get back up' is overkill. And, two wrongs don't make a right: I'd personally put him in the nick as soon as his face healed, for attempted assault with a deadly weapon. Not for as long though. [shrugs again]

04-15-2004, 08:25 AM
this is also what i hav noticed. GEN X and after think MAist arent fighters, just 7 year olds enjoyng a hobby........:confused:

04-15-2004, 09:24 AM
LOL at Gen X. Listen to any Rock and Roll lately you punks? Rock and roll is for goths because they are fans of a dead style of music, punk asses. Anyways the guy did KOREAN KARATE, or TKD so don't blame the movies, because if you think MA is Jet LI or Kill Bill, well, you're gonna die. Secondly I'm not sure that it's martial arts that aren't respected, but fighting in general, people here fight people they don't even know in city parks. I guess if you got nothing, the pavement can be a good weapon. I saw on cops or some show, where a punk woman cop pulled over a guy who was wanted but she didn't know, and he's like " I ain't going to jail again" so he punches her in the face on the pavement until she's in a partial coma, and drives off, but it was caught on film from the biotches car

04-15-2004, 10:03 AM
You have an awful lot of unresolved anger, don't you?

04-15-2004, 10:06 AM
as a newspaper reporter, I've never seen an anti-martial artist agenda in the media. I've written several articles dealing with martial arts, generally positive. We've had a negative article, and it was actually written by a fellow reporter who studied judo in Japan for five years.

04-15-2004, 10:18 AM
I was only, kidding, I was only kidding. That's how people talk nowadays, it's just normal, get outta 1993 you nirvana listening Royce Gracie nutrider.

04-15-2004, 10:20 AM
Wow, you're quite a testament to the enlightening powers of qi gong.

David Jamieson
04-15-2004, 10:21 AM
k, well normann, you're dealing with what is in your particular region.

overall, i don't think you make a good case.

there have been many negative bits of copy in regards to martial arts and dang few positive bits.

up where i live, there are frequent gang fights. there are often notations of "martial arts weapons" being used in these gang fights.

Items such as machetes, or cheap samurai swords etc etc are portrayed as though martial artists are running around in gangs weilding them to solve turf wars.

many of us who actually are martial artists know that it is negative portrayal that keeps kwoon , dojo and dojang enrolment down.

This carelessly written bit of drivel is yet another example of this.

04-15-2004, 10:22 AM
Yeah, maybe, but not enough, you can see I am not so serious about myself seeing as this is the internet . And yet at the same time I am the most serious

kungfu cowboy
04-15-2004, 10:34 AM
Yeah, sure, but are you...Yahoo Serious (http://www.yahooserious.com/)?

04-15-2004, 10:48 AM

04-15-2004, 10:52 AM
LOL! I sure wouldn't wanna train in that "Korean Karate" school. I mean c'mon...he comes back with a weapon and STILL gets his a$$ kicked. That guy should be ashamed of himself.

kungfu cowboy
04-15-2004, 10:54 AM

04-15-2004, 11:11 AM
so let me get this straight Kung Lek, now there is a conspiracy to give martial arts a bad name? :rolleyes: Atleast your consistant.

04-15-2004, 11:17 AM
many of us who actually are martial artists know that it is negative portrayal that keeps kwoon , dojo and dojang enrolment down.

Yeah, I suppose it could be this. Then again, it could be lack of interest, oversaturation of the market, lack of business sense of those running schools, etc... The point being there is no way that you can know that this alleged media conspiracy has had any effect at all on enrollment.

Furthermore, I'm not sure there's evidence to support your contention that enrollment is down. I'm sure there are plenty of schools out there that aren't struggling in the least financially.

04-15-2004, 11:19 AM
I think Kung Lek is correct. There are alot of older people who think martial arts could be good for a kid to develop confidence, or some self defense or fighting, but they don't realize the depth of martial arts, it's not like your everyday things people do, it's not a job, it's not soccer, it's not just fighting, it's not a hobby, it's not recreation. MA are the most serious thing you cvan find in the modern world, but most people perhaps aren't involved in a conspiracy, but the don't respect martial arts, and think their hobby or job is just as profound and multidimensional, well it's not as sophisticated whatever you do ( well, to real MA), and then most people couldn't tell a TKD kick from a CMA kick.

kungfu cowboy
04-15-2004, 11:20 AM
I think they want to call it "Wilbur".

04-15-2004, 11:23 AM
MA are the most serious thing you cvan find in the modern world, but most people perhaps aren't involved in a conspiracy, but the don't respect martial arts, and think their hobby or job is just as profound and multidimensional, well it's not as sophisticated whatever you do

That's a pretty egocentric view of things. I'm sure there are plenty of pursuits with the same potential of depth as MA.

04-15-2004, 11:26 AM
many of us who actually are martial artists know that it is negative portrayal that keeps kwoon , dojo and dojang enrolment down.

BS. Totally BS. The reason attendance is down is because the average human being doesn't have the attention span of a goldfish. A lot of people like the IDEA of the martial arts, very few people want to earn it though. Most people don't want to set aside the time, put in the hard work and extra effort, and pay the money on a regular bases.

04-15-2004, 11:29 AM
No, because they are fundamentally ordinary, directed towards a comfortable lifestyle. This is the type of thinking I'm talking about, you probably think qigong is the placeabo effect, or that any meditation is the same. Maybe you should read your meditation for dummies because you don't know real martial arts or qigong. These things have thousands of years of work behind them and are totally different from regular oriented things, and encompass all aspects of a person;) :)

04-15-2004, 11:35 AM
No, because they are fundamentally ordinary, directed towards a comfortable lifestyle.

Are you honestly saying that every single thing that people do other than traditional martial arts are "fundamentally ordinary" and "directed towards a comfortable lifestyle"? If this is indeed what you are saying, I would suggest you are pretty naive, probably very young, and possibly a complete idiot. In your own post you alluded to another thing (meditation) that does not fit the definition you apply to all non-MA things. It's nice to have something as important to you as qigong and MA are to you, but it's dangerous to start believing that nothing else can have that same power for anyone.

04-15-2004, 11:39 AM
Like what? First of all, there is no seperation between martial arts and meditation for one, and you can't catergorize between medical and martial, those are arbitrary labels and I already explained that in other threads. Second, you have no idea my age, but you obviously think because you are older than someone that means you know more, well that could your downfall or your last thoughts. So all you have done is attempt to insult me, and yet you have no idea about MA and what it can do, what you know can't, simplt because from the start you are just a guesser trying to figure stuff out where MA/qigong is way more sophisticated because it comes from a time when you were responsible for everything.

Bottom line dwid- no matter what you think about anything, meditation for dummies doesn't cut it

04-15-2004, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by backbreaker
First of all, there is no seperation between martial arts and meditation Sure there is. You think every bodyguard, soldier, or street fighter in ancient China studied Kung Fu for the meditation properties? It can be there if you look, but you don't automatically get the benefits of meditation once you start throwing kicks and punches. Kung Fu can be a vehicle for personal exploration....but it's main purpose was to maim and kill.

04-15-2004, 11:46 AM
I think the good ones did. And meditation both lotus seated, and standing is in martial arts, IMA anyways, Taiji anyways. Maybe the purpose was to kill, but with alot of discretion and only if you have to, and with compassion. It's one system, meditation and martial arts alot of the time

04-15-2004, 11:47 AM
Like what?

Art, spirituality, possibly work (believe it or not, some people really find something deep and meaningful in their work.

First of all, there is no seperation between martial arts and meditation for one,

Your opinion. If there is no separation, then what about the myriad of traditions involving one without the other?

and you can't catergorize between medical and martial, those are arbitrary labels and I already explained that in other threads.

Says you. If this is true, then again, why the tradition of so many that practice one and not the other?

Second, you have no idea my age, but you obviously think because you are older than someone that means you know more, well that could your downfall or your last thoughts.

No, I guessed you were young because of the apparent naivete of your posts and that younger people often speak in more absolute egocentric terms, as you do.

So all you have done is attempt to insult me, and yet you have no idea about MA and what it can do, what you know can't

You know nothing about my MA background. I've known one great teacher personally, and the practice is important to me. I am perhaps less of a zealot than yourself, but I believe that is forgivable.

Chang Style Novice
04-15-2004, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by red5angel
Most people don't want to set aside the time, put in the hard work and extra effort, and pay the money on a regular bases. And I am one of those people!

Not really. I WANT to do it, but I have other priorities I place higher. If I didn't have to work, I'd probably make art six hours a day and do ma for four.

04-15-2004, 11:54 AM
LOL at art. Oh so painting is going to give you radiant vitality? Go on and on without fatigue. Real applicable skills. You may find meaning, but the meaning is not necessarily real, only your opinion. ANd it is not as good as real MA. Using your hand vs. whole body. CMC even said of all the 5 arts he practced Taijiquan was the most superior. The best traditions still have the medidtation. Medical, Martial are different emphasis on the same thing. Qigong can be martial arts, it can be healing, but the principles are what define it, not labels or ordinary uses. Also, I'm sure there's a " Master" at every mcdojo where you live

04-15-2004, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by backbreaker
I think the good ones did. And meditation both lotus seated, and standing is in martial arts, IMA anyways, Taiji anyways. Maybe the purpose was to kill, but with alot of discretion and only if you have to, and with compassion. It's one system, meditation and martial arts alot of the time I think you are somewhat misguided as to the actual reasons people trained for combat. You seem to have a little tree-hugging-hippy in you. Set him free.

Chang Style Novice
04-15-2004, 11:56 AM
Backbreaker -

Go **** yourself. MA may possibly give your own life meaning, but great art has given meaning to not only the artists, but to the millions who see it. Go rent a brain from someplace.

04-15-2004, 11:58 AM
"LOL at art. Oh so painting is going to give you radiant vitality? Go on and on without fatigue. Real applicable skills. You may find meaning, but the meaning is not necessarily real, only your opinion. ANd it is not as good as real MA. Using your hand vs. whole body."

You make a fundamental error when you assume your priorities are the same as those of others and are furthermore the greatest of all priorities or achievements.

"CMC even said of all the 5 arts he practced Taijiquan was the most superior."

Wow, a fair and unbiased observation no doubt.

"Also, I'm sure there's a " Master" at every mcdojo where you live"

Actually, the man I trained with until he passed on was pretty widely respected. His name has come up here on more than one occasion.

04-15-2004, 11:58 AM
There's no such issue. I have learned from a real Taiji lineage holder and I'm telling you seated meditation is important, and fundamental in the system. The whole system is integrated, the first set is based on meditation, second set based on the first, the weapon forms are the same movements as the emptyhand forms. I'm not saying MA are not used in war or caravan guards or whatever, but beyond the regular things, IMA is plainly based on meditation and built off of that, to become martial, many uses of the same foundation.

04-15-2004, 12:01 PM
Whatever dwid, names don't mean that much, he may have been good, but it is clear you did not see the real internal stuff, and meditations, or that it was lost in the style. WHat style was it, because IMO the reason for people like you being confused about the higher levels is becaus they are lost in that style. For example, A Yang Taiji may be a Master, but he won't know cannon fist, or the meditations

04-15-2004, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by backbreaker
LOL at art. Oh so painting is going to give you radiant vitality? Go on and on without fatigue. Real applicable skills. Real applicable?

Who created the images on your DBZ t-shirts? The music you listen to when you work out? The books you read and learn with? The buildings you run into when it rains? The images in your holy place of worship?

Art is all around you. It shapes your thoughts, your actions, and even your belief structure. Don't be a moron.

04-15-2004, 12:06 PM
Well, EMinem , 2pac, 50 cent, and I have no illusions that music is at all comparable to martial arts and meditation skills. Music is actually a part of meditation anyways, but only one aspect, an important one, but just one. Also music in meditation has a purpose beyond ' so called fullfillment"

04-15-2004, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by backbreaker
Whatever, meaning is opinion. MA is better more dimensional because all the things I already listed, it is practical , MULTI-dimensional, and holistic. That is not opinion, it is true, so I say it is superior
There are millions of people living in the world who don't care about or practice internal martial arts. However, they are touched by artists every moment of every day, from the clothes they wear to the images they see on TV, billboards, in magazines, to the books they read. That is the art that makes the world go round. Not Taiji.

Get a grip.:rolleyes:

04-15-2004, 12:07 PM
I have learned from a real Taiji lineage holder and I'm telling you seated meditation is important

You should probably ask for your money back, because the meditation clearly isn't working.

Whatever dwid, names don't mean that much, he may have been good, but it is clear you did not see the real internal stuff, and meditations, or that it was lost in the style.

You don't deserve to so much as read his name. I don't respect you or your opinion enough for it to make a difference if you knew who it was anyway. The name's come up before and will likely come up again but you lack the respect to deserve such a concession.

04-15-2004, 12:09 PM
I have learned from a real Taiji lineage holder and I'm telling you seated meditation is important

LOL! We're talking about the same type of lineage holders that have lost so much of their original material over the last few centuries that they can't even remember how to fight in all ranges?
cracks me up when someone claims that lineage somehow justifies their beliefs on how things work in the martial arts.

04-15-2004, 12:10 PM
obviously chang style is missing the more internal stuff, and meditation If you knew ANYTHING about the creative process, you would know it is meditative. Painting, writing, composing is just as meditative as Taiji. More so, in a lot of respects, but it involves much more introspection and personal attention.

04-15-2004, 12:11 PM
LOL at you dwid, I already explained about " masters". What lineage then. I learned in the Chen Zhou kui lineage. Also check out some of Ralek's comments before you accept who is a master, especially in your country. Your opinions indicate you are low level or your training is only the beginning or perhaps the full high level is even gone from the style. Anyways, you've only met one master? Did you get his autograph?

04-15-2004, 12:14 PM
Masterkiller- my intention is not to insult artists or anytnig, and there is something to what you say, but that is advanced to combine meditation, and also that there is a misconception that all MA are equal it's just the training, well no, if someone is more advanced and has the full system he is going to be better, no matter how hard you train or spar, you won't win, you won't be as good. This is what the trhrad is about, not I'm better than you, but that some ways are more complete

04-15-2004, 12:14 PM
I've only KNOWN one master, j@ck@ss. What difference does it make how many I've MET?

I practice bagua. That's all the more you need to know.

Judging by your ignorance, impertinence, and lack of respect, I can't imagine that anyone with a remotely descent eye for character would train you, so your impressions about mastery are probably not based on much.

04-15-2004, 12:16 PM
Red5- my teacher does not fall into your category, REAL LINEAGE means real lineage, very rare, LOL at you because you don't get it, there's alot of Yang masters, but is there a complete Yang style still around ? No. But Chen still exists with a few lineage holders.

04-15-2004, 12:19 PM
Dwid, you make alot of baseless statements, but you have nothing, it's typical of these boards that everyone knows all these masters, but knows nothing. Dwid, the master clearly did not show you the real stuff. You are a " I know that internal stuff too type". I was taught the real stuff freely and openly because my teacher was a lineage holder, so he doesn't keep secrets and he knows the full system. WHAT LINEAGE? You still are under the impression that you know anything, or that knowlegable people would think what you think, LOL at you. Some advice, if someone agrees with you , they are wannabe punks, not knowlegable at all

04-15-2004, 12:26 PM
And you have stated on another thread that you believe in qi gong passed down from Atlantis and preach the virtues of Falun Gong. I think the joke is on you.

04-15-2004, 12:27 PM
Before you go spouting about the "master you knew", remember there is a saying in Taiji, " It's not me that's good, it's the art that's good." See what I'm saying

04-15-2004, 12:30 PM
And you think meditaion is meditaon. No, those styles are real styles, I say this because I know myself they are true, and it is confirmed by actual experts I know. Yuu just don't know how far IMA and qigong skills can go on this forum, the joke is on you because your training is useless or low level, period. EVERY STYLE I DO IS REAL AND FROM A REAL LINEAGE. You talk about reality fighting, and masters.

04-15-2004, 12:52 PM
Red5- my teacher does not fall into your category, REAL LINEAGE means real lineage, very rare, LOL at you because you don't get it, there's alot of Yang masters, but is there a complete Yang style still around ? No. But Chen still exists with a few lineage holders.

Oh I get it alright. I get that claiming a solid lineage makes you money, whether you know it or not. I know that even having learned from someone doens't necessarily mean you are geting the good stuff. Crying lineage is a crutch that is only going to get you in trouble.

04-15-2004, 12:53 PM
" It's not me that's good, it's the art that's good."

This absurd, spiritual rhetoric. If the man is good, then he can make the art work. If the art is good, it makes his path that much easier.

04-15-2004, 12:53 PM
Chen Zhou kui - Ma Hong- My teacher. That counts, sparring don't

04-15-2004, 01:06 PM
I learned from a maser who is the representative of Ma Hong in my country. The Yang style I learned in also has a very well documented lineage, unlike others. So I say to you, you are" we do that internal stuff too types".


04-15-2004, 01:17 PM
I don't wanna look like I am degrading art, it is meaningful and important, but true MA and meditation is something else. Hey, Comic books like Groo are art, and can be funny

David Jamieson
04-15-2004, 03:04 PM
nope, no love in this room, maybe in one of the others...


kungfu cowboy
04-15-2004, 04:44 PM
Not true, Kung Lek! It's just tough love!

04-16-2004, 04:40 AM
Looking at backbreaker's rants since I left work last night, I can't really tell who he's responding to, if anyone. Maybe he's some kind of bot, just randomly throwing out phrases.

Internal Boxer
04-16-2004, 05:29 AM

I have to say that spouting Lineage as verification of quality of teaching is concrete proof that you have no idea what you are talking about. I know this sounds harsh but I am trying to help you as some one who has been there!

Many masters have the "lineage" but all that matters in reference to IMA is internal power and skill! its as simply as that. Lineage is irrelevant who cares if your teacher learnt it from Yang-lu chans cleaner and there was no proof!!! . My teacher has the lineage also but has never emphasised it I had to drag it out of him just for my own curiosity. It may be that your master has both, the only way to see this is for him to demonstrate it to you and feel his power, if he does not do this then it is obvious he has no power as one of the ways you progress in IMA is "feeling" this power and skill, which helps you understand how the body generates it.

All too often Chi-gung and meditation are taught as the path to internal power, its a shame because this could not be further from the truth, you will feel calm relaxed, and even feel the flow of chi by practicing this, but the only correct way to cultivate internal power is through a lot of daily hard work with nei-gung for many many years.

04-16-2004, 06:46 AM
I think lineage has its value in American culture. Similar to where you go to college...you may go to Harvard, but if all you do is drink and barely pass... Lineage looks good, and does give some indication of a person's exposure to an art.

One thing I have really come to believe is that you can learn from people without having them be exceptional experts. Often people have a cognitve or theoretical understanding of an art or technique but cannot actually perform the skills themselves. However, that doesn't mean that I cannot listen to their explainations and figure it out myself. The skill of your teachers is important, but it is sometimes secondary to their ability to relate the skill in a way that is meaningful to you. If you have a great deal of natural aptitude, it may always be the case that you are seeking advice from those whose actual performance of skills is destined to be of a lower level than your own. It doesn't make their teaching irrelevant. I think that's why there's a saying "one can never surpas his teacher" when clearly, when speaking about actual performance, this is not the case.

04-16-2004, 07:00 AM
Lineage is just BS filler for those who have something to sell or something to prove.

04-18-2004, 12:05 PM
Hey, internal punk. I see through your bs talk. Before you open your mouth again, learn some actual IMA, instead of spewing out cliches you heard on chat rooms. You know what's more important than " feeling the internal energy from your teacher" ?
Feeling the corrections of your techniques from your teacher and hands on form corrections. Felling the technique does not mean you can duplicate it. Your teacher has to teach it to you, not just " let you feel him". I bet you did learn in " Yang lu chans cleaner lineage".

You don't evenr know the difference between qigong and neigong. Secondly , who the hell are you to say they are seperate arts, because you couldn't be more full of ****.

04-18-2004, 03:29 PM
Yeah, yeah, Internal punk knows that internal stuff too. Maybe we should all bow down to the red5's of the world, and cut qigong out of MA like that punk ass emptyflower ***** forum, Idiot.

04-18-2004, 06:08 PM
Backbreaker, still talking smack about Emptyflower? Get a life dude. Lots of us on Emptyflower practice Chigung, we just don't neccessarily believe someone can be knocked down with no-contact "chi blasts"....or whatever. Why you try to paint us as being whatever it is you don't like, I still don't know (you have yet to be right about any of it). Have a happy day.

04-18-2004, 07:29 PM
Whatever, they banned me for no reason and banned many people for no reason. They shouldn't do that, you never know who might log on, but they just encourage arrogance there, and the people they kept are the idiot wannabe experts. You lost all rights to claim " right" or "correct" cerebus, when you claimed xinyi and xingyi were unrelated different arts.

04-18-2004, 07:41 PM
Oh No! Backbreaker revoked my "rights"!Whimper, cry, cry. :D Grow up alright?

I've never seen anyone get banned from EF "for no reason". You're still on that kick though, so more power to you.

As for the Hsing-I/ Hsin-i debate, what I said is that they are 2 different arts. I train in Hsing-I and I've seen Hsin-I, they are quite different whether they're related or not. I have also seen Hsin-I practitioners state that any connection between these arts is a common myth, not fact. I imagine they would know better than I (but not better than you, eh?).

Anyway, you need to realize that you don't have the authority to tell anyone whether or not they can be "right" or "correct" (what a foolish idea). A person is either "right" or they're not. Your opinions are simply your own.


04-18-2004, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by backbreaker
Whatever, they banned me for no reason and banned many people for no reason. They shouldn't do that, you never know who might log on, but they just encourage arrogance there, and the people they kept are the idiot wannabe experts. You lost all rights to claim " right" or "correct" cerebus, when you claimed xinyi and xingyi were unrelated different arts.

So if someone is wrong once (and I am not saying that cerebus was wrong or right) then they no longer have the right to an opinion?

04-18-2004, 07:49 PM
Of course! I am now, from this day forward, forever wrong! (Even though I wasn't wrong in the first place :D ).

04-18-2004, 07:51 PM
I never heard they are seperate. You know, I could be wrong about that and xingyi is not my main thing. But everything I ever heard points to that people who know, consider them the same, I could probably find many internet sites saying they are the same thing. What did your EF moderator say?

Anyways, emptyflower sucks, is punk ass, they wannabe experts, and alot of the people they all banned are way better. So, it just looks to me that they suck , maybe not, but it sure seems to look that way. Not the realistic IMA site they portray, or you think, so big deal, it actually sucks, just looks good at first

04-18-2004, 07:59 PM
Heh, heh, heh. The guys BB is talking about include such people as John Wang, the last student of Grandmaster Chang Dung Sheng, Dr. Kenneth Fish who trained with Grandmaster Chang Jun Feng, members of various branches of the Tang Shou Tao descended from Master Hsu Hong Ji, and many more top notch, recognized experts in the CIMAs (though I'M the one calling them experts, none of those named ever refer to themselves as such). But BB wants to put them all down because he was booted out (probably for being immature). :rolleyes:

04-18-2004, 08:04 PM
No, I got booted out because I saw people who I respected booted out and I said I thought the moderator sucks, immaturity is not an issue in MA. I viewed it as banning some members in favor of other weaker members. I'm not gonna talk about who they were, I'm done harassing them, but I would bet on those guys against anyone you listed, but I respect schuai chiao and don't count them out, but some guys SC guys ( not the master) are kind of, well traitors to MMA guys, and go along with them on the internet, while being all weak in PMs and stuff

04-18-2004, 08:19 PM
Anyways, you can talk like you know, but I know you don't.

04-18-2004, 08:29 PM
What exactly are you talking about in that last post? Not making alot of sense, are you? I don't know if you've been drinking or if your mind is always so unfocused but you really are rather clueless.

04-18-2004, 08:37 PM
Just for the record, though some people DO trace Hsing-I back to Hsinyi, others do not. As with most points in martial arts history, there are opposing camps that support each theory. However, BB is simply crying "sour grapes" when he talks crap about Emptyflower. Check it out for yourself. www.emptyflower.com (if you're mature & interested in good Chinese Internal Arts discussion and have a sense of humor :D ).

04-18-2004, 08:59 PM
You're mostly an idiot, and that has nothing to do with talking to me, alot of them and you are just clueless whan it comes to who would win a fight and who is good, as evident by the group ( not me, and having nothing to do with me) that was banned. But that is ancient history, but I'm telling you that is a useless forum, filled with useless people with a lot of useless so called "facts" , you feed off of each other and start beleiving your bs too much. Bottom line, alot of useless talk and arguments, no videos, no evidence of fighting knowledge at all. I mean seriously, emptyflower talks the most about sparring , realism, aliveness etc.
but show the least knowledge of out of every forum I found, which is what I am saying, they talk alot of bs about alot of things and people, act like their so good, and know it all, at the expense of other groups who aren't liked by the main EF fanboys and moderator. And yet they exemplify the IMAist who sucks at fighting, ( not to say none of them fight, or that you don't have all these amatuer fights supposedly) But they think they're better than they are, or more accurately, for some reason they want everyone to think that. Not to say good people don't post there, but the main guys and the moderator are totally full of ****. I never saw a good discussion there ever.

04-18-2004, 09:13 PM
And HOW many of these guys have you met and trained with to be able to say this? I've met three myself and they all were very decent, knowledgable, skilled people. You have met...zero?

How much have you used your MAs? How much experience do you have in full contact fighting or actual fighting on the street?
I was a boxer for 5 years, a full contact karate & San Shou fighter for three years. I was also a Military cop for 4 years and a prison guard after that. I suppose you have MUCH more knowledge & experience the I do though, which is why your opinion certainly overrides anything I have to say :rolleyes:.

Basically what's coming from you is sounding like this: "Sniff, cry, I don't wanna be part of your stupid club anyway! Sniff, besides, you guys suck! Sniff, cry!"

You're just making yourself sound even worse every time you post because you make it clear that the only reason you're talking crap is because you got your feelings hurt. That brings your credibility rating to about zero. Have a nice night.

04-18-2004, 09:14 PM
God, dude, get over it. For someone that hates my forum and everyone that posts there you sure like to go on *****ing and whining about it. You got booted cause you were doing nothing but creating problems, being a jerk and contributing nothing constructive to any of the discussion. I'm VERY lenient with the forum and wouldn't ban someone for no reason so quit lying to everyone. My moderators and I only ban users that troll, repost other people's posts as their own, post under multiple names or post the same old lame tired "internal arts are worthless-groundfighting is best" type of posts. Intelligent debate is fine. Disagreeing is fine. Your opinions are fine. Being a punk is not - so you got axed. Move on.

04-18-2004, 09:17 PM
NO, YOU ARE NOT GETTING IT. I don't care about feelings, or ego. And that is what most EF members can never understand. If I had this type of mentality why would I go to EF in the first place and start different threads and conversations, people are banned from emptyflower because it is full of wannabe experts, who don't want new things coming in, distracting from their new websites, and their new videos and ****. It's like I said, you think you know, but I know you don't

04-18-2004, 09:22 PM
Devere, everything you listed is not me. Spamming by some people is okay, but others get booted before they get to say anything. But if you thought your favorite IMA guys were as tough as people banned ( I'm not trying to drag anyone into this) you would have challenged them, like you did straightblaster. At least you would look better, as I can't say what other people would have done, and no one knows. But, anyways, I won't harass that group anymore and I live no where near them, but emptyflower sucks big time, there were some good posters there, but the idiots get too much favors from the moderator, and you beleive your own ****

04-18-2004, 09:24 PM
WHy do I care who is in the military or a cop? Oh yeah, I know at least one member. Trained lots with him

04-18-2004, 09:31 PM
Still haven't answered my questions. It's obvious that the reason you think people on Emptyflower don't know what they're talking about is because YOU are the one who doesn't know what he's talking about.

To someone like you, with absolutely no real experience anything that we say will probably not make much sense. Do you believe that real fighting looks like a Van Damme fight scene? Newsflash: it doesn't.

So really, WHAT kind of real experience do you have by which you're judging others?

04-18-2004, 09:34 PM
How long have you been training with your Chen taiji teacher, backbreaker?

04-18-2004, 09:35 PM
IMA as long as I remember almost. Your answer is typical. You are a typical EF guy. You think you're better than everyone, you are definately a big time EF fanboy, you have that arrogance that is unmistakable.

04-18-2004, 09:36 PM
I did 2 years 7 days a week. 3 years now. But again I say it was the real lineage. Yang Taiji much longer.

04-18-2004, 09:38 PM
Question - how can you know who is banned? Only I and my modertors know that. As far as you know you're the only guy on the ban list.

For the record, the few people I've met from the forum are far from wannebe experts - they are very real martial artists that can hurt you very badly if they wanted to - I had the bruises to prove it after training with them.

It's your prerogative to sum up all 1399 members as "wannabe" experts." It's an easy comment to make from behind a computer screen. Just be careful when doing so - there are some people out there that take stuff like that personally.

The main reason I'm even responding to this post is for any users on this forum that may read this and get a bad impression of my members, otherwise I would't engage in this childish nonsense. So, in an effort to end this silly bickering, how about I unban you and you can bring your "new things" in? If you're that passionate about sharing new ideas and views, you're more than welcome back.

04-18-2004, 09:40 PM
:rolleyes: The people with the best ideas as far as I know were banned, so I didn't want to be there still. Your answer though, is weak. Are you telling me no one was banned, and everyone is just cowards pretending to be banned? Well, I'm gonna go bang my head on a wall now. Talking to a rock this is like

04-18-2004, 09:46 PM
Okay, I'll clarify. There is no proof of really anything on EF, there is no proof anyone is any better than anything, it's hard to prove origins of an art, and yet you promote your selves as being right, as if IMA is a set of proven facts. You act like I am desroying the fabric of everything good in IMA, but it is you. You say I'm the one nutriding groundfighting and MMA, but that is the furthest from the truth

04-18-2004, 09:47 PM
Dude, you sound like you've banged your head on too many walls already!

So anyway, your "real" experience is that you've done Tai Chi for over 3 years. And this gives you the knowledge to say that everyone on EF sucks (without ever having even MET any of them either :p).

You have proven all of my points for me. Thank you.

04-18-2004, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by backbreaker
Yang Taiji much longer.

with a better documented lineage than the people who are liked in EF. And no teacher in the Yang lineage I learned in have been accused of claiming "OLD YANG " when they do CMC

04-18-2004, 09:49 PM
The people with the best ideas as far as I know were banned,

Like who? I for one sometimes just stop going to a forum for a while(or all together) if something on there actually makes me angry. I haven't noticed to many people banned from ef 'cept for the occasional troll(like straightblaster... who actually posts here quite a bit but under a different name :D)

04-18-2004, 09:51 PM
People with best ideas banned? Coward? WTF?? Dude, you really are not making sense and your comments lead me to believe that you are just young.

Well, I tried to make peace with you and even extended an invitation back. This will be my last response because this exchange is pointless.

Sorry for the dirty laundry KFO memebers.


04-18-2004, 09:52 PM
I called them out once. They replied but AS FAR AS I KNOW were banned. I suspect they don't want to be involved in internet challenges made by people they don't know. So I won't say, or nutride them

04-18-2004, 09:54 PM
"You act like I am destroying the fabric of everything good in IMA"
Really? Sorry to burst your bubble but you don't have the power to do such a thing. We're just telling you that you're acting like a spoiled child who didn't get his way.

"but it is you." And how are WE doing this? By training hard on a regular basis and becoming as good as we can be in our chosen arts? That hardly destroys "the fabric of everything good in IMA."

04-18-2004, 09:54 PM
I'm not especially young. But a young perspective is what your forum needs, because there's alot of geezer **** going on there. You are of an older generation mostly

04-18-2004, 09:57 PM
Well you got THAT right anyway! Why most of us must be 32, 33 even 34 years old! Except for the real old geezers on EF who would mop the floor with most of us 32 year olds.:D

04-18-2004, 09:59 PM
No cerebus, I don't even have such mentalities, but that is how you see it from your understanding, because that is your mentality. I will say EF sucks, you have convinced me, and you're not so knowledgeable. I know I can't destroy IMA, you act that way though, as evidence because you are so concerned that your irrelevant forum is said by me to suck. There is alot of things wrong there, for one you think you're such experts

04-18-2004, 10:08 PM
Heh, heh, heh! Basically BBs argument is like this:
BB:You guys suck!
Me: How can you say we suck if you've never met any of us.
BB: Because I think you suck.
Me:Why? What kind of experience do you have to back your statement up?
BB:Because I did Tai Chi and my lineage is more authentic than anyone on EF. So you guys suck.

Oh well, that shows me! Ha! So there!:D :D :D At least I'll go to bed smiling tonight (like this::D !).

04-18-2004, 10:20 PM

Please stop being such an ignorant maggot. God hates you enough as it is.


04-18-2004, 10:32 PM
No, because you are stupid and you don't get it. You are simply geezers who can't afford to be wrong, arguing about dumb trivial things. It's just that if someone is a fan of ideas you don't like, or you don't like how they present themselves, online or real life, you take it so personally, as evidence by these pathetic fanboys

04-18-2004, 10:40 PM
So there! He told you! :D :D :D

04-18-2004, 10:43 PM
BB, I was just wondering if you got the PM I sent you?

04-18-2004, 10:46 PM
No, I did not, maybe it is full. :eek: Getting serious here

04-18-2004, 10:57 PM
Oh, you probably mean the one a few months ago. Yes, I did, but your PM was full so I didn't respond

04-18-2004, 10:57 PM
Well, it was a while ago.

I know Rex from years ago. He helped me a bit in developing my junior Tai Chi program. You and I share some of the same lineage.

Anyway...carry on gentlemen.

ah...ok. I'll empty it if you wanna send me a reply

04-18-2004, 11:00 PM
:) Cool. Yeah , I really should say all the IMA people I have met were very sincere, and I don't see Rex ever arguing on an internet forum like we do here :D He's very mellow and laid back

04-18-2004, 11:41 PM
Actually, I have met alot of different teachers through Rex, Almost ( but not everyone) all the IMA people I have met or learned from, I can trace back to somehow, directly or indirectly, because of Rex, he knows everyone. Even my Chen teacher I found out about, I think originally because Rex knew some students of his

So whatever, bottom line is that people who strike me as at least mostly sincere, and more importantly cool, are considered charlatans and banned from EF. Fine, it's over, but I will diss EF at any opportunity, I don't care.

Internal Boxer
04-19-2004, 04:49 AM
Hmmm Backbreaker there seems to be a lot of welled up anger inside you, I guess the meditation ain't working then ;)

Anyway mate, I know you are a young kid, but seriously don't worry your spotty little face will clear up, your anger is obviously due to an inferiority complex you are suffering, try getting some mental therapy, it seems to hint at unresolved confusion over your sexual preferances. Hiding behind martial arts will only worsen your condition.


04-19-2004, 06:06 AM
Backbreaker you are one sad b@stard.

Calm down.

04-19-2004, 06:36 AM
Maybe you and Michaelangelo can have a coherant thought. BB you are such an obvious nutbag. I know Eric Tuttle. Tell him you talk to Buddy Tripp and maybe he'll read some of your childish diatribe here.

04-19-2004, 07:26 AM
disregarding the sniping at each other for a moment, I'd like to go back to the point bb made about MA being the only worthwhile pursuit (I know I'm paraphrasing but that was roughly it)

If someone pursues a religion, paints in their freetime and goes to the gym 3 times a week; how then are they missing out on what you get from MA?

Spiritual growth and exploration? check
Freedom of expression? check
Physical fitness? check
Most importantly - are they happy? who knows...

I think it is extreme arrogance/ignorance to take the position you have. The only thing that I see people gain again and again in MA that I rarely see elsewhere is character development - good training knocks the edges off of people through giving confidence and humility to them. I suggest that you stop seeing the world through solely your own perspective - MA works for you and gives you huge rewards; don't assume that other people don't get similar from their own pursuits.

*edit* actually that's crap - character development is in everything we do. Sorry :)

Brief aside - artistic expression like painting or writing is a wonderful balance between unconscious and conscious mind, much like training. When it works it feels amazing - who are you to criticise the worth of someone elses activity?

BB - you've posted some good stuff elsewhere, it's strange that you're maintaining a position of "my style is the best" (and on here "my hobby is best"). Do you come here to learn and share and discuss? In this thread you seem to be here to argue, denegrate and dismiss - take a step back and think about it.


04-19-2004, 08:48 AM
Just STFU you nobodies. I didn't know Eric Tuttle browsed the web or went on forums. That would be cool, but I don't know where he is now. Anyways, you are punks, keep talking about inferiority complexes, and all this bull****. Clearly you just don't get it, and you learn ithe yang lu chan's claener's lineage, you clearly are lost in this conversation. Buddy- STFU you punk. You may be an IMA instructor of 20, 30, years, whatever, you got nothing to say anymore, I'm not interested in you, and you ain't ****. Yeah, well, if buudy tripp is here, well , holy ****, I better contact Eric Tuttle and tell him I talked to the great Buddy Tripp, that'll get me props:rolleyes: STFU, you can't possibly have anything in your bag of tricks I ain't seen before, you're a geezer. You ain't ****. I got nothin to say to you, you are quite irrelevant to me, and still are the arrogant punk ass wannabe's. Read the thead about " things you used to think about martial arts, look at how long Ralek has lasted, and then go set up some fights, put them on video, or STFU until then. You are clearly the egostistic ones, the scared ones, and the proof of that is you had nothing to worry about at EF, and yet you flamed me at every opportunity and had me banned. So as far as you and your teachers go, well, someone said on another thread meditation is spiritual, and while people with your mentality think I am like you but the other side of the argument, I am just an IMA fan and want the right people to be respected; those who prove thier skills in sparring on video, otherwise you're just talking lineage bs like me. You are no more credible in IMA than anyone else, you are unproven. You reflect on your training much more poorly than I do.

Sorry kaitain- these guys ego driven mentalities got to me. They think I'm like them, and try and say **** like I'm immature, when really it is them who just aren't highly skilled, so they bad mouth others. So fuvk you, punk ass know it alls, it'you who talk all the **** because it's all you have. So until you are fighters or, have superior fighting available on video, just STFU and quit wrecking the internet. AT least the way I view it, is that I only flame in kind, I am not the arrogant one here, no way

Yeah Buddy, Eric Tuttle said no BK Franziz instructor can beat him or apply any qinna on him. SO Eric Tuttle is like older than you, but decades ahead of you, like the people banned from EF, so go back there and talk with your clueless geezer wannabe expert friends, who diss everyone all the time.

04-19-2004, 09:04 AM
I suggest you walk away and don't open this thread again. What possible reason could you have for getting this annoyed? I really recommend that you just decide not to get this involved - life's too rich and full to spend time getting annoyed at what people you'll never meet say on an internet forum.

Just some heartfelt advice - the anger and frustration just drips off of your last post and it's not a good state of mind to be in.

Good luck to you


04-19-2004, 09:06 AM
Anyways, after the way I and others were treated at EF, at the favor of others, I am not on the EF peoples side, never will be, and they assume alot about how right they are, and think everyone will agree with them or their wrong, they are the wrong ones. They ain't MMA fighters, they got no proof of their skills, they are plainly no more credible than anyone in IMA. All they got is their lineages too

I actually am not angry at all. But I am not as eloquent with words as some guys, so my insults sound angry. Well, one of the main reasons I'm here is to not let EF guys go around here talking like thrir so great, at the expense of others, so they can promote their videos, that is what this is about, not anger, but that they think they can say someone suckd, and then I'm supposed to accept it because they say so? They are the immature ones, they are the ones selling videos, without any fighting as far as I can tell. Sorry, insulting is the best I can do. But really, This isn't anger, I'm just telling them off because they are so arrogant to the point of being irrelevant

Actually, Mainly there are alot of EF wannabe experts, that's not anger, and I didn't make that up. I have been told people like them are wannabe experts, actually I've been told better people are wannabe experts. So, I saw one instructor I respect on the internet saying EF guys are wannabe experts, and guess what, my qigong teacher says the exact same thing about people like that. So they are wannabe experts, I didn't make it up, it's not anger. But they get iiritated by me. Sorry about that, and the dissing art, that was kind of too much.

David Jamieson
04-19-2004, 09:15 AM

the way i understand it, you were banned at ef just for being the way you are right here.

04-19-2004, 09:19 AM
Pretty much kung lek. I did tell off the moderator after he banned a whole group of people who responded to a thread I started. The main thing is that, they think they can't possibly be wrong. Anyone who disagrees must be immature, angry, or have no clue about IMA.

04-19-2004, 09:25 AM
I tell them they have their heads in their asses. They think I am immature, crazily angry. Blasphemy they say. Plus they're all ass buddies, so no matter what they take each others side, no matter what

04-19-2004, 09:34 AM
I would like to offer my sincere apologies to the EF and Inside Kungfu community, ( BTW, EF plans on saving the IKF community once and for all from emty force and richard mooney, finally eliminating qi from IMA once and for all) for associating IMA with teenage mutant ninja turtles. Now everyone who does IMA will be a qi hugging hippy or a little kid. XIngyi will never get in MMA now!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

04-19-2004, 09:43 AM
Dude, relax.

You come off like a looper. :)

David Jamieson
04-19-2004, 09:45 AM
Hey this ain't IKF:mad:

ikf is thataway man.

get your acronyms straight! no wonder they're jarred at ya :D

04-19-2004, 09:57 AM
The main thing is that, they think they can't possibly be wrong. Anyone who disagrees must be immature, angry, or have no clue about IMA.
Hmm... I wonder why they would think such things about you ;) Nearly every post I've read from you has been riddled with insults, angry language, and 0 info about IMA. Show us some posts you've made that have actually been useful without insulting someone(or something), and maybe people would be a little more sympathetic to your ranting.

04-19-2004, 10:02 AM
Bangs head on wall again. Sympathy? Why do I want that. It's over with , done. And second, it don't matter who you are, if you disagree they insult you. QUit blaming me you dumb stupid idiot. That is not an insult, but the truth. EF is for pussies who either

one- can't fight

or two- don't have the real internal energy, so they revert to kickboxing or boxing. And it's really that simple, wannabe experts, I didn't make that up

04-19-2004, 10:19 AM
Having a bad day my friend?

04-19-2004, 10:33 AM
There are 1400 registered users at EF.

Who are these geezers and wannabes you keep referring to?

Why not just name the people who come to mind when you say sh!t like;

Well, one of the main reasons I'm here is to not let EF guys go around here talking like thrir so great, at the expense of others, so they can promote their videos, that is what this is about, not anger, but that they think they can say someone suckd, and then I'm supposed to accept it because they say so? They are the immature ones, they are the ones selling videos, without any fighting as far as I can tell. Sorry, insulting is the best I can do. But really, This isn't anger, I'm just telling them off...

Who are "they"?

04-19-2004, 10:37 AM
Well ,I don't know it matters, the people who get into the moderators head. SO one- moderator, for banning people I am a fan of and think are good

two- the guy who said I have never seen good CMA, and haven't a clue about it

3- all the guys who say I am 11 years old or Unmatchable

4- people who talk about qi huggers but do lame qigong

04-19-2004, 10:39 AM
I think the kid needs a trip to the bughouse and a thorazine

That's what happens to most people when the start with that
"everybody is out to get me." crap.

I think BB the warrior princess just needs some rest and observation.

04-19-2004, 10:41 AM
STFU Bai Hui. You are too deadly, and your techniques are only for the street or parking lot. And you're old too

04-19-2004, 10:43 AM
I know I'm old. You will be old too some day.
Please end this **** now.
No one is out to get you.

04-19-2004, 10:45 AM
Quit putting words in my mouth, and trying to dictate what the conversation is about. I say that EF is lame, retarted, ghey and all that. Typical wannabe experts run rampant over there. THat is true, I'm not making it up, it's not just me who says they are wannabes. The moderator picked his sides, fine , bought into who he thinks are good, but hes a wannabe expert, it's not just me talking about wannabe experts

04-19-2004, 10:48 AM
Holy crap! I'm way older than Pete.

backbreaker, I guess you can add me to your list of geezers.

04-19-2004, 10:50 AM
I respected you as a Yang lineage holder...

One hand holding your Yang while the works the remote
to the Richard Simmons video.

Tough to believe you were the sperm, of all those millions, that hit the egg.
Man your father (whoever that is) shoulda wrapped it twice.

04-19-2004, 10:51 AM
Sorry shooter. I apologize. It's all I can think of. But you know there's something to it. It's like I actually view you as more ahead of the game, and ahead of your time by combining groundfighting and Taiji. Just like Eric Tuttle is old but I consider him ahead of the game. I don't really mean in age

04-19-2004, 10:52 AM
I'll visit you atthe nursing home.

04-19-2004, 10:52 AM
Just STFU bai hui

04-19-2004, 10:52 AM
You first nancy.

04-19-2004, 10:53 AM
People who name call, and criticise , though and talk about reality based self defense I just view as behind the times, is all

Also I could easily be a Yang instructor , but I am more interested in my own skill, so I cross train in alot of arts. I could easily teach wild goose qigong first annd second level, but I don't care. The EF guys who you should know I'm talking about prove that, with all their maturity( LOL) , qualified for teaching ****, and reality based street defense

04-19-2004, 10:56 AM
Like the reality of your Atlantis based qi-gong?

I told you I'd leave you be, if you stopped insulting EF for
no good reason.
What didn't you understand about that, rectal mcnuggets?

04-19-2004, 10:59 AM
I said STFU. Atlantis qigong I tell you is 100% real and even way better than what you do. It is clearly a level above anything else out there, and I have way more experience in that than you

Anyways, you have nothing to say ever since you challenged me to a parking lot brawl, with no prize money. So I said STFU, EF is lame reaterted and ghey, all words I learned from you.

04-19-2004, 11:04 AM
I'm sorry I called you names douche bag.
Please don't report me to the Vice Principal.

Please tell us about your Wild Turkey qigong.
Do you do a few shots and turn ito that fat blubbering
Goth Chick in the kitchen that ruins all the high school parties?

No, I do not want to know about your Mork and Mindy Atlantis qi-gong.

04-19-2004, 11:06 AM
You did not learn the word reaterted from me.
I do not know that word. neither does anyone else who
speaks english.

Must be Atlantean.... Come up for air Nancy!

04-19-2004, 11:10 AM
Just STFU punk. You do outdated stuff. Internal Iron Palm is the ****. I'm done harassing those guys, mainly because EF is a big screw up of a forum. You have nothing, you are a wannabe punk fanboy who is too- deadly, only for the street, so STFU. Go hang with your geezer friends and talk about your historical facts prove that words like buddha and Tao are just names.:rolleyes:

04-19-2004, 11:11 AM
Internal Liberace fist has spoken!!!!!!!!


04-19-2004, 11:16 AM
You suck,.............. geezer. You ain't nothing, the problem is some people, like EF moderator, don't see through you, or perhaps like some shuai chiao/MMA EF member, you are scared of the internet warriors. Now go back to talk of " reality" and " the street", and you better go train for that ultimate day when you are mugged like in the movies.

04-19-2004, 11:17 AM

You're right. our " Nancy the kneeling Ninja of the bus terminal men's room" style is da bombness......

04-19-2004, 11:18 AM
Your simply not funny like you think you are. You're so funny I forgot to laugh

04-19-2004, 11:21 AM
Anyways, if you knew anything about real qigong, and weren't a wannabe IMAist, you would be shocked at how legit atlantis qigong is, you'd be like whoa! What's that qigong you're doing?

04-19-2004, 11:23 AM
"Ultimate day when you are mugged like in the movies."

Yeah, that will be a real ultimate day! I will just use your Dharma and Greg Chi blast to save my skin!!

04-19-2004, 11:26 AM
", you would be shocked at how legit atlantis qigong is, you'd be like whoa! What's that qigong you're doing?"


Ian G.R.
04-19-2004, 11:41 AM
Atlantis? Qi Gong?
*points at bb*

What if we (EF) put up prize money? would you be interested?

Nah, you'd probably decline since you are too
"TEH d3@DLY!1!!11" and would use your deadly Atlantian ki Blasts on us all (Kaaaaaaaa-Meeeeeeeee-HAAAAAA-Meeeeeeeee.....)

Oh, I am scare!!!

Start typing like you aren't some poser and stop being a punk.


04-19-2004, 11:44 AM
Who the hell are you? Man, the wannabe's are coming out of the woodwork. I already had prize money put up for them, the challenge is no longer valid. The event already happened. No IMA vs. MMA anytime soon, you won't find IMA fighters at EF, only people who can't fight, or who use kickboxing when they fight

04-19-2004, 11:53 AM
You know exactly who I am *****.
What money? What challenge?

04-19-2004, 11:55 AM
You weren't paying attention at EF. SHows your intelligence, you only remember the guys you are a fan of

04-19-2004, 11:58 AM
As far as I know about you, there is no benefit to fighting you, you are a wannabe IMAist, are you a boxer or kickboxer?

04-19-2004, 12:03 PM
I already offered you out.
You are a Pu zz y and waste of time.

Yer also delusional. Farewell princess.

Meat Shake
04-19-2004, 12:24 PM
I speak to god in the spirit world.
Your style is weak.

04-19-2004, 12:33 PM
I think its ****in' stupid to underestimate Boxers. I think its stupid to underestimate anyone because of their choice in MA. In fact, a good martial artist expects his opponent to be of equal or greater skill. Better disappointed then defeated.

Ian G.R.
04-19-2004, 12:33 PM
Well then go practice your boxing and kicking with feet and your Atlantian Qi gong. I bow to your Internet fu supremacy. I was horribly, horribly wrong.

So what is the history of the A. qi gong? Was it the Atlantians who traveled to china to show them how it's done? Or, Was it the Chinese who traveled to atlantis and taught them , who in turn improved upon it (the Qi gong)?

Oh, "and I am, whatever you say I am etc......;)

04-19-2004, 12:36 PM
I'm humble enough to admit that my knowledge of Qigong is limited. Also, you've done nothing but prove your forum foo as well. I was implying that people who underestimate BOXERS may be in for a serious shock. Don't get you panties in a wad, son.

04-19-2004, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by Ian G.R.
Well then go practice your boxing and kicking with feet and your Atlantian Qi gong. I bow to your Internet fu supremacy. I was horribly, horribly wrong.

So what is the history of the A. qi gong? Was it the Atlantians who traveled to china to show them how it's done? Or, Was it the Chinese who traveled to atlantis and taught them , who in turn improved upon it (the Qi gong)?

Oh, "and I am, whatever you say I am etc......;)

Atlanteans migrated to different parts of the world, in this lineage it was Tibet, where all other qigong styles then were developed out that Yoga, and went out in all directions from there. This seems to be why all qigongs are based on similar priciples and are all similar, shaolin or Dao school, the origin seems to be Yoga, crazy.

Anyways, calling someone out Bai Hui, is not a legit challenge match, you have no connections to get a real fight, and neither do I anymore( although you never know, there's always nrxt year, but whatever, it's over, no IMA vs. MMA, fine, but what mainly makes me not like EF is all the people they ban and say their better than). So STFU, at least I had a challenge for IMAists when I first showed up. You have nothing and are actually the idiot. You got nothin but the Yang Taiji of Bagua. I'm asking if he's a boxer, exactly with the purpose of not underestimating anybody. But IMA guys are the last ones who should be talking.

black and blue
04-19-2004, 12:45 PM
I've just read this entire thread... love it... Backbreaker... you are a genius. Whether you know it or not your posts are the funniest I've read in ages.


But this made me p.rick up my ears...

Talking to a rock this is like

Are you Yoda?

:p :D

04-19-2004, 12:47 PM
I think faster than I write, sometimes they are not structured in the right order. Glad you get a laugh, it's good for you, I don't give a....

Ian G.R.
04-19-2004, 01:08 PM
So where exactly is (or was) atlantis?
is it in the atlantic ocean? or in the Mediterreanian sea?

04-19-2004, 01:19 PM
Atlantic ocean.

Ian G.R.
04-19-2004, 01:42 PM
Xin yi (what is also referred to as Xin yi liu he) Is different from Xing yi, but not much. E.g they don't have the wu xing (five elemental fists) but all the basic 10 animal forms (unlike Xing yi, which has 12) have the five elements incorporated into them.
I am not sure which is oldest, mainly because I don't care, but what I have stated above is the most important difference.
Xin yi people also have somewhat bigger arm movements.

this is a response to a now non-existant post

04-19-2004, 01:46 PM

What does this article say about xinyi vs. xingyi. Does it say they are unrelated arts. I thought it said the name xinyi at some point, was changed to xingyi, does it not? Oh, well if xingyi is in fact different than xinyi, then it is no more interesting to me than karate or even TKD. But I have at least some experience with xinyi and xingyi, and they seem similar to me. Interesting that is says somewhere that xinyi might be a shaolin style, and you can see high level meditation is involved.

Here is the post I erased, I just redid the post. Yeah, in xinyi luihe all I saw were animal forms, no 5 elements. That theory could have been added later, I don't know

04-19-2004, 01:51 PM
Whao, the idea that xingyi is shaolin is quite revolutionary, because most people will tell you it's a Dao art. Okay, that settles it, I say xingyi is a shaolin style, man, I should have learned it more when I had the chance. I'll have to see if there's anyone around teaching it. AND SEEMS TO BE BASED ON HIGH LEVEL MEDITATION

04-19-2004, 01:56 PM
I gotta say, the opening and closing torso methods of Taiji are strikingly similar to opening and closing in torso in Yoga. As well as Heng/Ha breathing. Hatha?

Ian G.R.
04-19-2004, 02:34 PM
I was led to believe xinyi (as in Xinyi liuhe) is a mainly a muslim style.. But maybe that's just me.

Why are you linking to Jarek's site, I thought you said those EF crowns didn't know anything?

I was just yanking your chain with the Atlantis stuff, I think it's funny you believe that it (atlantis) really did exist.
I also heard that the Atlantian were aliens, so does that mean Qi Gong came from outer space? *does his best imitation of a theremin*

Another thing

What pwr lvl r u?.

Ok enough poking, I find your info to be of the hit and miss kind. This could be due to that you really know the shizzznniite and everyone else is wrong. Or, alternatively you are learning all of this from your master, who is a crackpot.

04-19-2004, 02:41 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Ian G.R.
[B]I was led to believe xinyi (as in Xinyi liuhe) is a mainly a muslim style.. But maybe that's just me.

Re: This is more hit or miss than me

Why are you linking to Jarek's site, I thought you said those EF crowns didn't know anything?

I ain't banned from there

04-19-2004, 02:44 PM

04-19-2004, 03:09 PM
These are older styles than any IMA. Check em out





04-19-2004, 05:37 PM
You said you'd ban this ****ing ****hole. Be a man of your word. Is this what you want representing this site?

04-19-2004, 05:39 PM
Don't listen to buddy. He wants to promote his style.

04-19-2004, 05:41 PM
He's just mad because I called Gao the Yang Taiji of Bagua. And I hold that I never started namecalling, only responding back to harrassment

04-19-2004, 05:53 PM
lList exactly what you know about Gao style Ba Gua....

Oops nothing. Come see me, I'll show you.

The offer is still good Nancy.