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04-15-2004, 03:10 PM









Here's the home page in case anyone's interested in signing up...


04-15-2004, 03:12 PM
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! Those were funny. I've seen these guys on bullshido, but not those pictures:eek: I hope they are not reading this. Good for you guys, keep training and forget the internet.

kungfu cowboy
04-15-2004, 04:24 PM
Hey, don't laugh! Most psychiatric hospitals sorely neglect their client's physical health.

kungfu cowboy
04-15-2004, 04:31 PM
But seriously forks, it looks like they take their training seriously, and have a good time!

(Bandanas gotta go though.)

old jong
04-15-2004, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by kungfu cowboy
Hey, don't laugh! Most psychiatric hospitals sorely neglect their client's physical health.

I would greatly prefer to have these guys as "clients" than some I take care of where I work!...;)

04-15-2004, 05:53 PM
You guys will probably like this one too! http://www.kungfula.com/gallery.html

04-15-2004, 06:05 PM
Hah! I didn't even realize the same guy (Larry) is on both sites! No wonder I thought it was funny!

04-15-2004, 06:21 PM
Now THAT is true Martial Art!

We must all bow down!

04-15-2004, 11:27 PM
these guys are my ****ing heroes.

norther practitioner
04-16-2004, 09:26 AM
We've discussed these fairly recently..

If they are enjoying themselves, so be it, lets just hope they aren't thinking they are deadly.

04-16-2004, 09:37 AM

i'd train with her :D :o ;)

04-16-2004, 09:42 AM
Looks like they have some decent looking ladies training there...but that's just because they're in Santa Monica!!!

04-16-2004, 09:54 AM
so santa monica is a good place to have a school?

04-16-2004, 10:02 AM
what the fukk is the problem exactly you bunch of retards. I don't necessarily agree with the fashion statements one makes by wearing a bandana, I don't see anything wrong here. As a matter of fact I saw a ring in one picture which means these guys are probably training harder then some of you.

kungfu cowboy
04-16-2004, 10:06 AM
You wear a bandana too, don't you!:p

Meat Shake
04-16-2004, 10:10 AM
the headband gives him super powers.

04-16-2004, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by red5angel
what the fukk is the problem exactly you bunch of retards. I don't necessarily agree with the fashion statements one makes by wearing a bandana, I don't see anything wrong here. As a matter of fact I saw a ring in one picture which means these guys are probably training harder then some of you. That ring is for public use at the upper-scale health club they teach at. It's not just theirs.

Sifu Z is pretty open about not teaching realistic combat. It's still funny. For someone who hates sell-outs, that place should be your Afghanistan.

04-16-2004, 10:13 AM
I odn't kow anything about them, but I'm not going to assume either from a series of pictures just because some of them don't fit into my definition of cool.

04-16-2004, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by red5angel
I odn't kow anything about them, but I'm not going to assume either from a series of pictures just because some of them don't fit into my definition of cool.

Sifu Z says he sees no need to teach realistic fighting because the odds of people living in Beverly Hills getting into a real fight are slight. So, he gears his training towards fun and hot chick recruiting. It's all on his website. He is the king of sell outs, but he does get some hot chicks in there.

They also just recently changed their name to Lijaiquan because he says they can trace their lineage back to the Choy Li Fut lineage family. Of course, he says his "Li" was just a cousin of THE Li, but that's a different story.

04-16-2004, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by red5angel
I odn't kow anything about them, but I'm not going to assume either from a series of pictures just because some of them don't fit into my definition of cool.

Does this same attitude apply to Shaolin Do schools as well???:rolleyes:

norther practitioner
04-16-2004, 10:18 AM
Given that your definition of cool is hanging outside the club with a crisp washington trying to shmooze the bouncer into letting you in.


04-16-2004, 10:19 AM
At least Red5 knows his place. No person that regularly attends Rensassiance Fairs ever has the right to make fun of anyone. Ever.;)

Meat Shake
04-16-2004, 10:25 AM
lightning bolt!

04-16-2004, 10:31 AM
Does this same attitude apply to Shaolin Do schools as well???

I've never personally had a problem with Shaolin Do.. I don't know a whole lot about them except what I've read on this forum.

NP - too busy feeding your girl washington's to go down town!

MK - I'm part o fthe cool crowd at the renfest haven't you sene the pics?!

04-16-2004, 10:42 AM
... to sell some headbands and sweatbands (http://store.martialartsmart.net/headbands.html)? ;)

04-16-2004, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by GeneChing
... to sell some headbands and sweatbands (http://store.martialartsmart.net/headbands.html)? ;)


04-16-2004, 10:45 AM
LOL! Well you guys do sell ninja kits as well so I suppose.....

norther practitioner
04-16-2004, 10:50 AM
The fact you called it renfest.... well, that speaks volumes...

MK, you shouldn't critisize...
Just look at your LOTR turned Starwars thread...
and I don't want to bring up those dreams about yoda you were talking about.

Meat Shake
04-16-2004, 10:51 AM
My ogre has +6 strength and +10 speed.
He will kill your stupid ass gnomes.

04-16-2004, 10:57 AM
...ninja kits (http://store.martialartsmart.net/ninjaitems.html)? Yep, that's one of our cash cows. Not only that, we sell ninja headbands (http://store.martialartsmart.net/75-51.html) (we have two more (http://store.martialartsmart.net/75-50.html) - this one is my fav (http://store.martialartsmart.net/75-52.html) ;) ). Seriously, if you wear one of these when you practice you will increase in size and duration! :p

04-16-2004, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by norther practitioner
MK, you shouldn't critisize...
Just look at your LOTR turned Starwars thread...
and I don't want to bring up those dreams about yoda you were talking about.

At least I've never dressed up like a Jedi! Well, not since my cool Darth Vader costume when I was 6. But technically, he's not a Jedi. ;)

Meat Shake
04-16-2004, 11:05 AM
I want the one that says "ninja".
Id wear it with my mighty mouse shirt and cheeto crumb filled goatee when I go out to pick up women.

04-16-2004, 11:34 AM
If I had a sifu that told us there's no point in learning self-defense, I'D be sporting the ninja mask for Website Picture Day at class!

old jong
04-16-2004, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by red5angel
what the fukk is the problem exactly you bunch of retards. I don't necessarily agree with the fashion statements one makes by wearing a bandana, I don't see anything wrong here. As a matter of fact I saw a ring in one picture which means these guys are probably training harder then some of you.

He saw a ring!!!...:rolleyes: It's L.A.!!!!....Most guys overthere have pecs inplanted but they still have a house gymn (for the look!)
BTW I'm sure there is more fu**ing in this ring than fighting,if you know what I mean!...:rolleyes: This "school" is just a place to spend some times while the BMW is being washed.;) Look at these silly "Little doggy" hands positions!...:rolleyes:

04-16-2004, 01:08 PM
ol jong, do you even know where LA is, except "in america somehwere"?

keeerist, I really think you canadians need to thaw out or something. Maybe just admit your just the 51 st state?

old jong
04-16-2004, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by red5angel
ol jong, do you even know where LA is, except "in america somehwere"?

keeerist, I really think you canadians need to thaw out or something. Maybe just admit your just the 51 st state?

Just to show to people of all over the world what a stupid answer looks like!...:rolleyes:

04-16-2004, 01:22 PM
Just to show to people of all over the world what a stupid answer looks like!...

well the canadians on this forum certainly excel at that. It must be really cold up there.

old jong
04-16-2004, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by red5angel

well the canadians on this forum certainly excel at that. It must be really cold up there.

Cold enough to keep some unwanted bugs from the south away.

(how it is that it always turn kind of political?...)

04-16-2004, 01:31 PM
how is it that it always seems to get retarded with you guys?

old jong
04-16-2004, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by red5angel
how is it that it always seems to get retarded with you guys?

How is it that when I think about you ,I always see the guy who's mollesting Ned Beatty in the movie "Deliverance"?...Or the banjo player?...

Anyway,you're much better than me in insults contest so, I'll let you win.

04-16-2004, 01:37 PM
hey man, you got your preferences just leave me out of them ;)

04-17-2004, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by old jong

,I always see the guy who's mollesting Ned Beatty in the movie "Deliverance"?...

Man if I was Ned I would fire my agent....no I'd beat him first then fire him.
Can you imigine the guy calling Ted up and saying "I got this great part for you. It was made for you babbyyy!" Oh well, it could be worse, he could have been type cast after that scene.

04-17-2004, 07:59 PM
ROFLMAO! :p :p

04-17-2004, 10:03 PM
Yes, I have de-railed another fine thread.
Back to Fred Sanford.
Remember the episode where Fred was holding out selling his home to some rich Japanese guy?
They were in the guy's office and Fred asked what the sword on display was there for. The Japanese replied that a relative had commited ritual suicide with it. Fred turns to Lamont and says " You don't see any of us putting your uncle's bottles of ripple up on the wall do you?"
Today's teenagers are watching "Queer Eye For the Straight Guy" and posting on KFO.

04-17-2004, 10:12 PM
"Queer Eye For The Straight Guy"? How the hell's that supposed ta' work anyway? A group of gay guys makes him up all pretty and what's gonna happen? Gay guys'll be lookin at him thinkin' he's cruisin for what they've got!
Gimme the ol' Fred Sanford Hara Kiri instead!:D

04-17-2004, 10:19 PM
I think the Nuck bashing is uncalled for. Granted they have funny accents and liberal ways, we should love our neighbor to the north. They have beautiful women, "coffee shops", and hockey. We must not forget Pam Anderson...

04-17-2004, 10:29 PM
Hey, I'm very "pro Canada"! Every time I visit my cousin in Montreal and see all the BEAUTIFUL (and very friendly :D) women there.... well Canada is nice!:D

04-17-2004, 11:32 PM
Man that guy looks kinda like Derek Zoolander.

And I've never seen two people smile so much in sparring before.

Stop! In the naaaame, of love... (http://www.lijiaquan.com/images/640_Wk37TaiChiDouble.jpg)

04-17-2004, 11:38 PM
They seem to be having fun, so I'm not going to knock them.

But check out this quote on sparring:

When people build their martial arts training around being good at fighting or sparring, they are setting themselves up for some disappointment, simply because they are getting really good at something they'll never get to use. Imagine taking cooking lessons for five to ten years, and becoming proficient at preparing fine French cuisine. Then imagine never getting to cook a real meal. That'd be pretty frustrating, wouldn't it? It's the same with people who focus on fighting or self defense, and never get to use it. After a time they either look for an opportunity to see if it "really works," or drop out of the program and look for something else to do with their time.