View Full Version : San Da question

Ray Pina
04-16-2004, 06:53 AM
Does a kicker score a point for kicking the outside leg of the other guy? Like his thigh?

Likewise, does a puncher score a point if he punches the forearm of an attackers punch, turning the intended weapon into a target?

Lastly: I know one can knee, but can one elbow? If not, why one over the other?

Just want to get familiar with house rules if I'm going to be coming by to play:)

04-16-2004, 07:13 AM
do you score if you front kick the guy in the knee when he moves in or is that illegal?

Ray Pina
04-16-2004, 07:19 AM
I believe, from what I was told at pre-fight, that is illegal and can understand that. The guys running the show do a good job of keeping everyone safe.

04-16-2004, 08:16 AM

Thanks for the answer, I was kind of wonderng that when watching your match. The other guy had a longer reach and I thought it would be good to jam him with front kick on the knee as he come in Not to say it is easy to pull it off, I just thought it was an option.


04-16-2004, 09:05 AM
[QUOTE]Does a kicker score a point for kicking the outside leg of the other guy? Like his thigh?

Likewise, does a puncher score a point if he punches the forearm of an attackers punch, turning the intended weapon into a target?

Lastly: I know one can knee, but can one elbow? If not, why one over the other?

Someone please interject if I'm wrong!

1.) counts as a point.
2.)forearms do not count. target of punches must be head or body.
3.) no elbows? why? because it is not the power of the elbow that is dengerous it is the fact that this pointy weapon is responsible for horrible cuts! as amateurs and friends, no competition is worth an accidental injury of this severity.

Ray Pina
04-16-2004, 09:06 AM
Actually, I jammed most of his kicks at his thigh or shin. I reviewed that match with my teacher and it was pretty bad, very sloppy, besides the initial coming in and jamming the larger guy, nit much tehcnique.... gasing was part of it, new enviro, ect. I'm working so I can better show my stuff in Sept. Win or lose, as long as I do it right.

The thing I'm curious about is: if the guy throws a right lead, can I block with my left (back hand) and strike the inside of his punching arm and score? With gloves doesn't cause as much damage but the heal of the palm still says "Hello." I think this is pretty technical and an effective/martial way of establishing a bridge.

I'm still curious to learn about the outside thigh kick. Because to me, kicking me there is fine (at least its not my stomach, sternum, ribs or head). I'm wondering if that's a point, if a punch to the outside of an attacing arm while stepping away is a point? Or punching the underside of an attacking arm is a point?

I may shield a round kick with my leg and just step in.... is that kick still a point? And if so, then is punching someone's shielding forearms a point?

In the end, it doesn't really matter because I won't change the way I fight over a point. Just curious/think it's worth discussing.

SanShou Guru
04-16-2004, 10:23 AM
ST00 has it mostly right.

Youy get a point of the outside leg IF opponents does not Move his lag in an attempt to block i.e. if you took it because you didn't see it you lose a point if you block it, it is no point.

Ray Pina
04-16-2004, 10:58 AM

04-16-2004, 11:13 AM
If a kick lands to the outside of the thigh, ie not blocked or caught, ONE POINT.

No, punches to forearms don't count

YOu can NOT kick the kness, in our federation anyway,

No elbows in amateurs