View Full Version : Do fighers lie about their weight?

04-17-2004, 02:06 PM
Seriously. I was watching more KOTC, and they're like "so and so is 5'8" at 165lbs," and then they come out and they're huge and ripped. I'm like 165 my ass. I'm 5'9", about 165, and these guys are like twice my size.

Or is that weight like from a "weigh in" that happened 3 weeks earlier, and they've gained 20lbs since then?

David Jamieson
04-17-2004, 02:13 PM
your weight is from when you weigh in, it is not from fight time.

weigh in is usually not 3 weeks though dude. It is usually the Day prior in a wba bout, and I think the rules are same for wbc, ibf and all other legit orgs.


04-17-2004, 02:21 PM
no lies about the weight. Fighters have to weigh in, unless it's a small event, in which case sometimes they will do an honor system.

you're right about the second part though - people may gain weigh before the fights. That's not uncommon. They diet down to there fight weight, then gain it back. UFC 47 took place earlier this month, but the weigh ins were back in february...

David Jamieson
04-17-2004, 02:27 PM
but the weigh ins were back in february...

that's why they have so much lacking. you can't have a weigh in 2 months before a fight.

frankly, that is plain stupid.

those people really need to get better organized if they want to get any real credibility as a fighters organization.

btw, not only is that stupid, it is irresponsible. in 2 months you can gain a lot of density and weight that will be a huge difference in your fight.


04-17-2004, 03:20 PM
Yeah. I don't know much about how these fights are organized, but weigh in should be 2 minutes before you get into the ring.

04-17-2004, 04:26 PM
that's why they have so much lacking. you can't have a weigh in 2 months before a fight.

I believe Seven star is mistaken on this. UFC weigh ins are always a day or two at the most prior to the event.

04-17-2004, 04:41 PM
It may be that they have low body fat and the muscle shows up better and they have more muscle per lb of body weight compared to you.
I have some pics of me 20 lbs lighter, ok so it it about 20 years ago too! Anyway, I look bigger than I really was.

04-17-2004, 06:53 PM
I'm 5'9", 165 @ 8% bf. I know what it looks like :)

04-17-2004, 06:56 PM
Dude, I weigh 10 lbs more then you and I am half your size in muscle.

04-17-2004, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by ShaolinTiger00

I believe Seven star is mistaken on this. UFC weigh ins are always a day or two at the most prior to the event.

I can't find anything online that agrees with me. I must be mistaken.

04-17-2004, 11:09 PM
Originally posted by PHILBERT
Dude, I weigh 10 lbs more then you and I am half your size in muscle.

What's your height and bodyfat?

Water Dragon
04-18-2004, 11:08 AM
Two words. Water weight

04-18-2004, 11:15 AM
don't forget the camera can add 10lbs :)
CARROZZERIA SCAGLIETTI (http://www.ferrari-wiki.com/wiki/Carrozzeria_Scaglietti)

04-18-2004, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by IronFist
Yeah. I don't know much about how these fights are organized, but weigh in should be 2 minutes before you get into the ring.

The main problem with weighing in right before a fight is that almost everyone will be trying to cut weight and dehydrate.

This has many bad effects on the body, as you well know and if I remember rightly has been pointed out as a majour cause of brain damage in boxing (as the fluid surounding the brain is one of the first fluids to be lost) or so I read in a paper a while back.

Also, what is KOTC?

04-18-2004, 05:59 PM
5'8" 145lbs.

04-18-2004, 06:44 PM
I am 6', weigh around 175, and have about 7% body fat (give or take a percent).

04-18-2004, 07:16 PM
KOTC = King of the Cage = NHB fighting event

04-18-2004, 07:26 PM
No, Anna Nicole Smith lies about her weight.

Ray Pina
04-19-2004, 08:20 AM
I'd like to see day of weight ins .... if you risk not eating and drinking before you're fight then you'r just trying to fight guys smaller than what you really are.... so be it.

I would also like to see massive steroid testing in UFC and Pride! This is about martial arts, let's keep the playing field level.

04-19-2004, 09:51 PM
That photo of me is 18 yrs old. At 5' 8" and 145lbs I think I look bigger than I really was. If the fighters were the same height as me and 20lbs heavier it would seem that they would look huge.
A lot of those photos of GrandMaster Sin K. The' is when he was around 50 and he was 7-8 % body fat. 16" arms too. Here I am at nearly 43 and it aint preety with my shirt off (ok, it aint preety with it on either).

Judge Pen
04-23-2004, 05:55 AM
Originally posted by SevenStar

I can't find anything online that agrees with me. I must be mistaken.

LOL. I feel the same way.

I think the problem is the illusion of television. I'm 6'1" at 188 lbs with 12% body-fat. Harldy a greek god, but I weigh more and am taller than most of the guys that fight; however, their b.f. percentage and the illusion of the T.V. makes them look bigger. Look at Tom cruise and Russel Crowe on the movies. I probably dwarf them in actual size.

Bluesman, when I was 18 I weighed 170lbs and had 7% b.f. The sad thing is that I used to think I was too skinny, now I'd kill to get back down to that weight and b.f.

04-23-2004, 08:37 AM
Tom Cruise Maplethorpe III, lived in Louisville for a while. A guy that I carpool with said that he is 5'7" at the most. His family is wealthy and that his dad was moved a lot with his job. He had one class with him and said the dude was just a normal guy. Didn't say much and only hung with a few that lived near him.