View Full Version : Used my Tai Chi today..

04-17-2004, 03:46 PM
I guess my practice has really sunk in...
I was waiting in a checkout line to buy some things in a local retail store..
All of a sudden, out of my left side, I see someone whip around the corner (the registars had those "roped" off lines, so you have to zig-zag to get to the register..)
I was about to turn around, full front, but I only turn to face him on the angle that he was coming in, and did "rollback", as the guy came on the angle, his arm pushed my shoulder, he then fell towards me off-balanced as I was still rolling back, then I switched to ward-off... and winged him back a few steps! It turned out to be this wise @ss guy that I knew a way long time ago.. You know the type, talks to you..but he always has some smart @ss comments... Shock the hell out of him..
he's not a 100% bad guy, but someone I wouldn't want as a friend...
The thing that striked me, is that it happened fast.. and my reaction time, was strangely sharp.... AND, I did even look straight at him, I just reacted... This might be old hat to you guys, but it's definetly a moment to remember... :D


bamboo_ leaf
04-17-2004, 05:48 PM
Kinda funny how it works that way ;)

04-18-2004, 10:59 PM
Sounds like your quite proud of your actions,Why is that?
Glad to see your training is having a impact on your life.

04-30-2004, 08:45 AM
The experience that surprised me the most was with an inanimate object. There are 3 stairs up from our garage into our kitchen, with a door at the top opening into the garage. Unknown to me my wife had left a broom leaning on the door. I opened the door with my right hand.. I was actually looking slightly downwards.. at the knob. After opening the door I found myself with my left arm up.. as in Yang style White Crane Spreads Wings... the hande of the broom on my wrist. I was shocked as it happened very quickly and I didn't consciously see the broom until after it was over.

Ou Ji
05-03-2004, 10:17 AM
I use mine everyday. Once it's in you, you have no choice (as you found out). Good job. Now keep an eye out for the more subtle uses like with everyday activities.