View Full Version : Ching Gung

04-18-2004, 02:35 AM
is there any truth behind CHING GUNG?- the method of chi gung in which the body is made very light. Has anyone experianced it? has it died out?


blooming lotus
04-18-2004, 04:06 AM
qigong is practided widely in both Asia and western societies...as Gene has explained there are and has been for centuries many different uses for qigong from longevity to healing to ma ....and yes..they are all valid and work...

where are you....maybe someone here can give you a teacher contact

04-18-2004, 12:50 PM
I think he's specifically talking about "light body" skill :)

04-18-2004, 07:51 PM
Come on.
This is fairy tale stuff.

blooming lotus
04-18-2004, 10:01 PM
I'm sure bruse lee heard many similar comments when he the USA way back....as he also heard how these oversized westernners could whoop his ripped lil asian as*.....

can you not troll dude...'cause I've travelled far and I'm tired.....

there is no fantasy about it, and if you believe so..please take your - self to the nearest master for a lesson on realism ;)

04-18-2004, 11:01 PM
Lol! I love the way you reverse everything! So the guy who's asking about people "becoming lighter" is realistic but the guy who questions that is a troll?

Evidence of ching gung BL? Apart from anecdotal?

As to Bruce, well, Gene LeBell did whoop his ass IIRC. Gene carried him around in a fireman's carry and Bruce couldn't do anything about it. Gene was laughing and Bruce was livid.

04-18-2004, 11:06 PM
I was gonna go on about the Kazaa Shaolin temple video, where the master does standing on one finger with his feet lightly resting on a wall, and non laying all night sitting meditation, and no one alive now thaey say can do it, but blooming lotus already beleives way too much

04-18-2004, 11:39 PM
BL, I think the question was about ching gong, not qigong. ;)

blooming lotus
04-19-2004, 01:01 AM
firstly lol...'cause that was definately my bad

second, Bs no-one does that anymore

and if it could bedone way back , why not now anyway???.....

Toby, yes Gene LeBelle might've, but could you iswhat we really want to know

just kidding.....we don't care :D

04-19-2004, 06:13 AM
Perhaps you should travel a bit further. What next-lin kong jin? You do know the difference between movies and real life, right?

blooming lotus
04-19-2004, 04:42 PM
ok...so bruse lee wasn't the most fabulous ma er you;ve ever seen but hewas good enough to kick nearly every western bu*t he came across and impress the f *ck out of the whole oftewestern world to the point where how many years after his death, yuo
still know who he is

Ps. I've been on the move for 4wks solid, and just flew 13.5 hrs + some.....whaddya mean further ;)

hey check this out: I recently did a series of physiactric and phycological eveluations,.and they allthought I was great...lil gongfu crazy but very great and ooooh so focussed and clear.....

where does that leave you????


04-19-2004, 04:50 PM
:D :D :D ROFLMAO:rolleyes:

04-24-2004, 05:28 AM
real life<-------------------------------------------------------------->movies

<"hey check this out: I recently did a series of physiactric and phycological eveluations,.and they allthought I was great...lil gongfu crazy but very great and ooooh so focussed and clear.....

where does that leave you????">

Uh, not needing any.

04-24-2004, 06:23 AM
a couple people on emptyflower have witnessed it first hand, roll that up and smoke it:cool:

04-24-2004, 06:41 PM
really? whom? was this levitation or just jumping 30 feet i the air? But I guess the roll that up and smoke it comment probably answers it.

04-26-2004, 04:57 PM
Your best bet for ching gong besides becoming a disciple of a living true lineage holding master, and living in a cave or monastery is right here-



Verification and proof of it's ancient roots can be seen in other comparable systems which are the best and most powerful. The falun gong teachings on energy cultivation are very correct at a high level, and not known by many people.




Once I downloaded a documetary off Kazaa that showed an old master would do standing on one finger with his feet very lightly resting on a wall. And after that, all night long non laying seated meditation. It said the old master died and no one left today can do only one finger.

Buddy and wannabe experts STFU

04-26-2004, 05:08 PM
I am also surprised at the similarity of the 18 Lohan hands at this site, and many other qigongs, as well as Yoga, but also with emphasis on the martial and strengthenig. Go to the section called " The Art of developing Vital Energy" and 18 Lohan hands


It especially seems similar to this particular order's Yoga, as does all qigong.http://www.atlantis.to

04-26-2004, 07:19 PM
Beyond the fact that you are an 18 year old with obvious mental problems...ah no that's about it.
Here's the thing, neigong IS a pretty serious and advanced subject. I'm not very special, and, if you asked them, neither are my students. I can do it and so can they. Ask Bai He. He's been with me for about a year. Before that he was in the dark. Now he can explain it to me so I know he's getting it.
Falungong is a bull**** cult. Show me someone in Boston that can do it. There it is BB, you child. A challenge. No streetfighting. Just show me someone in the Boston area that can do what I do. You have a month. That should be enough.

04-26-2004, 07:31 PM
There is no valid criticism of falun gong. You cannot call it a cult since it is real. It's been taught publically to anyone who wanted for around 10 years. I doubt the practitioners in your area have done it so long or really endure the hardships necesary for real qigong, but you never know, you have a wrong attitude anyways, which is much more important to your luck in finding whatever the hell you want, levitation or something, well, practice falun gong 5 hours a day is your best bet, I mean it would be pretty ****in hard to do, falun gong is superior due to the powerful gong and higher virtues, and special abilities. Anyways, obviously you do poor qigong that is not powerful, probably mostly just martial

Anyways, buddy you are just one of these IMA guys who just does two person forms, baggua san shou follow hands drills, push hands, sticky hands and the like.

04-26-2004, 08:38 PM
"There is no valid criticism of falun gong."

Yes, there is.

"You cannot call it a cult since it is real."

No, it's a cult.

"I doubt the practitioners in your area have done it so long or really endure the hardships necesary for real qigong,"

But that's just speculation on your part, isn't it since you haven't a clue. You have really no idea what others may or may not be doing..right?

"you have a wrong attitude anyways, which is much more important to your luck in finding whatever the hell you want,"

Well, no. Actually I have a good attitude and have found some of the best neigong around.

"levitation or something"

Uh.. that'd your delusion, not mine.

"practice falun gong 5 hours a day is your best bet, I mean it would be pretty ****in hard to do, falun gong is superior due to the powerful gong and higher virtues, and special abilities"

And you know this how? Since it's so hard to do? From reading a book? Special abilities? Falun comes from a horse's ass.

"Anyways, obviously you do poor qigong that is not powerful, probably mostly just martial"

Obviously you know nothing about what I do. Come see me and I'll show you. No fighting, just neigong. You'll be surprised at what is really possible and not just read from a book.

"Anyways, buddy you are just one of these IMA guys who just does two person forms, baggua san shou follow hands drills, push hands, sticky hands and the like."

Again you have no idea what I do. Come and see me and I will teach you. You can buy my teacher's vids on ebay for cheap. Look at one then come tell me, you sad sad boy. I just hope you don't keep peeing the bed. It makes you mom embarassed.

blooming lotus
04-26-2004, 08:56 PM
hateto break his up but falun gong is nothing more than an extremely complex form of qigong that is easy to cause serious unbalnce and bodily( including mind) difunction...it is complicated and to fall astray of your faculties is a common mispractice...which is why now in china it has been deemed cult activity and is illegal.....there cultivation methods for meditation are wacked....potentially effective but potentially wacked!!

04-26-2004, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by Buddy
"There is no valid criticism of falun gong."

Obviously you know nothing about what I do. Come see me and I'll show you. No fighting, just neigong. You'll be surprised at what is really possible and not just read from a book.

"Anyways, buddy you are just one of these IMA guys who just does two person forms, baggua san shou follow hands drills, push hands, sticky hands and the like."

Again you have no idea what I do. Come and see me and I will teach you. You can buy my teacher's vids on ebay for cheap. Look at one then come tell me, you sad sad boy. I just hope you don't keep peeing the bed. It makes you mom embarassed.

Is what you do similar to James McNeil's stuff? You're a Nitro burner

Qigong is about developing high vibration gong, and special abilities, and cultivating the highest virtues.

IMA is all about qigong

04-26-2004, 10:58 PM
If it is about cultivating the highest virtues, then why are you getting so worked up about what someone says over the net? ;)

blooming lotus
04-27-2004, 01:04 AM
Originally posted by backbreaker

Qigong is about developing high vibration gong, and special abilities, and cultivating the highest virtues.

not so.....special abilities etc shouldn't be your focus...the longer they are and the more attatched to that you are, the harder they become to develope...for me, qigong is about merging living energy, with living flesh.....the rest comes when it's ready ;)

04-27-2004, 04:58 AM

Given the numerous movements and forms and rituals attributed to QiGong and its development, what i sense as the major factor in the practice of QiGong is the intent of the practitioner.. whether it be Wild Goose, Dragon Gate, Falun Gong, etc... so many moves and postures are so similar as to be indistinguishable.. i think that the movements are largely ritualistic with the purpose of setting in motion a mental/spiritual action that is the true guide for Qi development.. Sure, the physical work is beneficial and essential for constructing pathways for Qi and working through blockages.. but, without the mind/spirit control and intent the QI will still be unfocused and chaotic.. So, to debate QiGong forms and styles seems pointless.. It has been my experience that any sincere QiGong student with proper instruction as to meditative aspects of the Qigong will benefit largely, regardless of the particular style's "form" (assuming the style is consistent with "principles").. To assert that any one style is so superior to others is naive and without reason..

Any debate over QiGong that is reduced to name-calling and attacks on a person's character seems to point to a poor grasp of the Art itself.. someone's misguided remarks or even someone's use of agressive dialogue should remain "their" issues, their challenges.. to get drawn into their drama is simply counter-productive.. we can disagree respectfully, even in the face of observable lunacy.. better to stay centered and let the misconceptions and poor intentions of others speak for itself..

At this point, i will suggest that it might be wise for youth to respect the experiences of those whose time practicing exceeds the youth's time on this planet.. That is not to say that one couldn't practice incorrectly for 20 years and still be nowhere, only that there is a liklihood that others have sufficient experience to make a much more informed evaluation of QiGong effectiveness..

There can be no doubt as to certain dubious claims and theories made by Falun Gong leadership, that doesn't degrade the benefit gained by a disaffected but sincere student, however.. a Falun Gong student may practice much of the discipline with their own clear intent and gain QiGong experiences.. they don't have to buy into the whole theory/concept.. i don't think Qi is so petty as to withdraw from idealism.. poorly conceived ideals will simply lead one astray from a path with maximum benefits..

Be gentle with each other, it's not a physical attack, it's ideas, theories, concepts.. to let words distract you from your "center" suggests that the discipline of QiGong may be too difficult at this time..

Anyhow, be well.. and, do good deeds.. deeds define us..

04-27-2004, 05:57 AM
Well, I don't really care, but Buddy is full of bs, wants me banned from here and his views are outdated, so these falun gong threads are retaliation kind of, for him dissing me. I know what qigong is about, but many don't seem to. Again , I don't beleive in ritual or religion and it is very correct in one sense to say it is the intent of the practitioner that is important, and many techniques are exactly the same, almost seemingly related across many styles and schools, but I beleive some styles are better than others, have a longer lineage and while the statement about the intent of the practitioner being most important, is absolutely true, just any qigong will not do IMO. I shouldn't try to sound like I'm saying what I do is best though as there are thousands of different schools. And if someone is saying a real style, is a mish mash, or stloen from " public" understandings of past teachers' teachings, thy're full of bs and not qualified to judge, that is all. I'll admit, the way I normally talk can sound rude or angry to some people.

I hate to say it, but Blooming lotus is correct about the special abilties stuff, although a ( edit-communist), this time correct. But I meant qigong is about higher abilities, rather than just exerscise, not that special abiltities is the point of the practice, but that is what qigong exercises do in practice, and what you are practicing, even if it's not the point. So I don't at all beleive in this qigong is regular esercise stuff, no way. You can disagree with anything you think isn't in line with your beleifs or whatever, but I don't beleive it doesn't matter what school of qigong you do

Anyways, I'll tone down all the falun gong stuff in the future if people are sick of it, but it is relevant in this discussion and I won't be silent when people talk bs, Falun dafa is real is the bottom line. Anyways, just like high level IMA skill is hard for some people on the main forum to beleive exists, or beleive how good it gets, so too do some people at this forum not understand the extent high level qigong can go in abilities and healing illness. So stay with your western healing stuff, and your same old neigong, that is fine, but qigong is the best. Li Hongzhi IMO is a real master and falun gong is a real lineage. Interestingly enough, I have been told in wild goose that there are 3 disciples only, and if I'm not wrong only the son of Yang Meijun has inherited the whole system, if I'm not wrong the other 2 disciples are Michael Tse and Binkhun Hu. SO Li HOngzhi knows his stuff when it comes to discipleship in the tao school of qigong, which as far as I know, has no connection to Lao Tzu

04-27-2004, 06:48 AM
Once I downloaded a documetary off Kazaa that showed an old master would do standing on one finger with his feet very lightly resting on a wall. And after that, all night long non laying seated meditation. It said the old master died and no one left today can do only one finger.

Picture of him when young(before he had the one finger thing down): http://www.wudang.cis.com.pl/obrazy/19/shaolin/syz_15.jpg I've seen another guy do the one finger thing, but not for nearly as long(only 5-10 seconds or so) as Hai Deng(the old dude you talk about. Asuming the footage is authentic. It's not light body skill, and is nothing particulary supernatural, so I don't understand why you bring it up :p

04-27-2004, 06:51 AM
What exactly is the definition of light body skill then, and what is the purpose of this exercise then? As I obviously don't have training in standing on one finger meditation, I admit I may have misunderstood it's purpose, but the guy seemed very light and still while doing it is all, so I thought it might be specifically a light body exercise, maybe not, maybe it's all about the fingers, I wouldn't know that from just looking. But like I said qigong is about meditation, and special energies, but that training would seem to make the guy light, even if it's not the "real" ching gong. Cool picture though

If you have more info about the guy, what style he is, or his training , I would find that interesting.

If you and Bai He are so tough, why is it he can beat me up with only one year of training. So in 5 years Bai HE is like gonna be unstoppable huh? Was he a boxer before he did IMA?

04-27-2004, 07:01 AM
I have to run to work, but I'll put up some info about him when I get back :)

04-27-2004, 07:15 AM
I mean, it's probably good training at least, if not supernormal. It would take alot of finger development regardless and seems a respectable skill if not a good supplement to so called ching gong, even if the guy can't jump onto a roof of a house:rolleyes: Is it actual shaolin training? But if you want special abilities I gave the best links I know of for a regular person in the society, they're probably not going to find any ching gong masters in their area, and there are still high level practices available. The standing on one finger seems a respectable hard to aquire skill to me anyways, maybe it's not so hard, but they say no one left can do it, which seems to indicate difficulty in doing it.

In Taijiquan you strive for lightness in every move. Not ching gung , but perhaps the beginning of it? Taijiquan could be developed out of ching gung methods. The image of many qigong masters in the past was of them sitting on a lotus leaf in a pond, and many visualisations invloe seeing yourself siiting on water and a lotus leaf. But my guess would be yes, ching gung is sort of supernormal thing, based on high level energy

04-27-2004, 07:30 AM
If ching gong is real, where does your mass go when you "activate" it? I mean, nobody here actually believes that you become lighter do they? It seems absurd to even consider. There is no referent in the natural world and in fact it would violate all relevant laws of physics.

So, if it is not to be taken literally, then is it just a lightening of the step? If so, it doesn't seem so mystical.

04-27-2004, 07:36 AM
Well, uhhh, yeah. If all the weight is on afew fingers and the wall, that's pretty light skill, but I am not a shaolin or ching gong expert. In Taiji you must keep the hips, groin, and lower back absolutely relaxed, with you leg muscles screaming in pain, heavy legs, light body. Taiji is ching gong maybe, or maybe not, or in other words what I'm saying is , that if a style or school does indeed have ching gong practice at the advanced level, the beginning level of that school will have some preliminary ching gong in it. Just like Taiji is based off mediation, with the second set built off the first set, and the weapons based off of, and even the same internal and external movements as the hand form. That is why people say Taiji is not about technique, it doesn't matter arm striking, kicks or knees or shins, shuai chiao, qinna, or even weapons, the dantien energy defines the fighting sequence, like in this video using a staff


IMO only it takes lightness to be rooted, and it takes rootedness ( or more accurately being sunk down ito root) to achieve internal movement of the center, without much visible movement. See the internal although the bigger guy is the better guy. But I think it is pretty clear the principles of IMA are rooted in ancient qigong schools, and that is my main point which has caused some people to not like me. You see, on some forums, people say there is no internal skill, and internal is just a word Taiji people use to sound more special, and it all comes down to simple biomechanics which all styles have, and those are the views considered to be correct by those forums. I know, however that internal skill is real, and even sometimes only vivsible in it's effects on the opponent

04-27-2004, 08:37 AM

My mentor laughed when i asked him to step on the scales and show me "light-body".. he said "you dont get it".. "you become the scales", "you and the scales are one thing", but it will still read 125lbs (G'Master Chan Pui).. i have seen him stand on an inverted styrofoam coffee cup without crushing it.. and walk along a 6' long flourescent light-tube without breaking it.. he said to become what you are attached to.. a light-tube can't break itself, a styrofoam cup can't crush itself.. it sort-of makes sense, but.. getting there is the trick.. Chan Pui has numerous stories regarding his "light-body" skills.. one account, related to me by an eye-witness, regarded a challenge in Boston.. as was the custom, the challenger had to match 3 tests before the challenger would be granted a "match".. 250 "side to sides", 20 tam tuis per leg.. the challenger was tired but completed the first 2 tests.. then, Master Chan walked up to the second floor and jumped out the window to the street below.. the challenger shook his head and left.. Master Chan said it just "light-body " QiGong.. "no big deal".... seems like a big deal to me..

Be well...

04-27-2004, 09:00 AM
Rocket ships can fly, but you need the nitro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

04-27-2004, 08:38 PM
If you have more info about the guy, what style he is, or his training , I would find that interesting.
He's was an ooooold monk brought in to help lend the Shaolin Temple legitimacy when it was rebuilt. He was sort of an honorary abbot or something. I'm not too sure of specifics, but from what I remember reading he was a master of Emei-Shaolin wushu and was the abbot of a temple at Emeishan.

04-27-2004, 08:42 PM
Thanks Brad. I find that very interesting. :)

Do you know if there are still Emei/Shaolin monks? I have gone to a TCM guy who claimed to be an Emei/Shaolin monk, and all I know is he was really good at acupuncture; unlike other acupuncture, and especially unbeleivably good with external qi.

04-27-2004, 09:12 PM
"Well, I don't really care, but Buddy is full of bs, wants me banned from here and his views are outdated, so these falun gong threads are retaliation kind of, for him dissing me"

But you have never addressed my points, have you Michaelangelo? I don't want you banned anymore because I'm certain that it's obvious to everyone by now that you are a loony.

"I know what qigong is about, but many don't seem to."

No, No you don't. I offered to show you with no fighting.

"I'll admit, the way I normally talk can sound rude or angry to some people. "

Wacko, not just rude, but down right bonkers.

"But I meant qigong is about higher abilities, rather than just exerscise, not that special abiltities is the point of the practice, but that is what qigong exercises do in practice, and what you are practicing, even if it's not the point. So I don't at all beleive in this qigong is regular esercise stuff, no way. You can disagree with anything you think isn't in line with your beleifs or whatever, but I don't beleive it doesn't matter what school of qigong you do

Uh, is there a coherant thought in here?

"Interestingly enough, I have been told in wild goose that there are 3 disciples only, and if I'm not wrong only the son of Yang Meijun has inherited the whole system, if I'm not wrong the other 2 disciples are Michael Tse and Binkhun Hu. SO Li HOngzhi knows his stuff when it comes to discipleship in the tao school of qigong, which as far as I know, has no connection to Lao Tzu"

So are you wrong or not? So you are mearly guessing. So you have no basis for an opinion. You do know that Laozi was a made up guy right?

"If you and Bai He are so tough, why is it he can beat me up with only one year of training."

As much as I would like to say it's because of what I teach him, really its just cause you're an internet puss. He's a regular guy whom, when push comes to shove, shoves back.

So in 5 years Bai HE is like gonna be unstoppable huh?

I guess thats up to him although I doubt seriously that is his goal.

Was he a boxer before he did IMA?

Maybe. Why?

"The image of many qigong masters in the past was of them sitting on a lotus leaf in a pond, and many visualisations invloe seeing yourself siiting on water and a lotus leaf."

I'll just leave that one. Are you sure you taking your medication? What's the frequency, Kenneth?

04-27-2004, 09:17 PM
Your trolling skills are poor. I know what qigong is about because I learn wild goose and qinway. The three disiple thing was just told to me a couple days ago, I didn't get into it. Michael tse I was told is one disciple, on his website says he knows over 40 of the 72 sets, bingkun hu I was told is one of the 2, and I've read that Yang Meijun's son knows the whole system

So you know some 16 move neigong form or something like that? You can move you organs around and people would feel it if they touch you?

Edit: Start using the edit key and don't post 3 or 4 replies in a 5 minute period.

04-27-2004, 10:08 PM
Do you know if there are still Emei/Shaolin monks? I have gone to a TCM guy who claimed to be an Emei/Shaolin monk, and all I know is he was really good at acupuncture; unlike other acupuncture, and especially unbeleivably good with external qi.
I don't know. I have a good friend who lives at Emei, but we never talk about martial arts. She did say there's lots of kungfu in the area though, and there's quite a few temples too. I'll have to ask her about it next time we talk...

Repulsive Monkey
04-28-2004, 05:19 AM
Sorry but Buddy's "Whats the frequency Kenneth" quote has me almost emptying my bladder with laughter.
Top quote mate top quote!!!

04-28-2004, 05:22 AM
"So you know some 16 move neigong form or something like that?"


"You can move you organs around and people would feel it if they touch you?"


"Your trolling skills are poor."

Because I'm not trolling Donatello. I'm simply exposing you for the wacko know nothing who should not be listened to when you spout your nonsense. Thankfully you are sending that message out for me. But hey, stick to your wild goose or wild turkey, and your falun dofu. It's fine with me. Leave my name out of your rants is all.

04-28-2004, 08:57 AM
Falun gong is simply superior to what you do, and thre's no need to learn your stuff anymore since you can do real qigong nowadays. Anyone saying otherwise, is simply making baseless accusations, I'm not the one saying falun gong is fake. You are simply arrogant , who like I said, mainly does san shou chasing hands drills like Markus brinkman, and there's higher level qigong out know. James mcNeil Nitro burner stylist

Anyone saying falun gong is fake , does not know what they are talking about, and like Buddy, does some lame neigong. Qigong develops high vibration, powerful energy, you can develop powerful healing energy, and you can develop long distance healing abilty, but clearly the people heare cannot do long distance healing. Haha, I've clearly shown I practice superior methods to those members here. You're a wannabe expert, but qigong simply goes beyond your understanding of it, and that's the simple truth, is that qigong is for real period, and so are the abilities gained in it and meditation. Meditation is what it's all about, the high level, and falun gong IS THE BEST MEDITATION you are gonna find, period, you can do the meditation parts for a long time if you want, it's so convenient for people. Everyone practice falun dafa, and leave buddy in the past

And don't underestimate the neigong of falun gong. Many moves involve internally stretching and releasing, expanding and contracting, opening and closing, as well as internal waves. Try it for yourself

04-28-2004, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by Buddy

But you have never addressed my points, have you Michaelangelo? I don't want you banned anymore because I'm certain that it's obvious to everyone by now that you are a loony.

You have no point to adress. You think qigong is simply exersice, when it goes way beyond your shallow understanding

"I know what qigong is about, but many don't seem to."

No, No you don't. I offered to show you with no fighting.

You offered nothing. You're long ways away, and I'm not going that far to see you, when there are qigong masters around. You clearly show a shallow understanding, and an arrogant know it all attitude

Wacko, not just rude, but down right bonkers.

"You simlpy, are for one, old, and for two, you just don't have a remotely high level understanding of qigong and meditation. You talking about qigong is the equivalent of the people on the main forum, or bullshido, talking about the limitations of IMA, and saying IMA can't fight. Huess what, it's you bullshido is talking about most of the time.

Uh, is there a coherant thought in here?

Re: yeah, I was responding to blooming lotus, it must suck to be at your skill level at your age, when bl has more to say than you. I mean, OMG, you're bad

As much as I would like to say it's because of what I teach him, really its just cause you're an internet puss. He's a regular guy whom, when push comes to shove, shoves back.

I'd knock you out, like any IMA chasing hands guy. You have no right to challenge me, ever since all your buddies had the mindboxing crew banned from EF. I had a $500 dollar challenge put up to any IMA guy whocan beat a really good MMA guy, but you don't qualify because I would want someone who fights and actually spars, let alone having THE REAL INTERNAL. I'm not interested in chasing hands guys, I'm interesed in high level qigong ( the source of IMA) and the real internal.

Here's an idea. Put your stuff on video on the internet, with full explanations for free, like Master Li Hongzhi does. You got alot of talk, but no video.

04-28-2004, 04:22 PM
Uhhhh.... what the hell? What the hell are you talking about? BackBreaker, holy ****, there are plenty of people who would fight you or compare chigung skills with you. You just go on with this whole "that offer isn't valid anymore" ****, or you ***** about only comparing skills with "real" highlevel people. This leads me to believe your a little wuss bag who is too scared to step up, which is fine as long as you aren't going on about these "high level skills" and "cosmic vibrations" you love so much. If you really have skills that are beyond us, PROVE IT. Either in an actual fight OR, as Buddy offered, comparing chigung skills. Since you're the one claiming all this wild **** you're the one that needs to prove it. Wheres your video?

04-28-2004, 04:37 PM
I'm glad you liked it. I didn't know if anyone was old enough to remember that one.
"Falun gong is simply superior to what you do, and thre's no need to learn your stuff anymore since you can do real qigong nowadays."

Falun gone is fake.

"san shou chasing hands drills"

Which aspect of Gaoshi Baguazhang is this?

"and you can develop long distance healing abilty, but clearly the people heare cannot do long distance healing."

long distance healing ability...right.

"Haha, I've clearly shown I practice superior methods to those members here."

You've clearly shown you are a loony.

"and that's the simple truth, is that qigong is for real period,"

real period? Oh I get it. You don't understand punctuation OR qigong (or baguazhang).

"Everyone practice falun dafa, and leave buddy in the past"

Everybody Wang Chung tonight.

""You simlpy, are for one, old, and for two, you just don't have a remotely high level understanding of qigong and meditation."

Do you have any idea what sentence structure is, Nancy?

"I'd knock you out, like any IMA chasing hands guy"

Oh, good. When and where. I make a pretty good living, I'll fly to you. You should have any trouble with an old man right? You're what? Seventeen?

"I'm not interested in chasing hands guys, I'm interesed in high level qigong ( the source of IMA) and the real internal."

It wasn't hands I was concerned that you were interested in chasing, Nancy. The source of internal martial arts is superior body mechanics, not qigong.

"Here's an idea. Put your stuff on video on the internet, with full explanations for free, like Master Li Hongzhi does. You got alot of talk, but no video."

Exactly which IMA does this guy do? So by this crazy "logic" anyone who doesn't have a video or charges for one is fake? Does your dad know you're up this late?

blooming lotus
04-29-2004, 02:52 AM
Originally posted by backbreaker

I'd knock you out,

dude..that might be true ...and I have no reason to think not, but you're growing youself some problematic liver qi...somethings have more dignity in not being said............:p :cool:

04-29-2004, 05:57 AM
I'm glad you liked it. I didn't know if anyone was old enough to remember that one.

I remember that, and now I feel old. Thanks. :)

Backbreaker - you're nuts. Give up now before you hurt yourself on a Buddy. :D

Walter Joyce
04-29-2004, 08:52 AM
I saw this on EF posted by another, but for an example of real lightness skill, check it out.


04-29-2004, 04:25 PM
backbreaker is gone and odds are he won't be coming back or even viewing these posts. Notice what it says under his name now? Yeah, he didn't put that there himself. He had some help getting it there.

04-29-2004, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by blooming lotus

dude..that might be true ...and I have no reason to think not, but you're growing youself some problematic liver qi...somethings have more dignity in not being said............:p :cool:
Bwahaha! You say that stuff all the time, BL! Maybe take your own advice ... ;)

blooming lotus
04-30-2004, 07:15 PM
dude...I meditate and do tai-chi and brocaeds every day!!!...I'm not half as angry as i appear..just passionate..but if it 'llmake you feel better . I'll work on it ;)

as for ching gung....stems from chen man chings' taiji based on principals of air right???? meditate on the elements of earth, air, water, fire and metal....good starting point...

gong fu isn't what it usedto be and committment isn't half of it's prevoius state...there's no reason why with the samecommittment you can acheive the same results

04-30-2004, 07:43 PM
But you're really backbreaker, huh? Turiyan is that you?

Ou Ji
05-03-2004, 09:44 AM
"i think that the movements are largely ritualistic with the purpose of setting in motion a mental/spiritual action that is the true guide for Qi development.. "

And I think you're seriously on to something although some movements and postures have specific outcomes. It's a feedback loop. External actions set up the internal mindset that influences the external body. Or something like that. BTW, everything is intent, life is intent.

"There is no referent in the natural world and in fact it would violate all relevant laws of physics."

I had a wacky teacher in junior high that made wild claims about converting potential energy to kinetic energy. He tried jumping off a chair and hesitating mid-air before landing as an example of converting potential to kinetic and vice versa. Crazy but still makes me think to this day.

"So, if it is not to be taken literally, then is it just a lightening of the step?"

That's always been my impression. I don't think light-body is the levitating and flying around (the myth). It's more like the walking on rice paper and high jumping (the truth behind the myth). I have a video tape of a Shaolin monks demonstration. Most of it I've seen before plenty of times but one minor thing got my attention. When one monk lays his head on a table with bricks on his head and another monk breaks them with another brick watch as he jumps on the table. He lands like a cat with zero indication of sinking weight. It's not a very good example of light-body but I belive that's what he's doing.

blooming lotus
07-08-2004, 03:06 AM
just re-opened this thread page as a link from from another thread and while I'm here, just thought I'd add that I saw a doco on cctv 9 China s' english language channel recently on this very thing.........they not only insist that to certain degrees it does exist, but they equate this to a lizards step and showed some footage of lizard walks on water.........no opinion from myself but according to them it's about balance and weight distribution for which youneed certain breathing techniques to acheive..........alot of light foot techs and apps you see and hear of are highly exagerated, and while movies and real life are different things altogether, if it quacks like a duck, sounds like a duck, says it's a duck..........good chance it really is a duck

07-08-2004, 05:13 PM
About the guy who could do a handstand on one finger: Yeah its true. A lot of people have verified it. But its still a long shot from being "weightless". His student can do a handstand on 2 fingers, but not one.

One of my sihings saw a video of the guy where he was getting thrashed on the torso with a 3-section staff and his skin didnt even turn red. He must have had great iron body skill.

Anyone know the guy's name? He was a shaolin monk I think. He passed away a few decades ago.

blooming lotus
07-08-2004, 05:18 PM
I have a picture of a student at a school in shaolin doing this in a book I picked up there. Unfortunately , you'll have to wait ffor it though until I can get back to scanner...........if you're really interested, remind me in about 9 weeks.

07-08-2004, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by blooming lotus
...they not only insist that to certain degrees it does exist, but they equate this to a lizards step and showed some footage of lizard walks on water.........no opinion from myself but according to them it's about balance and weight distribution for which youneed certain breathing techniques to acheive...So what "ching gung" does the lizard know? What breathing techniques? The lizard is all about surface tension i.e. force per unit area. Same as I can (with no "ching gung" training) lie on a bed of nails. But you won't get me lying on one nail. Force per unit area.

07-09-2004, 12:20 PM
I guess perhaps 4 legs is useful for that, but watch a reptile breath, it uses the pores and whole body, expanding. I saw a show where people were hunting tigers, and they tracked the foot prints through mud, the people were knee deep in the mud, but the Tiger foot prints were an inch deep only

07-09-2004, 05:22 PM
About the guy who could do a handstand on one finger: Yeah its true. A lot of people have verified it. But its still a long shot from being "weightless". His student can do a handstand on 2 fingers, but not one.

One of my sihings saw a video of the guy where he was getting thrashed on the torso with a 3-section staff and his skin didnt even turn red. He must have had great iron body skill.

Anyone know the guy's name? He was a shaolin monk I think. He passed away a few decades ago.
Sounds like the Hai Deng footage from the Shaolin Kungfu video that I've got. He does the splits, one finger thing, and then has some guys hit him with a three section staff. The 3 section staff part is defenitely staged though. He died in the 80's and was originally a monk from Emei mountain.

07-09-2004, 05:50 PM

That definitely was Abbot Hai Deng. He was in New York When his movie came out at the Sun Sing Theatre (Chinatown). He gave a demo after the movie. He had a student who taught in New York shortly after he left. This was long before the organized "defections " of the later monks.


07-09-2004, 07:07 PM
Thanks a bunch!