View Full Version : OT- check out this thread on a muslim board

04-23-2004, 01:30 PM
Do you listen to music (http://www.shiachat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11660&st=0)

It seems to me these people are pretty much guilt ridden over really nonsensical **** like whther music is "haraam" . they are like born again christians x10. I like some of the names and avatars though.

04-23-2004, 01:42 PM
this relates to Kungfu how?

04-23-2004, 01:43 PM
it's current events. It's OT. Fine delete it. Let's have a bjj vs kung fu thread in it's place

04-23-2004, 01:49 PM
this relates to Kungfu how?

ask the uighurs...

seriously, this is also a community of people, not just a place to talk shop. threads like this are water-cooler talk.

04-23-2004, 01:51 PM
a large population of the muslim world are in 3rd or near 3rd world countries - not all, but a large portion. they are basically going through what christians have basically gone through over the last couple of decades. When modern society catches up with you, the internet makes it easy to explore, then things begin to change and old notions are challenged. for some this can be terrifying, for others it can be exciting.

Chang Style Novice
04-23-2004, 02:15 PM
Reminds me of the old joke - Baptists are opposed to sex because they believe it will lead to dancing.

04-23-2004, 09:25 PM
those boys have some really long signatures. They make me look like a deep thinker, and that's hard to do.

04-23-2004, 09:37 PM
if u talk about religion to ppl these dayz, they ditch u. They think its not kool and there's no meaning to it. Can't wait till Imam Mahdi ( a.j. ) comes out and cuts all their heads off !!!!!!!
:eek: :eek: :eek:

04-23-2004, 09:48 PM
Yeah, I read a couple pages of that stuff and had to stop. Man, it's scary the things religion can do to a person's mind. :confused:

04-23-2004, 09:51 PM
This one may have possibilities. (http://www.shiachat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=30409)

Hey Kunk Lek, is that you over there? :p

Salaam aliakum,

I think it is very important that America and the colition forces receive a very hard time in Iraq. This is a must.. America government should be taught a lesson. Never again to attack and invade and humiliate a Muslim country ever again. Even thou it might have been Saddam or Yazeed. America cannot just invade us Muslims of Iraq leave large scores of massacres in Iraq. Yesterday, today or tomorrow.

If today American government comes out sucessful in Iraq, tomorrow it will be confident in invading Syria, Lebonon and Iran. U.S. goverment and its coalition forces must receive a defeat infact U.S. is already been defeated. They are just being sore losers and trying to desperately win by cowardly shooting missles from far away at civilians .. leaving over 500 innocent Iraqi civilians massacred in fallujah last week.

I am proud as a shia that sunni forces in fallujah are resisting the u.s. occupation and the coalition forces bravely. Even thou if they might as well be an enemies of shia. It is a must that U.S. be deafeated regardless ..who defeats them.. even thou Saddam's loyalist are enemies of shia.. but still.. u.s. is the bigger enemy which supports Isreali occupation and sanctions against HOLY Islamic Republic of (IRAN). and sanctions of Syria and Hisbullah (the party of God in lebenon). If u.s gets confident in invading countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq like peice of cake.. then it will get confident in invading the Iran, Lebanon and Syria. So, u.s. must be stopped now.. today especially in Iraq and Afganistan. (hikmatyar also understands this that is why he is calling for attacks against u.s. soldiers in afganistan).

I despise the Talibans, Al-Qaeda and i would never support TYRANT saddam. ANd i am happy Saddam is gone. Thanks to U.S. and the coalition forces but they U.S. and the coalition forces did not do it to help us. They did it for other selfish reasons such as oil and money and they have left scores of massacres in doing achieving this. They lie that they came to free us from Saddam but and they did but only to rape us for our oil. This rape and humilation the iraqi's have to stop by resisting the occupation.

Since U.S. soldiers rarely fight from ground, its an oppurtunity for the Iraqi Muslims (shia as well as Sunni) defeat them and intimidate them atleast. Since they are cowards in the methods they fight. They and the Isreali soldiers rarely fight a brave battle on the ground. (they always shoot missiles from an apache helecopters like cowards.) Only the brave muslim resort to self sacrifice to defend their homeland and their families. This is an oppurtunity of a lifetime. When can the oppressed get their hands on the u.s. coward soldier? this is the time.. they are on the ground!!!

Since the U.S. soldiers are fighting on grounds, making them face a humiliating defeat is an oppurtunity for Muslims of Iraq. So they next time never do this again to another muslim country such as Syria, Lebanon and Iran.

The genious person Murtada Sadr is full of bravery and wisdom. He might have himself killed but he will be a martyr.. He has one objective.. and the only objective is to make U.S. military face a defeat or make give them a hard time in acheiving a victory. A simple victory for u.s. will make them very confident in attacking another country. When they had a simple victory in Afghanistan with the Talibans Bush got confident to attack and invade Iraq. If Bush would have a hard time in Afghanistan he would never have invaded Iraq. He would have been tired of the war and stopped right there.

Don't get me wrong, U.S. did a very good job i think for us shia's and muslims by getting rid of Saddam. I am happy!!! the enemies of shia's are killing each other.. but What i feel is that u.s. is ultimately an enemy of shias as well. Because will attack and invade Syria, Lebanon and Iran just to please Zionists. Zionists are very happy with the current president Bush as well.

it is very important for the U.S. military to receive a defeat this year because elections for a new u.s. president is near soon. The current U.S. president is a war mongerer and having him as a president for another next 4 years is very dangerous for the middle east and the world economy. Because he is obsessed with wars.. he will launch another invasion with Syria, Iran and lebenon... under the pretext "to fight against terror". What will happen to the economy of U.S. and the world? if Bush is elected again... he will plung the world into depression and ruin its economy..

Please correct me if i am wrong.

Thank you

Zanadine Zadane.

I highly ask all u.s. citizens and residents to rise up and protest against the foreign policy of the U.S. governement towards the Muslims. Be a true U.S. Citizen like Martin luther King jr and Malcolm X and George Washington. Today they are regarded as True Good human beings and True Americans.A Good human being
speaks out and stands up for the oppressed of the world, oppressed such are the palestinians and the IRaqis.

04-23-2004, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by cerebus
Yeah, I read a couple pages of that stuff and had to stop. Man, it's scary the things religion can do to a person's mind. :confused:

As well, it's scary the things a person's mind does to religion.

Mr Punch
04-23-2004, 11:39 PM
I hate none of the three.

There are good and bad Wahabis, good and bad Americans, good and bad Israelis.

We should be careful not to generalise.Just in case you haters are just seeing haters.

Though our intellectual Brother Rogue does make two good points.

04-24-2004, 12:04 AM
If today American government comes out sucessful in Iraq, tomorrow it will be confident in invading Syria, Lebonon and Iran.

that's probably true.

04-24-2004, 01:30 AM
"Since the U.S. soldiers are fighting on grounds, making them face a humiliating defeat is an oppurtunity for Muslims of Iraq."

And the flip side of that coin, is when the U.S. Marines destroy Fallujah pretty soon that will be a great opportunity for Christians in America.

04-24-2004, 02:17 AM
I think it's sad that jun_erh sweeps a muslim forum to find anything he can use to put down Islam. Or maybe you were just really interested in what kind of music they listen to?

04-24-2004, 04:10 AM
I really get into religious debates. I'm Jewish but was raised with a strong Islamic influence so I thought...what the hell, I'll register. Mayber I'll have something to say, especially on the whole Israel vs. the Arab world thing. I've certainly got plenty of anti-Bush sentiment I could share with them.

I ran into a problem I've never ever bumped into before.

These days I don't bother with a pseudonym on most boards. I just use my name. Wouldn't you know....it's taken.

Omar :D

04-24-2004, 06:33 AM
Let us not walk ahead of our scholars. Let them say something first. Regardless of the situation, when deemed necessary scholars will give their verdict. Let us not be impatient. Besides there are many scholars outside Iraq that could speak freely.
On a serious note, quotes like that taken with the worship of the "scholars" on the sight is scary. What's sad is that those guys can't see that most of those "scholars" are just going for a power grab.

04-24-2004, 11:05 AM
FWIW, both Jazz music and Rock Music were widely considered Satanic when they first appeared in the USA, by Christians. And perhaps with good reason, since many pleasure seekers use the musical venue to frolic, and the rythms encourage sexually charged dancing.

04-24-2004, 01:17 PM
Heh, heh. And we can't have pleasure seekers frolicking or dancing in a "sexually charged" manner now can we? :p

Why that would be downright "satanic"!:rolleyes:

04-25-2004, 05:00 AM
fa jing- that's true. I'm uneasy about fundamentalism in this country too. I mean that "left behind" series looks like the american version of the 72 virgins to me. But our fundamentalists don't blow things up on a daily basis. Not to downplay abortion clinic bombings, but those are very infrequent and almost always mostly condemned except by the extremists.

04-25-2004, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by cerebus
Heh, heh. And we can't have pleasure seekers frolicking or dancing in a "sexually charged" manner now can we? :p

Why that would be downright "satanic"!:rolleyes:

More than one person has picked up an STD or an unwanted pregnancy as a result of this type of activity. Generally I'm for it, but that's what a deeply religious person would point to.

(I don't belong to any religion)

04-25-2004, 04:11 PM

No glove, no love!:D