View Full Version : a request and a poll

David Jamieson
04-24-2004, 05:15 AM
I know I post to them and Iparticipate in them, but could I ask they we please just get rid of all the political threads in here and keep the content Kungfu related.

It's getting to political in here. I can get that elsewhere.


04-24-2004, 05:25 AM
even though not all the topics are kung fu related, politics doesn't seem to fit here.

04-24-2004, 06:02 AM
What will determine if it is political?

If it is OT that is the consideration then shouldn't all OT be deleted? Should there be a poll to see if Kung Lek should be deleted?
Currently we have OT placed in the threads title. Would a change to Political warn members who may be irritated from viewing such a post? By deleting all OT threads would that result in less viewer ship?
Rather than deleting a thread that may lead to a heated debate I would rather see posts that are insulting others, name calling etc. removed. By impelmenting determing criteria such as respectfulness into which posts should be removed would IMHO be required.
SD threads would also need to be deleted by the new Kung Lek standard of OT threads except he enjoys ranting on them. He may justifiy the rant by saying said rant is on topic. These threads that do nothing other than disparage anothers member's club do nothing to add to the KFO disscusions.
How about threads where by the members are insulted by another member's post now wants to fight?

04-24-2004, 06:26 AM
This is a community where kung fu is the thing we all have in common, but we all have other interests and opinions too. Let 'em stay, I say.

Lost Oath
04-24-2004, 06:34 AM
You can ask people to stop posting political threads but deleting the ones already exist will only cause trouble.

I say no.

04-24-2004, 09:22 AM
I dunno.. move them to ORA then.. I hate them too but I can't help to troll them once in a while. It's funny coz ppl really takes these threads seriously.

kungfu cowboy
04-24-2004, 09:33 AM
It's even funnier because people take politics seriously.Why can't life be more like Soul Train?

David Jamieson
04-24-2004, 10:24 AM

I don't know what your problem is, but oh well. It's a simple question to the mods that's all. I figured I would do the poll in order to get the input of others here.

I'm kinda tired of political threads and I don't see how my counter Bush rants are any different than flag waving hillbilly rants.

So, therein lies the problem. You don't wanna hear anti bush stuff, some of us don't want to hear flag waving pro war stuff.
The simple solution is that because this is a kungfu board, eliminate all political threads or potentially political threads entirely.

Now if you just have a beef with me because I call down those people who call me down, well I don't knwo what to say. Maybe you should just go in the corner and cry about it. Ya got my vote for stfu. :)


04-24-2004, 11:44 AM
So, therein lies the problem. You don't wanna hear anti bush stuff, some of us don't want to hear flag waving pro war stuff.
If you don't want to read other people's viewpoints, then don't participate in the thread :P This goes for everybody. I don't mind political threads as long as it says OT in the thread title, and everything posted in that thread stays in that thread.