View Full Version : Stylistic Responses

Meat Shake
04-28-2004, 02:53 PM
Im interested to know how your style would defend against:
Rear barehug, both arms taken
Rear barehug, both arms free
Full Nelson
Rear Naked Choke

04-28-2004, 03:01 PM
what's the context?

I'm going to assume self defense -

Rear barehug, both arms taken - possibly heels to the kneecaps if possible. Go to dead weight then thrust up trying to free my hands for the :

Rear barehug, both arms free - you can still sock someone from this position a good portion of the time, a good solid hold on the groin can be possible as well. Elbows to the head if your flexible enough or can get the twist.

Full Nelson - Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever really addressed this!

Meat Shake
04-28-2004, 03:05 PM
Im waiting to get some more responses before I post mine. :)
These are what weve been playing with lately in shuai chiao.
Any other holds that someone may grab you in from behind while you fight their friend, please feel free to list.

Im also interested in a counter to a chicken wing from behind... Havent really tried anything for it yet.

04-28-2004, 03:22 PM
Rear barehug, both arms taken

Drop weight and backstep hard while lifting both arms up with elbows bent, in combination with shoulder shrug. This will have you facing opponent for counter attack immediately

Rear barehug, both arms free

Sukui nage
Rolling Kneebar
Just picking their **** leg up through yours (you'd be surprised how often this works...)
Lat throw
Makikomi anything
Hand control Hip heist back step attack with whatever.

Full Nelson

Lift head, look to ceiling while pinching elbows/arms in tight, look away while bringing one of your hands to the same side hand on your neck, shoulder shrug, pinch their fingers together, maintain hand control, duck out.

Rear Naked Choke

Same escape/defenses as on ground, followed up with something similar to one of the above attacks.

Chicken wing? Limp arm, run away.

norther practitioner
04-28-2004, 03:30 PM
Chicken wing... I hurt myself the one time I tried this, but a one handed cartwheel can work.

04-28-2004, 04:17 PM
if the arms are free, just **** them up as quick as possible.

if the grip is below my elbow (close to wrist/away from shoulder), it's not hard to just free your arm(s) cleanly and go ape****. if the grip is above my elbows, crushing, not just grabbing, the noogs is practical. it's why captains of crush grippers are nicknamed COC grippers. :D

other than that, basic rules apply: be relaxed (aka dead weight), avoid lifting your legs up more than six inches or so (hard to balance when someone is tossing you around), and don't sit there and fight to make something work. if the ***** has a good grip on you, immediately try something else. basically, use all your weapons to cause as much damage as quickly as possible. stomping insteps, crushing noogs, elbows, etc.

the one thing i've seen all over the place that i just don't like: on a rear hug, the folks that suggest shooting the ass out and popping your arms forward. sure, it may break a grip, but it pops their arms up a few inches and allows them to flow right into a far-more pleasant rear choke.

merry -- you wanna describe to us which prayers your opponents have muttered before they passed out because they let you get to their back? :D

04-28-2004, 11:30 PM
ditto what merry said. However, I also learned picking up their leg through yours against the bear hug where your arms are restrained. To make space, thust your arse backward and throw your arms in the opposite direction (forward)

04-29-2004, 09:29 AM
Full Nelson- One-Eye-Dragon fist strike (index knuckle raised) with both hands to thier sholder/neck. Repete as nessisary to get them to loosen thier hold. Then One-Eyed-Dragon to both kidneys, grabbing thier arms to hold them in tight to your body. slam your but into thier body (trying to pick them up, if you will). once they are off thier feet, or at leas off ballance, exchange block to gran one arm drop your knee on that same side while turning. Once thay are on the ground, arm bar accross your knee, plant your other knee on thier hip and wail away.

Rear Naked Choke- Grab thier fist with your opposit hand while stepping out into horse. Elbow to solarplex, fist to groin, then pock'em in the eye.

04-29-2004, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by SevenStar
ditto what merry said. However, I also learned picking up their leg through yours against the bear hug where your arms are restrained. To make space, thust your arse backward and throw your arms in the opposite direction (forward) Typically, I find that when someone bear hugs from the back, they also lift you off your feet while squeezing. I usually grapevine a leg to keep from getting tossed; but if I wanted to execute the leg pick, would I thrust backwards to make them drop me, first?

04-29-2004, 11:32 AM
No one has mentioned the obvious about the bear hug...

Think about who uses it and why...MOST of the time that is...

Bouncers may...and then other people - WORKING WITH ANOTHER.

Had it used on me in my old job in a psychiatric hospital once....and it followed true to form.

People generally do not grab you in a bear hug from behind unless they have a friend to deal with you from the front immediatley after they grab.

So, for that one, the FIRST thing you do if caught is to look and deal with the probable frontal assault.

I had all of the neat training for escape from that one...and they worked...but in my case, the grab was a prelude to the helper taking a free shot.

Deal with the first threat ---first...

Meat Shake
04-29-2004, 11:42 AM
Rear Barehug both arms - lift arms up like you're mimmicking a chicken flapping its wings, whichever arm is around your neck, thats the side to attack. Grab their shoulder and pull them tight to you while kneeling down with that same leg. Your knee should be even with their foot, so they cannot escape. Pop up and pull forward. This technique is called knee down bowing.

Rear barehug neither arm - You I dont know the name of it, but you pull the back of their shirt by the neck area and reap with the same leg...

Full nelson - Ill give my example with the right side...
Left foot steps back just behind/outside the attackers left foot. Pivot and step with your right all the way back behind his right. Your torso is still in front of his at this point, but it should look like you are both in a horse stance with his legs inside yours. Since my right leg did the trapping, Ill reach down with my right hand behind his leg and my left in front, grab and pull.

Chicken wing - havent tried yet.

04-29-2004, 12:51 PM
Repete as nessisary to get them to loosen thier hold.

1. pain compliance sucks.
2. you're going to do this when the person is BEHIND you?

Rear Barehug both arms - lift arms up like you're mimmicking a chicken flapping its wings, whichever arm is around your neck, thats the side to attack. Grab their shoulder and pull them tight to you while kneeling down with that same leg. Your knee should be even with their foot, so they cannot escape. Pop up and pull forward. This technique is called knee down bowing.

Drop seio nage type thing! Good one. I forgot about it. I used to use that in wrestling when the other guy got high.

04-29-2004, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by Merryprankster

1. pain compliance sucks.
2. you're going to do this when the person is BEHIND you?

Yep, I would/have done. It works well if you do it quikly, espesially if you are a smallish person with good flexability. It is also less a pain compliance thing and more of reflex thing. They don't loosen up cause it hurts, but rather cause thier arms just went numb. The natural reflex is to drop what you are holding. Your mind can over-ride this, but the grip will] slacken for a second. I f you do this move correctly, that's all you need.

Word of warnning, though. While it will work on people who are much bigger, don't practice it with someone who doesn't like to hit the ground. They tend to go limp when you start the spin-through. This causes them to land on your neck and sholder. This, it turn, hurts. Alot.:p

04-29-2004, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by Merryprankster
Rear Barehug both arms - lift arms up like you're mimmicking a chicken flapping its wings, whichever arm is around your neck, thats the side to attack. Grab their shoulder and pull them tight to you while kneeling down with that same leg. Your knee should be even with their foot, so they cannot escape. Pop up and pull forward. This technique is called knee down bowing.I don't understand what arm would be around your kneck in a bear hug situation.

norther practitioner
04-29-2004, 01:28 PM
I was wondering the same thing, and also why not a person has commented on my chicken wing remark... or does everyone just ignore me now.

04-29-2004, 01:31 PM
Did you say something?


04-29-2004, 01:32 PM
I reckon I must have a different response to this sort of thing. I always tighten my grips.

norther practitioner
04-29-2004, 01:32 PM
Or is a cartwheel now a real tech now that someone has used it in the ufc.

04-29-2004, 01:42 PM
Have some one who knows the technique on you. You'd be suprized... You really will loosen up untill your mind overcomes your reflexes. The whole point behind getting them to loosen up is so you can get your arms swinging down to srtike the kidneys. You also must strike that pressure point where the sholder and neck meet. The double srtike to the kidneys is to get them to drop thier arms so's you can get a good grip and pull 'em in tight. If you don't pull them in tight, slamming your but into them will only knock them away, not lift them off thier feet.

We aren't ignoring you NP. We are still shuddering from the mental image of what that probably felt like.;)

04-29-2004, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by MasterKiller
Typically, I find that when someone bear hugs from the back, they also lift you off your feet while squeezing. I usually grapevine a leg to keep from getting tossed; but if I wanted to execute the leg pick, would I thrust backwards to make them drop me, first?

no, the thrust is done on the ground. I don't think you could get enough power out of it airborne to make him drop you. If he lifts you, I'd probably grapevine, then once you hit the ground, thrust back and get his leg.

04-29-2004, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by MasterKiller
I don't understand what arm would be around your kneck in a bear hug situation.

I'm guessing shake meant rear naked and MP assumed it. I learned drop seionage as a rear naked defense.

04-30-2004, 12:16 PM
You also must strike that pressure point where the sholder and neck meet.

So I have to do this in the right place, blind with bad leverage? Ok. I mean, if it's working for you, ok. It's a brachial stun basically, common LE tactic, and if it's working for you, alright.

I'm guessing shake meant rear naked and MP assumed it. I learned drop seionage as a rear naked defense.

Nah. I'm talking about when you raise your arms and shrug, the guy's arms go up and more or less over, kind of around your neck. You could do drop seio from there.