View Full Version : How do you hang a double end bag in an apartment?

04-29-2004, 05:03 PM
And how do you cover up the hole when you're done?

04-29-2004, 05:22 PM
In the ceiling , find a stud. make sure its not a pipe. Drill into it at an angle and use a plastic sleeve washer for the drywall.

Use sand bags to hold to the floor. Ringside.com has "rock" bags you can get unfilled, pretty cheap.

When you move out, Just get some fill-in clauk and you are done. paint if needed.

Another way it to build a wooden stand for it on your patio or bacony.

If you have a cement ceiling anchor a 10 inch section of 2x4 to the ceiling with two anchor bolts or two butterflies then use an eye bolt on the wood.

When moving out . Use white cement and a small bottle of popcorn spay if its a popcorn ceiling.

04-29-2004, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by SifuAbel
In the ceiling , find a stud. make sure its not a pipe. Drill into it at an angle and use a plastic sleeve washer for the drywall.

Do you mean I need one of those screw-hooks? The double end bag just has "S" hooks on the of the straps. I've gotta hook it to something.

When you move out, Just get some fill-in clauk and you are done. paint if needed.

What's fill-in caulk? Is it like spackle? How do I match the paint color?


04-29-2004, 05:32 PM
Your best bet, go to home depot.

04-29-2004, 05:47 PM
^ Um, ok.

How tough of a hook do I need? Like with how much force does it pull down on the ceiling?

04-29-2004, 11:44 PM
Find the biggest eyebolt or screw-hook that the S thingies will attach to, drill a hole into the stud like he said, and attach it.

Unless your apartment is some off-world pastel color, finding the "right" caulk wont be hard.

Asking questions at home depot is almost as bad as asking questions here. Good luck.


04-30-2004, 04:51 AM
You should seriously consider consulting your complex before installing that. Unless you had exposed beams, you would basically have to break into the roof to find one. Then, you need to find out how stable the basic support structure is. A friend of mine installed a relatively lightweight bag in his house and it caused the structure to resonate and vibrate to an alarming degree. Your neighbors may kill you basically. Who knows you could make it work, but from my experience... heavy bags and apartments usually dont mix. I ended up hanging mine from a tree branch in one of the many grassy areas. Fresh air and such. Only problem is that you tend to form an audience which can get annoying.

Elementary students: "Are you a black belt? What would you do if I did this?"

Me: ".................................."

05-01-2004, 09:27 PM
Actually I just got it hung. I used a stud detector on the ceiling (neat little gadgets) and just stuck one of those long screws with an "O" on the end of it in there. I don't know what they're called, but they look like this:

xxxx======O ("x" = screw threads, "=" = shaft, "O" = O)

I had to tie a knot in the top bungee cord because otherwise it hangs too low.

The only problem now is I don't have anything to weigh the base down with. And all the stores are closed now so I'll have to wait until tomorrow. What should I get, a 25lb plate or a 35lb plate?

Oh yeah, I also have a hook hanging out of my family room ceiling :) I should paint it white so it blends in.


05-02-2004, 08:30 AM
Originally posted by IronFist
Actually I just got it hung. ....

xxxx======O ("x" = screw threads, "=" = shaft, "O" = O)


:eek: eyebolt :eek:

05-02-2004, 02:20 PM
I'm doing the same thing as you, I_F. I was in the same spot as Losttrak's friend with the small heavy bag. Mounted into a 2x6 rafter in the ceiling it transmitted a lot of energy & noise. Now I live in an apartment & it's just too noisy.

I ordered a double end bag last week...I'm hoping that it will be quieter because of less mass & being more 'yielding' than a heavy bag. I had a neighbor down the street who used one for practicing hand strikes & it was way quieter than working on a heavy bag.

Losttrak: It's fun to work out outside, but yeah the people that come by sometimes...is there a smilie for {pest} ? just kidding.

S_A: How do you mean, drill the hole in the stud at an angle? I was planning on just finding stud & drilling vertically.

05-02-2004, 05:34 PM
Thanks guys. You were supposed to tell me if I needed a 25 or 35lb plate by today. Cuz I'm off to buy one now. I guess I'll go with 35. I wouldn't want to get too light of one.

05-03-2004, 02:39 PM
btw a 25lb plate is fine :)