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05-02-2004, 08:50 PM
when are you going to stop? when you have fun playing with others?

There are senerio of even you have lock the opponent, he/she still attacked and you cannot hurt him/her because it is a friend.

There are senerio of you are touching him/her lightly and he/she is going to punch you or grab you full force.

There are senerio of if you strike him/her at the time they started to play rough. and they complain.....

When are you going to stop?

05-04-2004, 05:10 PM
-when I'm done.

blooming lotus
05-04-2004, 07:43 PM
either when i realise that to continue would mean to hurt them sincerely or ...hmmm..yupp... I think that's it...they can can the ego or the "win" cause at least no-one will be hurt...martial morals... ego smego ...;)

05-04-2004, 08:03 PM
When you are not learning anything from it and it is meaningless for both to go on. I stopped working out with one of the older WC man after a while when I realized that he too often had some sort of personal stakes on just innocent fun and learning experience.


05-05-2004, 07:43 AM
hendrik ,

if your talking about chi sau , if you have to resort to speed power or aggresion ,then you are no longer doing chi sau
you stopped feeling and now are trying to prove a point .

i let people hit me all the time ,
for one they think they have power and a few shots are going to do something ---- i have met very few people that have real power

so letting the person do there thing is just funny to me

if i'm doing my thing right i take a persons position and just up root them and send them away thus they can't hit back or take the cheap shot

if your talking full contact sparring [ non chi sau ] then you simply get hit stop crying and hit back ,

i see alot of what you bring up in people that only do chi sau and think it covers all bases
it doesn't so the get silly

when you deal with people that spar/fight there is a lot more honest respect , since you do pay a price for acting up


Tom Kagan
05-06-2004, 07:35 AM
When are you going to stop?

Never, ever!

I will not stop - not even after I die. Desire may wax and wane, but stopping is not fair to anyone.

I will not stop just because he/she is my friend. I am obligated to be fair to them. I will hit them when they need to be hit as hard as I feel is appropriate. I didn't stop being fair just because I didn't hit. I just did something else.

I will not stop even if I get hit. If they hit me because I am doing something lame, they are only being fair to me in return.

I will not stop because of complaints (or hardship). It is inevitable in a relationship between friends. I trust the relationship built up can find a fair resolution. If one cannot be found, then one of us is not being fair. This would not stop me, either. It would not be fair to stop working at the relationship - even when a fair result of such work is a new enemy.


Never give up
No matter what is going on
Never give up

Develop the heart

Too much energy in your country
Is spent developing the mind
Instead of the heart

Develop the heart

Be compassionate
Not just with your friends
But with everyone

Be compassionate

Work for peace
In your heart
And in the world

Work for peace

And I say again
Never give up
No matter what is going on around you

Never give up

Never Give up, a poem by Tenzin Gyatso (better known as "His Holiness, The XIVth Dalai Lama").