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View Full Version : Thank you to blooming lotus

Hau Tien
05-03-2004, 05:57 AM
I used to post regularly on these boards and then disappeared for a while. I recently came back and had the pleasure of reading many posts by blooming lotus where she gives dietary advice. I thought "What the hell" and sent her a message to see if she would do the same for me, and within a day she had 3 messages worth of information for me. I just wanted to say thank you to her in public for the great advice.

I started at 210lbs 6 days ago, and over the weekend I dipped down to 198 and went from 22 to 20% bodyfat.

What's more, I've had great energy, and feel "lighter" (in movement, not necessarily mass) than normal, allowing me to train harder and longer. AND, surprisingly, I've had LESS digestive issues than ever before.

I will continue to eat this way for the forseeable future, and will likely post any updates (as i'll be too excited to shut up about them ;) )

Thanks again, lotus!

blooming lotus
05-03-2004, 08:15 AM
:o :D :D

dont mentionit...enjoy your new health ;)

05-03-2004, 07:31 PM
Know about ketosis? 'Cause that's what BL's diets will put you into. Not saying that's a bad thing, just be aware of what you're doing to your body. 12lb in 6 days? Nice, but most of that will be water weight, not fat loss.

blooming lotus
05-04-2004, 06:10 AM
it does sound a bit excessive, but when you start keto plans and make a few simple but serious changes you can healthily expect to loose quite a bit of weight in your fisrt wk-10 days and have this weight stay off ;)

Hau Tien
05-04-2004, 06:23 AM
No worries, Toby... I did my research before implementing BL's suggestions. I knew about ketosis before I even contacted her ;)

Thanks for the warning, though.

Yes... I am aware that most of the weight loss is water... but it is still a nice thing to see on the scale. I should also mention that I am not at a steady 198 by any means... that was just what I happened to get down to over the weekend. My weight has been steady between 203 and 206, and continually dropping a bit each day. My bodyfat percentage did not drop much in the firts week (due to it being water loss), but it has started to drop now.

In any case... I feel great eating this way, and that's what matters to me most, in the long run. The lean body, while originally the primary goal, now seems to have taken a back seat to simply feeling good.


05-04-2004, 08:19 PM
It's :cool:. Just a heads up. BTW, we're about the same weight and bodyfat %. Irrelevant, but interesting.