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View Full Version : wow! wierd chi gung happening...

05-09-2004, 12:03 PM
I was practising some chi gung earlier when an odd thing happened. Suddenly my vision changed, it was like looking into a globe or a concave mirror. Also, things seemed to be tinged with light or a shiny substance.

Does anyone know what that was all about? Does it mean my Chi Gung is getting better?


05-09-2004, 01:52 PM
I'll try not to say too much as the possibility of alot of troll bait being said on this thread is high. In my limited view, this could perhaps be due to shifts of awareness in qigong. You have specific and general awarenesses as well as most likely many other variations, while doing qigong I might focus my intention far away in the distance, and then shift it to a general awareness, and then internal awareness.

For tinged light or an almost shiny substance, you may be seeing energy. A way to test is to go in a pretty dark room but with a bit of light, face the fingers of each hand to each other. With fingers facing each other, move the hands up and down, then forwards and backwards, and then pull them apart and then bring the fingers back close to each other and then pull them apart outwards again etc. and try to see the energy substance between the fingers and around them

05-09-2004, 03:58 PM
Protect yourself! http://zapatopi.net/afdb.html

05-09-2004, 07:45 PM
To use Intis words "in his limited view", ignore anything he says. Beyond that ignore any phenomemon that you describe. It's nothing too special and will just sidetrack you. Continue practicing and talk to your teacher. But yes I think it shows a little progress.

05-09-2004, 07:59 PM
I think an interesting question on the thread then, would be, what qigong do you do?

05-10-2004, 06:19 AM
Congratulations! You've just developed tunnel vision!

05-10-2004, 01:17 PM
What's that?

05-11-2004, 01:46 AM
calm down. u had a rush of blood to the head.
nothing magical or spiritual.

05-11-2004, 08:28 AM
Tunnel or tubular vision is when "visual field is severely contracted" such that one sees as if looking down a tube or tunnel, with little or no peripheral vision.

Your description isn't quite that. More like a visual distortion caused by who knows what combo of factors.

Under different circumstances, I'd say the person was "tripping," with chemical assistance. I'm not familiar with this sort of reaction, and it sounds strange to me. I'd be curious to see what Yang Jwing-Ming would have to say about it.


05-11-2004, 12:48 PM
Why? He just translates texts.

05-11-2004, 01:43 PM
i get the same thing, and yes, see the buddha on the road etc etc... ignore it, its a distraction, but then so is this forum so go figure!!

i'm not sure that its qi, what i 'see' is like tv static everywhere but especially around my hands arms body etc, also concentrated at laogong etc.

could be autosuggestion, could be imaginary, but always see it when doing taiji or standing meditation, sitting in zazen can see it, also if i have 'tripped out' (naturally), dont see it very often while doing wing chun.

could just be awareness, more aware of light etc.

actually a weird part of it is that i can see it around cars very clearly!!!! (when they are moving) so i guess its just being more aware of the light and the air - which you really shouldnt be able to 'see' anyway, but i can - it looks like whiteish steam that spirals off the backs of cars as they pass, not unlike spray off the tops of waves.

i see the same stuff spiralling off my arms when doing taiji..

oh, and i also see it much more clearly on my body outside at dusk

05-11-2004, 02:25 PM
Yang Jwing-Ming seems to have an interest in both routine and odd sensations that can occur during training. mentioned in one of his books. That's why he came to mind. Aside from that, I've found his work helpful.

Some people have increased visual sensitivity, including perception of energy emission. It can be sporadic., and quite stunning. Yet, imo, it should be taken in stride.


06-10-2004, 01:31 PM
There was a saying in my circles when I was into hallucinogens. It origionally comes from shamanism.

There is no effect of a drug that cannot be reproduced by the right kind of meditating.

What you experienced sounds very similar to the beginning of an acid or psilocybin trip. That is not suprising. In your meditations and qi gong, many things will become revitalised and in doing so many aspects of your mind and body that you are not accustomed to changing may change quite rapidly.

It like the new freedom of movement gained by stretching, or you might consider it like just realising you have a left arm and going through the process of figuring out how to use it.

All these changes are natural. You will gain new awareness of yourself, and as you become proficient, you will be able to switch between them just as easily as you can switch between the various movements of your arm.

06-11-2004, 09:48 AM
yeah thats right, first bardo of an acid trip = same sensations.
i agree from experience it is all awareness and expansion.

i've tripped out naturally too and seen similar things when in 'extreme' situations like almost drowning or after car crashes..

06-14-2004, 11:35 AM
*Sorry about the delayed posting*
Those who know more than I, have referred to these types events as “Novelty Responses”. They can be attributed to such causes as Chi blockages becoming opened (Eastern) or variations in blood pressure (Western). They range in manifestation from head to toe and are not cause for alarm. The most commonly reported among these events is fullness or heaviness in the hands.
It has been my experience that they come and go without warning. When I try to evoke them I can’t. When I least expect them, they come. Occasionally I have attempted to create the proper conditions to enable them to re-manifest. This has been only partially fruitful.
In that most practitioners seek to gain sensitivity and self-knowledge, feeling these events can be interpreted as a sign that your Chi Gung is improving.

I hope this has been somewhat helpful to you. The important thing is to continue through these occurrences and keep practicing.

“Intimidation” asks an excellent question. What form of Chi Gung were you practicing?