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View Full Version : Gene: Tu Jen-Sheng...a Ninja???

05-12-2004, 12:13 AM
Is it just me, or have other folks brought this up yet?

I was kinda bored, and was re-reading through some old KFM mags, and saw the Mudras performed by Tu Jen-Sheng. Holy smokes!!!! With the exception of 3 or 4 finger placements, they are IDENTICAL to the Bujinkan's (as in ninjutsu) Kuji-In / Kuji-Kiri.

Kinda makes you wonder, either Tu Jen-Sheng has been reading ninja books or somehow, it's ALL related!


05-12-2004, 07:28 AM
i mastered the sexy clone jitsu :o :D ;) :p

okay I watch too much Naruto.

05-12-2004, 10:14 AM
You know, there's a whole yogic discipline to mudras that's neither ninja nor that of Tu Jin-sheng. What you've just said is akin to saying "Fred plays guitar. Rastafarian Bob Marley plays guitar. Ergo Fred is a Rastafarian." Of course, there are many parallels, so it's not surprising that there is some overlap between Tu's mudras and ninja mudras. Personally, the ninja mudras have never impressed me that much, but I'm willing to grant that there may well be secret mudras that are more interesting (they're ninjas after all, eh?) Of course, my previous mudra practice was Buddhist, and those mudras are very calming. I never really understood the ninaj mudras - they just seemed derivative, but again, I've never studied ninjitsu in depth at all. I was playing with Tu's mudras, specifically the one on his cover picture on our May April 2003 (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=317), and found it quite interesting (just try to get your fingers in that position and hold it for a while).

05-12-2004, 01:55 PM
Yeah Gene - I was just posting the correlation between the two as "tongue-in-cheek"....

What's your experience with mudra's? Are they supposed to develop whatever power just on the finger-weaving alone, or are there other methods (such as breathing, etc) to develop the power?

05-13-2004, 10:53 AM
We were doing some work with mudras last night in class. For the most part, like mantras or mandalas, they work as meditational focus points for me. It's more for spiritual/internal development then finger stretching really. The more challenging mudras become make for a more complex meditational point, but sometimes, simple is best. Perhaps its my external kung fu background that makes me lean towards the crazy finger yoga ones - I experiment with those more for fun tho. In my practice, I tend to use the simpler ones, although like I said, I've gotten a lot of mileage out of Tu's mudra we showed on that cover.

05-13-2004, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by GeneChing
You know, there's a whole yogic discipline to mudras that's neither ninja nor that of Tu Jin-sheng. What you've just said is akin to saying "Fred plays guitar. Rastafarian Bob Marley plays guitar. Ergo Fred is a Rastafarian." Of course, there are many parallels, so it's not surprising that there is some overlap between Tu's mudras and ninja mudras. Personally, the ninja mudras have never impressed me that much, but I'm willing to grant that there may well be secret mudras that are more interesting (they're ninjas after all, eh?) Of course, my previous mudra practice was Buddhist, and those mudras are very calming. I never really understood the ninaj mudras - they just seemed derivative, but again, I've never studied ninjitsu in depth at all. I was playing with Tu's mudras, specifically the one on his cover picture on our May April 2003 (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=317), and found it quite interesting (just try to get your fingers in that position and hold it for a while).

dude gene that master/grandmaster is scary! he freaks me out. what exactly is he a master/grandmaster of?

05-13-2004, 11:08 AM
Yeah, SL, I'm with you. This guy is definitely unique in his own way. I'd still like to train with him though, I bet that would be a crazy experience.

05-13-2004, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by YinYangDagger
Yeah, SL, I'm with you. This guy is definitely unique in his own way. I'd still like to train with him though, I bet that would be a crazy experience.

that iron crotch sounds like good stuff. not that im using it for much anyways now LOL

05-13-2004, 02:16 PM
We were all training with him originally, but it started to take too much from our work day sadly. I never did any Iron Crotch with him, just Taoist qigong. He had some really good stuff to offer. I wish I could have continued. The only catch is you have to be very fluent in Chinese to understand his lectures and I'm not.

05-14-2004, 09:07 AM
Originally posted by GeneChing
We were all training with him originally, but it started to take too much from our work day sadly. I never did any Iron Crotch with him, just Taoist qigong. He had some really good stuff to offer. I wish I could have continued. The only catch is you have to be very fluent in Chinese to understand his lectures and I'm not.

im a white dude form western mass. my chinese = hello, goodbye, thank you, where is kings road, i speak a little chinese, would you liek to get something to eat/drink?....... in cantonese that is. :D

05-14-2004, 11:17 AM
... but not much. In both our cases, it seems ill advised to practice lifting weights with our goods if we can't fully understand the teacher. ;)

05-14-2004, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by GeneChing
... but not much. In both our cases, it seems ill advised to practice lifting weights with our goods if we can't fully understand the teacher. ;)

as long as he doesnt touch it to get it right. i would be scared if he whipped it out adn started rubbing his own to show me technique. i dont know if i could take it.

05-17-2004, 09:44 AM
He did hold classes in it in a back room. All I heard was werid smacking noises. Since he was subleting a space next to our office, it was a bit distracting at first, but we got used to it....

05-17-2004, 11:14 AM

05-17-2004, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by GeneChing
He did hold classes in it in a back room. All I heard was werid smacking noises. Since he was subleting a space next to our office, it was a bit distracting at first, but we got used to it....

wtf.... i dont want to know.

05-17-2004, 02:01 PM
we didn't either....:eek: