View Full Version : Troy (the Movie)

05-16-2004, 04:21 PM

This movie has fantastic fight choreography that is so original it outclasses Matrix and Gladiator. I give it 12 stars out of ten.

Brad Pitt played the part of Achilles well.


T'ai Ji Monkey
05-16-2004, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by mickey

This movie has fantastic fight choreography that is so original it outclasses Matrix and Gladiator. I give it 12 stars out of ten.

Brad Pitt played the part of Achilles well.


Should be good with Wolgang Petersen of movies like (Das Boot, The neverending Story, Enemy Mine, Outbreak, etc) as director,

Still some time till it comes to the Cinemas here.

05-16-2004, 04:55 PM
My problems with the movie:

----spoiler alert----

1. No mention was made of Achilles' heel. So at the end of the movie, people who don't know the story will be like wtf?

2. The move that he uses to kill that big guy at the beginning; he uses it like 4 or 5 times throughout the movie. I thought that was kind of excessive.

3. In a few places the dialogue was a bit cheesy.

----spoiler over----

Other than that, it was cool, tho.

05-16-2004, 07:58 PM
IF - Kinda how like muay thai guys keep using that tricky shin kick to the thigh - why do they keep doing that? :D

I myself thing the movie was highly racist!

Chang Style Novice
05-16-2004, 08:03 PM
In addition to being racist against Tom Cruise, I am also racist against Brad Pitt, except when he is directed by David Fincher (Se7en, Fight Club.)

I've copied this summary of several reviews from IMDB, which portrays response as pretty mixed.

The question is: Can all the soldiers in Troy withstand the onslaught of just about all the movie critics in America? Noting that the film is based on Homer's The Iliad, Roger Ebert in the Chicago Sun-Times writes, "Homer's estate should sue. The movie sidesteps the existence of the Greek gods, turns its heroes into action movie clichés and demonstrates that we're getting tired of computer-generated armies." Ty Burr in the Boston Globe minces few words as he lays into "this surprisingly lumbering $200-million disappointment." John Anderson in Newsday describes it as "a big slab of cheese." But what most of the critics particularly object to are the performances of the three male leads. "The worst casting in recent Hollywood history," comments Jonathan Foreman in the New York Post. Michael Sragow in the Baltimore Sun describes the casting as going "woefully awry." Indeed, the only real praise being dished out by the critics in their reviews goes to Peter O'Toole, who plays Priam. His performance, writes Carrie Rickey in the Philadelphia Inquirer, "should earn O'Toole the competitive Oscar he has thus far been denied." Philip Wuntch in the Dallas Morning News comments that "it is Mr. O'Toole's heartbroken Priam whom you'll remember most vividly." Several critics, strangely, appear to take a neutral stance towards the film. Kenneth Turan in the Los Angeles Times, for example, gives it "a split decision." A. O. Scott in the New York Times comments that "for what it is -- a big, expensive, occasionally campy action movie full of well-known actors speaking in well-rounded accents -- Troy is not bad." In fact, Michael Wilmington of the Chicago Tribune is among the handful of critics who found it to be quite good. Troy, he writes: "is a huge, all-star sword-and-sandals epic, but it has all kinds of compensating rewards: flair and sweep, raging excitement, intriguing characters, visual grandeur--and a scenic force and dramatic intelligence." And Claudia Puig in USA Today calls the movie "entertainingly epic eye candy ... a gripping, well-told adaptation of one of the oldest human dramas."

I'd forgotten it has Peter O'Toole, whom I am NOT racist against. Still, I ain't going out of my way to see Troy, although I am about 60% through Ulysses.

mmm...James Joyce...

05-16-2004, 08:33 PM
im not interested in it. van helsing looks better. not by much.

05-16-2004, 09:10 PM
Van Helsing is racist, too

shaolin kungfu
05-16-2004, 09:27 PM
This thread is racist.

05-16-2004, 09:30 PM
I'll cut to the chase...


05-16-2004, 09:31 PM
Van Helsing was entertaining but had a few holes in the story. Still enjoyed it. :)

05-16-2004, 09:33 PM
Van Helsing was entertaining but had a few holes in the story

Not the story...ITS SOUL! BECAUSE ITS RACIST!!!!

05-16-2004, 11:27 PM
I saw Troy and quite enjoyed it. It did leave me with two burning questions, however:

1. How come all the Greek heroes were smoothly hair free and pale skinned? I mean, come on, they're Greek! (Is that racist?)

2. Will Orlando Bloom ever be cast in a film where he doesn't have to use a long bow at some point?

05-16-2004, 11:35 PM
i don't remember will turner ever using a longbow. closest i remember him coming to a bow in pirates of ze carribean was the bowsprit.

05-16-2004, 11:37 PM
I noticed that Troy not only has Legolas cast in it, it also has Boromir!

05-16-2004, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by rubthebuddha
i don't remember will turner ever using a longbow. closest i remember him coming to a bow in pirates of ze carribean was the bowsprit.
Hairy muff. I haven't seen Pirates...

Tit Sa
05-17-2004, 02:30 AM
I think Russel Wong would have played a better Achilles, or even Jet Li. Certainly make fights scenes better than Brad Spitt.

Internal Boxer
05-17-2004, 04:23 AM
Tit Sa that just plain racism!!!!:D

05-17-2004, 04:51 AM
Troy looks so ****ing bad I aint going near that ****. And who the hell said Van Hellsing was good? It was like a Disney-Hollywood-Sell-out version of a wannabe horror movie. 200 million on special effects doesn't make a good movie.

Yea I'm racist! :D

05-17-2004, 07:41 AM
Originally posted by Tit Sa
I think Russel Wong would have played a better Achilles, or even Jet Li. Certainly make fights scenes better than Brad Spitt.

:rolleyes: The one trick pony returns!

05-17-2004, 07:44 AM
here's my take on this movie (haven't seen it yet) and all movies like it.

First - It's not the fukking book/calssic story/poem, what have you so don't go comparing it. If you go into the movie expecting it to be, your an idiot who apprently hasn't bothered to see many movies lately based on other things.

Second - it's got lots of fighting and battles - that's cool with me. The effects look good from the previews I've seen so I'll probbaly enjoy it as a movie based very loosely on the story.

Third - It stars some actors who aren't ancient greeks, and who don't know how ancient greeks behaved, talked or anything else. That means I'm not going to go in expecting it to be straight out of the history books and as authentic as possible. It was obviously put together to entertain me, so barring some catastrophicly terrible writing or acting, I will most likley do just that, enjoy it.

Fourth - it's most likely a racist plot against someone on the face of tha planet anyway.

In short, don't expect it to be the Illiad, and don't expect it to be accurate to that story, or history in anyway, and you will most likely enjoy the movie. I enjoyed Braveheart, it was terribly inaccurate, and probably offenisve to anyone who takes their scottish history seriously, but it was still a fun movie. I enjoyed Gladiator, it continued hollywoods series of inaccurate but lossely based on history, movies.

SanSoo Student
05-17-2004, 08:29 AM
It might be worth a rental...when I'm drunk.

05-17-2004, 09:40 AM
bomb? do you mean STINK bomb? well, if so, then yes

I must have missed it, did Peter Otoole kill some blind, poor children and having to act with Pitt was his toture as retribution?

uh, last time I went to school the batttle took TEN YEARS, Achilles was killed well before the end, Helen went home with her ALIVE husband, and what happened to the rivalry of the godesses?

05-17-2004, 09:43 AM
what happened to the rivalry of the godesses?

come on man, you know that's not historically accurate!

05-17-2004, 09:48 AM
if you don't believe in godess rivalry, you haven't been in a NYC nightclub on a Sat night.....

05-17-2004, 09:52 AM
I think that's "crossdress" rivalry...

Tit Sa
05-17-2004, 10:09 AM
Tit Sa that just plain racism!!!!

If Tom Cruise can pass as a Samurai, I think Russel Wong can be Achilles.

The one trick pony returns!

...and you are so intrigued by me that you just have to say something.

05-17-2004, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by Tit Sa

...and you are so intrigued by me that you just have to say something.

I thought I told you only to reply by PM.

Pork Chop
05-17-2004, 11:24 AM
Left half way through it.
Thought the dialogue was pretty cheesey.

Didn't like Pitt as Achilles, but as far as a character in that non-Illiad-based movie; he was one of the more interesting people.
Thought his fighting style was a cross between capoeira, tai chi, and ghey... but i did like his little killing blow because it was consistant with the finishing blow used when a gladiator got a thumbs-down.

Bana's character was one of the few sympathetic ones in the movie, although I'm not sure how consistant he was with Illiad Hector, and his melodramatic speeches were often campy enough to make me giggle.

On the other hand, I really did dig the chick I was with at that one. We had to leave because she was getting an international phone call.

Oh yah, and Van Helsing was a pretty fun ride. Not the greatest movie, but a fun ride nontheless. Different date to that one. She's nice, but not really someone I dig.

05-17-2004, 11:52 AM
every movie is racist to you people on the board. even shaft ina frica is racist. :(

Tit Sa
05-17-2004, 01:19 PM
I thought I told you only to reply by PM.

For what? I got nothing to hide. You posted your reply, and I should hide mines? hahaha.....yes my master, i shall comply.

05-17-2004, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by Kristoffer
Troy looks so ****ing bad I aint going near that ****. And who the hell said Van Hellsing was good? It was like a Disney-Hollywood-Sell-out version of a wannabe horror movie. 200 million on special effects doesn't make a good movie.

Yea I'm racist! :D

I said it was entertaining ;)

Internal Boxer
05-18-2004, 05:10 AM
Tit Sa You don't get it do you....Everyone here with the racist comments is taking the pi.ss out of you being so insecure about your own ethnic identity.

Seriously mate lighten up, I could not give a toss if Jet li or whoever played achilles. Its only scared people who get all wound up about things like that.


05-18-2004, 11:59 AM
Realised how long it's been since i read the Iliad...

I thought there were some great performances dished out...

O'tool, Cox, Banna, Bean where surperb.

Missed the lack of Gods & Goddesses but that would have made it a very different movie...

Still, the ODDESSY as a sequel would be wonderful in CGI tribute to Ray Harryhousen!! :p

I agree that shortening the seige into a month long affair sort of weakened it.

Then there was Achilles's "cousin" Patroclus... nice avoidance.. but hey it's not historcally sound as it is... :cool:

05-18-2004, 01:36 PM

05-18-2004, 10:06 PM

I saw kung fu.

05-18-2004, 11:33 PM
It was Racist Pitt doing the 4 Racist Corner Sword Style...It was straight racist.

05-19-2004, 05:04 AM
Originally posted by joedoe

I said it was entertaining ;)

well alrite :)
Oh and I might have to change my mind about Troy. One of my friends saw it and said he liked it. This guy has almost the same taste in movies like me so I might see it anyway. Guess you shouldn't judge the book by the cover huh..

05-19-2004, 10:36 AM
Guess you shouldn't judge the book by the cover huh..

or a trojan by the size of their . . . skirt...:eek:

05-20-2004, 01:14 PM
I saw it, here's what I thought :

Acting - ok, not the best but tolerable - not like Von Helsing anyway

Action - pretty good - The fight between Hector and Achilles was pretty freakin cool. It actually got me thinking about the fighting styles back then. I'd always sort of assumed that back in the day they just sort of hacked at each other but as I watched Pitt and Banna fighting with replica weapons from those times (roughly) I thought to myself that maybe the guys back then put more work into learning how to use their weapons then I'm giving them credit for.

Deatils - some of the detail work was actually pretty good. Moslty bronze and not steel used, that was nice to see. A lot of spear and shield work, very cool. Overall while probably not the most accurate I thought they did a fair job of atleast portraying the details, all the little things.

All in all I enjoyed the movie. The acting could have been better but like I said, it wasn't horrible.

1. No mention was made of Achilles' heel. So at the end of the movie, people who don't know the story will be like wtf?

I think they were trying to give it a more realistic feel. Other then the omens mentioned by one of the kings councilors and maybe one or two more people, there was no magic or fantasy, like there was in the Iliad. Arrows and swords didn't bounce of achilles, he was just a really good fighter, and in the end he was caught in a compromising position and caught a badly aimed arrow ( I can't imagine Paris meant to hit him the heel).

Christopher M
05-24-2004, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by Design Sifu
O'tool, Cox, Banna, Bean where surperb.

Bean was fabulous. I feel bad now for writting him off as a generic bad guy in spy movies.

Pitt couldn't deliver his lines, but has soulful looks down pat.

Christopher M
05-24-2004, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by red5angel
maybe the guys back then put more work into learning how to use their weapons then I'm giving them credit for.

I think martial artists tend to unfairly treat the sophistication of military tactics; what you want martially as a civilian is far different than what you want as a soldier fighting in formation.

The short swords they used were designed specifically for thrusting (to get the guy to raise his shield) and then chopping the knee - to the fight coordinator's credit (there was a bit of movie kungfu in there), Bana does exactly this in his duel with Pitt.

05-25-2004, 08:12 AM
I'd never really looked into it. I've read a lot of books on Roman warfare and there abouts but they never really get into detail on specifics and I'd always sort of just assumed it was a hack and slash affair.
I imagine that on the bettlefield fighting might be simplified for obvious reasons, but for many of those who fought as a "career" (I know there weren't any "professional armies" until Rome created it's legions later on, many of these guys still fought more often then not) I would imagine that learning to fight, whether formalized or not, was probably a priority in their lives.If anyone has any good resources on that sort of thing it would be appreciated.

Odin of Wei
05-27-2004, 06:52 AM
Anyways....enough of everyones flaming...back to the thread.

Originally posted by YinYangDagger
Van Helsing is racist, too
I didn't really like that flick...I felt it was too hollywood for my tastes. :cool:

But I want to say that this movie is sooo historally incorrect.

Me and my dad was watching a documentary on the History channel (one of the best channels). They said that the Troan Horse could really be a sophistcated battering ram.
And that myth switched it all around and such. :D

05-27-2004, 11:12 AM
They said that the Troan Horse could really be a sophistcated battering ram.

you mean like the Condom ?. . .

ouch, sorry

Odin of Wei
05-28-2004, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by Design Sifu

ouch, sorry
Don't let it happen again. :rolleyes:

Mr Punch
10-10-2004, 06:26 AM
What a **** movie! I haven't seen scenery-chewing like that since I was in junior school.

That's it. You can move along now, please, nothing more for you to see.

Mr Punch
10-11-2004, 11:51 PM
OK, since my 'thread-n-run' has been merged with this thread I can afford to elaborate:

O'Toole was fantastic.
Bean was good.
Cox was hammier than usual but notsobad.
Everyone else should never work in Hollywood again.

What the hell was with Pitt talking like he had a pair of Trojan balls in his mouth?!