View Full Version : Looking for Butterfly Knives

05-18-2004, 02:26 PM
I'm looking to purchase some Butterfly Knives.

I would prefer plastic or a second choice being wood.

Can anyone suggest where I can find some plastic ones?

Thanks in advance,

old jong
05-18-2004, 02:52 PM
I own a pair of wodden knifes from there!... (http://www.little-raven.com/RS/MA/index.html) They are very nice.

I don't know about the plastic ones.

05-21-2004, 09:48 AM

Thanks for that link to that great source! They look like they make very nice wooden swords indeed. I contacted them, and I'm going to have them make a custom design for me... a Moro Barong (FMA type of sword)


05-21-2004, 10:08 AM
What size are butterfly knives usually? Little Raven makes them from 11 Inches up. Any suggestions?

Thanks for the link...I think I will be ordering from them as well.


05-21-2004, 10:42 AM
Aaron (isn't it?)

If I'm not mistaken, the ideal length would be determined like this...
if you lay the knife down resting on your forearm (with your palm facing up), and the handle laying in your palm with the blade pointing towards the inside of the elbow. When the hilt/guard is up against the fulcrum between your thumb and index finger, the tip of the blade should end up being just a tad short of the bend in your elbow. In other words you should be able to just bend your elbow without cutting or piercing your arm.

This may be harder to explain than to show. Sorry if it's a little hard to picture it. Essentially you should be able to measure your forearm with this in mind to determine the optimal blade length for you.

Hope this helps.


old jong
05-21-2004, 02:50 PM
Looks like my Gung Fu aunt "Carina" will have to pay me some commission!....;) :D