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View Full Version : Video clip form Ong Bak

05-21-2004, 08:12 AM
Don't yell at me just because this is not a WC clip. I know there are some old school movie heads in this group. Great clip - best if you have high speed connection - from movie called Ong Bak out of Thailand. Most of you are probably familiar with the film, this is the first clip I have seen - looks good!


Nick Forrer
05-21-2004, 11:45 AM
Its been discussed on here before (props to ernie for promoting it). And yes it is, as we like to say in England, the mutt's nuts.

If you are an unscrupulous bounder you can download it with a P2P program such as the one to be found at this location (http://www.emule-project.net)

Phil Redmond
11-12-2004, 10:17 AM
From a kungfu message board:

Tony Jaa - Ong Bak - spreading the word for its US release I happened to be at an NBA game last night in Dallas... during the halftime a new trailer for Ong Bak played that was pretty awesome. I was a bit surprised but half expected some promotion for it there since Mark Cuban's (owner of Mavs and owner to some degree of Landmark Theaters/Magnolia
films/etc.,) film co is releasing the movie in the US in feb. 2005.

Suddenly I see someone that looks like Tony Jaa emerge from nowhere onto the basketball court... and I thought they were going to have some sort of Muay Thai recreation from someone local... but nope... the announcer said the halftime entertainment would be by Tony Jaa star of Ong Bak, and out he came w/ the stunt team. He was in the outfit you see in the posters and lobbycards... same one he wears when he fights the main bad
guy for the first time. He does a good overall showcase of Muay Thai...then does the walk over the tops of the shoulders of the stunt team...followed by fighting each one fo the stunt team, showcasing a different move...When he fought the stunt team though - when he did that one flying overhead sidekick it looked like he really decked the guy... and when he threw the a sorta fake overhead elbow... I was thinking that sh$t still had to hurt, he did it so lightning fast.
It was interesting to watch the crowds reaction (most of which hadn't a clue about Tony, the movie or Muay Thai - other than the just played trailer)... and most of the crowd went from talking to their friends or on cell phones to being glued to what Tony was doing. When he did the stunt of running up on everyone shoulders... I almost wish I had a rewind button... it is incredible to see done live, and on a slick basketball court surface no less... it was like he just took off like a spaceship and glided over them with such ease and precision... he made it look
completely effortless.

The highlight was stunt team w/ one stunt member standing on the shoulders of the others, holding up a basketball very high... which pretty much froze the arena in a "how in the hell is he going to kick a basketball up that high"... and of course he nailed it. Afterwards I walked all around the arena and stood out by the limo's hoping to come across Tony, but it wasn't to be... but it was cool just walking around and hearing so many people talking about Tony Jaa's performance.

11-12-2004, 11:52 AM
How high was he holding the basketball? And what kick did he use? Also was it from flat ground?

Phil Redmond
11-12-2004, 12:57 PM
Brooklyn Eh? What part? I'm from ENY and Bed Stuy, and Ft. Greene. I wasn\t there so I'd presume that he was on the flat floor of the basketball arena. Tony Jaa doen't use spring boards and things like that. Have you seen his stunts in Ong Bak? They are amaxing. He refuses to us CGI, cables, ect.

11-12-2004, 03:53 PM
I am from Gravesend, bayridge, bensonhurst areas.

I didn't see his stunts. You have peaked my interest.