View Full Version : Saw NP's Tai Ji Demo Yesterday...

05-23-2004, 04:05 PM
I got a chance to go and see Northern Practitioner's Tai Ji demo. He did a group TJ, solo jian, wu shu, and a traditional northern form. It was a good showing, and was pretty impressed with a couple of things that I saw. It was fun to finally meet someone from this board in person, and it was also great to see some good kung fu. The only down side was this one chi hippy lady who wouldn't quit babbling.

Also, I wanted to plug the site of Jay Jack who runs a MMA studio in Maine. Anyone in that area who wants to learn from a first rate technician, Jay is it. He beat John Crunk(sp) last night at the Ring of Fire event here in Colorado. He also has a black belt in Judo, brown in BJJ, and studied for 5 years with Yang Jwing Ming. His website is http://www.ammaonline.com/

norther practitioner
05-24-2004, 10:57 AM
He did beat him. I wish I got to go see that. I heard a bunch about it. Yesterday at the bar, there was a kid who studies with Jon. Jon is a well respected local fighter too. I've heard a bunch about Jay Jack as well, and I knew there was some sort of fight coming up between your two schools, but I thought it was in a few weeks. A girl who is still sort of affiliated with us, whom I'm trying to set up a training schedule with, is wanting to fight soon too, I'll let you know what happens.

Thanks for the complements Ralphie, which open mats do you usually attend at Boulder BJJ? The other Taiji School that we have a lot of our events with is more into the whole health aspect, and the lady who was mentioned can talk a lot. It was cool meeting another forum member, that brings me up to Ralphie, MK, StarChaser107, and Mizong Kid. I'm hoping to be able to train a little with Ralphie here in the near future. It was nice showing a concept of a "flashy" move that I start my competition traditional form with too.

Said move: spinning back handed hammer fist (what I call it any way)
after the opening, standing North right hand grabs near left waist, step out to front stance turning to south with right leg forward, left hand swings down and forward, using momentum to carry the body back around to North, crouch, pull right hand off waist, stiking the left hand with the back of the right.

I've only really gotten to play with this in one way, when someone has you in a bear hug, without either arm, it can get them to your side so you have a chance to strike. I haven't gotten to use it yet, but just one of the moves from traditional, that made it to wushu, that some people may not no any applications for.

05-25-2004, 04:47 PM
Tuesday and Thursday nights. Wednesdays at 1pm. Fridays as well. Just let me know, and we'll plan it.

norther practitioner
05-26-2004, 09:30 AM
Let me get my schedule together, and I'll let you know.

05-26-2004, 09:47 AM
i hear NP's kung fu is weaksauce. :o jk man. you still dont got videos NP?

norther practitioner
05-26-2004, 09:51 AM

Whatever man... just because you got a decent pubu, don't mean you can keep standing after one of my sweep the lotus'.


oh, and no vids.. I need to do a few more demos.