View Full Version : Folks in the UK

05-25-2004, 03:46 PM
Hey are there any people here who wanna do a bit of light sparring and chi sau?

05-27-2004, 09:14 AM
sure, anytime u r in swansea send me a message.
i'll do the same should i come to bedfordshire, but i doubt i will be.
best of luck finding people closer - probably best to go to some classes and ask there.

05-28-2004, 05:32 AM
Bedfordshire? Who do you train with? Desir? or one of James Sinclair's lot? I used to instruct in Luton but unfortunately have moved away! Anytime you're in the Merseyside area though!

05-28-2004, 06:30 PM
Wing Chun gathering

We train every Monday and Thursdays, in sparring and live chisau. All the toys are available – speed ball, heavy bag, mook yan chong, etc.

All wing chun practitioners are welcome, and there’s absolutely no money involved. Come and train as heavy as you want – or capable of, or simply have a few drinks and talk wing chun.

The Swallow Inn, Bishop’s Cleeve, Cheltenham.
Tel: 07836 600832

Michael Yan Choi, 10th generation wing chun practitioner.

05-29-2004, 10:51 AM
is cheltenham in bedfordshire?
whats the difference between chi sau and 'live' chi sau?
speed ball and heavy bag? strange toys..
and you train in a pub?
and what is a tenth generation wing chun practitioner? ten generations away from whom? Yip man or Ng Mui???

methinks this is just where all the BJJ guys hang out getting drunk on guinness and waiting for wing chun types to walk in and order a bacardi breezer

05-29-2004, 12:15 PM
Anyone in the NE of England fancy doing the same?

Big Vern
05-29-2004, 12:26 PM
what is all that 10th generation ****e?
why is that relevant to anything today, you are only as effective within the here and now!
lets try to climb out of the ancesters link and create for tomorrows wing chun generations.

05-29-2004, 12:33 PM
Well at least Michael put his name up and didn't hide behind a nickname
Michael if I'm out that way I'll give you a call

Martin Foot
05-29-2004, 02:06 PM
"what is all that 10th generation ****e?" BV

I'm glad somebody said what I was thinking :D

Big Vern
05-30-2004, 02:24 AM
alright martin, went to a lecture by the dalai lama on a "human approach to world peace" last friday. great wisdom and some relevant principles for life.
some questions were asked by the audience, one by a small lad who wanted to know what to do about bullies. the response from his holiness was to raise his fist and shake it in a mock uppercut, then suggest running was a good option also, how about that for an endorsement on fight or flight options.

what is relevant to this thread though, is no one mentioned his lineage. he stresses the importance of the now and how our actions effect tomorrow.
i don't know michael and by the sounds of his post i am sure he trains with the mind of a trojan.
i have just become tired of generational references in wing chun, unless they are done in jest.

Martin Foot
05-30-2004, 03:03 AM
My Parnter is up in Scotland hanging out with the Farmer Palmer this weekend, He is a great Humane Being.

I agree, the Now is the only place to be, but that is probably a whole different thread ;)

05-30-2004, 04:17 AM
hmm, strange. we talk about living in the now, which is undeniably buddhist.. but then also talking about the dalai lama - though he'd still be the guv'ner no matter what, his lineage is important.. same in wing chun, live in the now but dont forget that having a clear lineage is important.
my question in jest or otherwise was just to wonder tenth generation from what? how many generations back to we have to go to get back to the dark ages?

the key i think is just to get back to madlipimps point in this thread: lets just get together and do chi sau.

when the bridge is made, everything else falls away.

05-30-2004, 07:10 AM
Youre welcome down at my place anytime - all the details are on the website - www.swanseavingtsun.com , and were a friendly bunch !

Hey Mike / Chisauking - how you doing - dont know if you remember me but we swopped some tapes back , I sent you some Ip Chun ad you sent me the Derek Jones seminar.

How are you - ive a lot more tapes now so if you want to trade again email me at swanseavingtsun@yahoo.co.uk


05-30-2004, 10:03 AM
Geez....You Brits are so civil. I should talk my wife into moving to London!

05-30-2004, 07:16 PM
What weak-minded & petty people! I have open my hand of friendship to my fellow wing chun practitioners, offering my land to train on, my cherished equipments to use, and above all, my time to impart my experience and knowledge free of charge, and all you can respond with is whinging about me stating my wing chun generation.

Unlike you people, I’m not clever enough to invent my own style. The wing chun that I’ve learnt was passed down to me from generation to generation, from genius that has gone before. I’m proud to say that my wing chun can be traced directly back to Yip Man, so in order to acknowledge my ancestors and to recognise my wing chun roots, I state my wing chun generation. If that troubles you so much – tough titties!
Anyway, if lineage means nothing to you, so you claim, why make an issue of it? Why would it irk you so much?

Hiya, Stu. I do remember you, but the last 3-years has been extremely busy for me so I don’t have time to chat with friends much over the net. In a moment of aberration, I bought not 1 but 2 pubs. Most of my time is spent running my business, but every single moment that I can spare is used to train wing chun and learning to fly helicopters. The 1 consolation with running pubs is that you have plenty of opportunities to try out your skill – for real! Anyway, I will try to contact you when I find time.

Happy training all.

Michael Yan Choi Mr no nothing modern day just do it fighter. (Is that better?)

05-30-2004, 08:44 PM
Wing Chun in a pub ... I though that would only happen when/if I got to the Big Academy in the sky, where Leung Jan and Carlos Gracie run alternate classes.

Sounds great, Michael - hope you get some more punters out of this.

Martin Foot
05-31-2004, 10:36 AM
Ahhh Michael don't take it personally, I am sorry if you have been upset by my post.

It's just that what I personally find weak-minded & petty is reading meaningless statements in a desperate attempt to make oneself sound more substantial, for example talk of generations is petty because it is meaningless, & stating ones interest as sex in ones profile is weak-minded because it is something an immature and insecure adolescent might say in a desperate attempt to make up for the lack of actual experience. Perhaps the two statements are related in someway?

As BV mentioned I'm sure your training hard and diligently, and you have made a nice offer for training, all of which is interesting, good for you. Good luck with your training and you never know if I'm out your way I might take you up on your offer.


06-01-2004, 01:31 PM
10 generations to ip man?
wow, i have 4 generations to ip man thru my first teacher darryl moy student of michael tse, student of ip chun, son of ip man.

am i bothered? no not in the slightest! i just find it quite funny that you got so annoyed with us discussing your 10 generations. if you have the centre why worry about the rest?