View Full Version : Student in my class gets attacked

05-25-2004, 05:53 PM
Im just coming back from training tonight. What a session it was.
Theres this guy who hasnt been training for about 5 months now, hes a good friend of mine as well, he says he's been concentrating on his studies.
So today he just came in to train.
After the class the guy had a discussion with our sifu, he tells sifu that since he's been away he tried a thai boxing class and that the wing chun techniques worked well for him.

Then sifu tells him he should work on his forms its time for him to move onto level 2 (level 2 = chum kui, 3 = Bui jee) . The guy replies saying ive been training wing chun just as long as some of the level 2s. He goes on to say hes better than some of the level 2 and 3s.

Sifu says "ok then", tells him to free spar with a level 3 student Sifu picks one of his his top students. He does ok but he ultimately loses the match, this level 3 is the english full contact champion.

Then hes asked by sifu to spar with a level 2, you can see the guy isnt too fit , he's now breathing heavy and cant even lift his leg up to black kicks. He's too tired to fight but he fares better with the level 2.

After the fight sifu starts swearing at this guy and says how his students should have beat him even more. The guy apologises to both seniors.

Then sifu gets up with his eyes redened he's obviously very angry now of a sudden, says how can you just come in here and just say that you're better than us. Then rushes in and attacks the guy. Our sifu isnt a small guy he wells over 300 pounds. The guy keeps yelling "Sifu i said i was sorry", but its no use. Sifu says are you going going to defend yourself, he nods his head then says "no, sifu I had so much respect for you, i looked up to you.".

Sifu just walked out after the incident. I dunno whether the guy should come back or not. I dunno if this guy did anything really wrong. Its kinda surprising that sifu didnt consider the "his" student even though he's been training him for over 3yrs now, sad.

05-25-2004, 06:09 PM

Your 300 lb. sifu, who let's his students tire out another student to the point of exhaustion, and then beats him up...this guy needs some psychotherapy.

And you may need a new instructor - because you could be next !

Just some unsolicited advice.

05-25-2004, 06:15 PM
I concur with Victor on this. Bullying one cowed guy with thugs is not my idea of a healthy, learning environment.


05-25-2004, 06:28 PM
Indeed. Doesn't sound like a person I'd like to train with.

05-25-2004, 06:29 PM
Agree. The student shouldn't have been so ****y, but the Sifu's reaction was way OTT.

05-25-2004, 07:31 PM
In lieu of better overall judgement and self control, perhaps the "sifu" had sufficient forethought to secure insurance. Researching for a reliable solicitor is probably not out of line either; by the sounds of things he will likely need one sooner or later. In a civil society, the behavior you describe is totally unacceptable.

Regardless if it's something as "forgivable" as a chemical imbalance, the end result of a really rotten day, or simply an anger management problem, someone responding in that way does indeed need to get help.

With basic elements of trust shattered, why any student would elect to train in that sort of environment is beyond me.

- Kathy Jo

05-25-2004, 08:00 PM
your sifu is a p ussy if this story is true point blank

sounds like he needs a good shoe job in the alley after class
and the fact , you don't just give him the finger and tell him to kiss your ass amazes me ,

if my sifu ever tried to bomb on my friend or anyone that in know in no way deserved it
i would have no problem bombing on him

i had a guy in my class get all pysco years ago and try to beat on a older guy

i ripped a thigh kick on him and put him in a choke hold with out a second thought

i got no love for people that take advantage .

05-25-2004, 08:06 PM

You truly are a stand up guy.

My sifu is one of the nicest guys ever. He never forces you to do anything you do not want to do. If you don't want to spar at a hard level, he would not make you. It is your choice.

I can't even begin to imagine that kind of situation. Mainly because I put a lot of trust in the people I train with. I would feel betrayed, and probably never train there again.

However, if there is some anger management issue or chemical imbalance like KJ mentioned, I would try to get him to seek some professional help. I have met a few people in my time who have these sorts of problems, and it is truly sad. Most of the time they cannot help what they are doing because they are so screwed up. If they choose not to seek professional help, then you must move on. Its hard in the real world sometimes.


05-25-2004, 08:29 PM

[[I can't even begin to imagine that kind of situation. Mainly because I put a lot of trust in the people I train with. I would feel betrayed, and probably never train there again.]]

exactly ,
dude i'm all hugs and smiles man but if you break the code of respect and human decentcy

it's time to get ghetto
i treat a dog like a dog if he can't help biting people put him to sleep

i just don't need to be all nice about it

05-25-2004, 11:54 PM
There's no excuse for that kind of behavior from a SIFU for gosh sake! No, I don't care what level of skill that sifu has, he does not deserve to be an instructor. Leave now and find someone who doesn't have a screw loose!

Martin Foot
05-26-2004, 01:17 AM
Where abouts in the UK do you train?
Would it happen to be in North London by any chance?
The Tottenham area maybe?

05-26-2004, 07:05 AM
Your Sifu is a sad loser.
If you have any sense you will leave.

05-26-2004, 10:47 AM
Forget that guy,,he is a crappy teacher ,,, If i ws a Teacah I would go in and wipe the floor with him thenn , invite his class mates to my school

05-26-2004, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by Martin Foot
Where abouts in the UK do you train?
Would it happen to be in North London by any chance?
The Tottenham area maybe?

I train in Bedfordshire UK.

Yea sometimes his temper changes are very sudden and unexpected. No one was expecting this to happen.

05-26-2004, 02:13 PM
mabye hes on roids?

Miles Teg
05-26-2004, 05:21 PM
How is he built to be 300 pounds?
Thats huge!
Is he a sumo wrestler or a body builder or just really tall?

Frank Exchange
05-27-2004, 09:05 AM
>> I train in Bedfordshire UK.

Yea sometimes his temper changes are very sudden and unexpected. No one was expecting this to happen. <<

Jeez, that is awful. No one should have to put up with that in any endeavour whatsoever.

(sees an opening for a bit of poaching... ;) )

There is a Wong Shun Leung school in St.Albans, 5 minutes from the station. Instructor has 34 years WC experience, and guaranteed no mood swings. :)

http://www.wongvingtsun.co.uk/ if you are interested.

Take it easy

05-27-2004, 04:26 PM
hi vio , i am sorry for what happened to your friend, kung fu is supposed to teach control and respect, i think your friend shouls seek good legal advise. and fix this goose the right way legaly,
in court your friend might have expressed the wrong point of veiw
,no one but no one needs to put up with this crap peace look fora new sifu russellsherry

05-27-2004, 04:26 PM
hi vio , i am sorry for what happened to your friend, kung fu is supposed to teach control and respect, i think your friend shouls seek good legal advise. and fix this goose the right way legaly,
in court your friend might have expressed the wrong point of veiw
,no one but no one needs to put up with this crap peace look for a new sifu russellsherry

05-27-2004, 05:28 PM
I didn't really understand your whole post, but it sounds like your teacher is a jerk. No offense. But I would have walked out if I saw that happen. I would see if other people would walk out with me. I would spread the word around the neighborhood and over the internet about what happened, and disuade anyone from ever training at his school again, because he's going to end up hurting someone. If he can't control his temper he shouldn't be teaching.

06-21-2004, 05:43 AM
i'd enjoy working out with that "sifu"

06-21-2004, 07:01 AM
The fact that you said that the Sifut was all red-eyed, and attacked your friend pretty much says it all.....
That being said, Your "friend" was completely out of line for saying to his Sifu that he was better than seniors, and demanding he be placed at the level of HIS choosing...especially after taking time off, due to work..? and yet going to a Thai Boxing school. Many will 'school' a student with an attitude adjustmant (very prevelent in Japanese Karate) and let the student know where he stands. That's usually where it ends.
What I'm trying to say is, that if the story were told, omitting the part about the red-eyed maniac, getting up and smacking your friend, then I'm sure many people would have said, "fine".
But the Sifut was way over the top. Bottom line: Find another school.

06-21-2004, 09:07 AM
Ten Tigers:

Good analysis. That's pretty much it.

06-21-2004, 11:03 AM
What is sifu and sifut? different level of respect?

Originally posted by TenTigers
The fact that you said that the Sifut was all red-eyed, and attacked your friend pretty much says it all.....
That being said, Your "friend" was completely out of line for saying to his Sifu that he was better than seniors, and demanding he be placed at the level of HIS choosing...especially after taking time off, due to work..? and yet going to a Thai Boxing school. Many will 'school' a student with an attitude adjustmant (very prevelent in Japanese Karate) and let the student know where he stands. That's usually where it ends.
What I'm trying to say is, that if the story were told, omitting the part about the red-eyed maniac, getting up and smacking your friend, then I'm sure many people would have said, "fine".
But the Sifut was way over the top. Bottom line: Find another school.

06-21-2004, 01:51 PM
300lbs? If this guy is
mostly muscle There a vey high chance he is on roids

300lbs is more heavy than Pro body buildiers in of season

bulking up with strong androgens and Test

,,Does he have a moon face ,,hence to much water retention?

06-21-2004, 03:56 PM
"sifu" needs a severe beatdown. That is all.

06-21-2004, 10:34 PM
yeah, you said it all: the difference between Sifu and Sifut is respect. Couldn't have said it better! ROTFLMAO!!!!

(ok, sifut means a**hole)

06-22-2004, 04:03 AM
It sounds like your friend needs to learn the art of being humble and not bragging. It also sounds like your sifu is the type of teacher that you really should avoid training with. You should train with your kung-fu brothers and sisters in the type of environment that promotes learning in a positive manner.

06-22-2004, 05:43 PM
Glad I asked before I called any instrucors that.

Originally posted by TenTigers
yeah, you said it all: the difference between Sifu and Sifut is respect. Couldn't have said it better! ROTFLMAO!!!!

(ok, sifut means a**hole)

Phil Redmond
06-23-2004, 08:52 AM
No, you wouldn't want to call a Sifu that word. Sifut gwai is a derogatory term for ****sexual in Cantonese. It sort of means booty devil.....

06-23-2004, 02:06 PM
booty devil doesn't sound so bad, in fact it kinda fits me in a way

06-23-2004, 06:39 PM

06-25-2004, 09:07 AM
Hey Vio
I used to teach in Bedfordshire (now in Wirral)

who was your sifu? PM me if you want to keep it confidential. Reason being when I moved to Luton to teach, a veiled threat or two was made by other wing chun instructors in the area that I shouldnt open a club there.