View Full Version : Just grappled with a wrestler

05-27-2004, 08:43 PM
Me = 2-3 months of BJJ training (and then I had to move so I don't have a school anymore. Booo)

My friend = 4 years of wrestling (either HS or college, I think it was HS)

We're both 23. So my last BJJ class was about 3 months ago, and he's been out of practice for 4 years (unless he was a college wrestler).

Ok, so I have so much trouble with wrestlers. We had a wrestler come to our school and I could never tap him out. They're so squirmy.

Keep in mind that I suck.

I could never establish any position other than guard. To my advantage, he had no clue what to do when I had him in the guard. To my disadvantage, I've never had so much trouble with someone in my guard before. I was only successful with 1 out of 3 armbar attempts from the guard. The other two times his arm was bent too much and since I suck I couldn't pull it off.

We started on our knees cuz we don't have mats and no one really wants to get taken down on a hard floor. The first time we clinched for a little bit and then since I don't remember any takedowns I just pulled him into my guard. He kept trying some spinning stuff trying to turn me around, but as we all know, that usually doesn't work in the guard. I went for an armbar (kind of knowing that I wasn't going to get it anyway), we struggled a bit, and then he rolled away and I took his back and sunk in a rear naked choke.

Second match. We started on our knees. Clinched for a bit, then I got screwed by some wrestling takedown where he had an underhook with his left arm, reached under with his right arm and grabbed his wrist, and then rolled me over to his right with a neck lock and landed freaking on top of my neck and my neck goes "crack crack crack" and I go "wtf?" and tapped out. It's one of those injuries where I'm going to feel it tomorrow. It's already getting sore, but I already took some iburprofin.

Then I made him show me how to do that :D

Then I started in his guard. Remember he has no knowledge of BJJ. The freaking sad part is that as soon as I tried to pass his guard he did some wrestling move and suddenly we were clinching again. I hate wrestlers.

So back to him in my guard again. He spins me around a few times. I try an armbar, he rolls or something and it doesn't work, but we're about to hit my TV so we stop and start over again in the middle of the floor.

He's in my guard again spinning around (he should have realized that doesn't really do anything a long time ago) and I try for yet another armbar. He rolls and I end up on my stomach with him on his chest, but this time I make sure I keep his thumb facing the right direction and finally I get him to tap.

Here's something interesting: he pretty much realized that I was always trying to put him in my guard (since I absolutely couldn't get any other position), and he would keep trying to hold my foot to prevent me from getting a full guard.

One time he went under one of my legs when he was in my guard. I was like "triangle choke!" but I couldn't get it. ******, I suck. I couldn't get my leg far enough around his head. I need to drill triangle choke and armbar from the guard like 100 times each.

Fvck my neck hurts now.

I also remembered tonight that I don't know any escapes from scarf hold. (what do you guys call that? Kesa gatame?)

The bottom line is that I need to find a BJJ school around here.

PS. Any strategies to keep my neck from being sore tomorrow? Should I keep moving it? Or keep it still? Heat? Ice? What?

05-27-2004, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by IronFist
I could never establish any position other than guard. To my advantage, he had no clue what to do when I had him in the guard. To my disadvantage, I've never had so much trouble with someone in my guard before. I was only successful with 1 out of 3 armbar attempts from the guard. The other two times his arm was bent too much and since I suck I couldn't pull it off.

Switch from armbar to triangle, and vice versa.

but this time I make sure I keep his thumb facing the right direction and finally I get him to tap.

This is one of the essential pieces of a correct armbar.

One time he went under one of my legs when he was in my guard. I was like "triangle choke!" but I couldn't get it. ******, I suck. I couldn't get my leg far enough around his head. I need to drill triangle choke and armbar from the guard like 100 times each.

Yeah, pretty much. Drilling and rolling are of equal importance.

I also remembered tonight that I don't know any escapes from scarf hold. (what do you guys call that? Kesa gatame?)

1) Bridge, and roll him to the side, towards his back

2) turn your hips to the floor, and take his back

The bottom line is that I need to find a BJJ school around here.

Agreed. Where are you at?

PS. Any strategies to keep my neck from being sore tomorrow? Should I keep moving it? Or keep it still? Heat? Ice? What?

Keep it still, ice it on and off every twenty minutes, take an anti-inflammatory.

05-27-2004, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by FatherDog

Switch from armbar to triangle, and vice versa.


But my arm bar was like this: I had his left arm with my right leg in front of his head. His right arm was OVER my left leg so I couldn't make a triangle.

05-28-2004, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by IronFist


But my arm bar was like this: I had his left arm with my right leg in front of his head. His right arm was OVER my left leg so I couldn't make a triangle.

Switch to an omoplata, then.

05-28-2004, 01:02 PM
What's that?

05-28-2004, 01:26 PM

05-28-2004, 02:06 PM
If he got a good neck crank on you, and it crunched, you might want to think about getting it examined if you've got good health insurance.

At the very least, go easy on your neck for several days. Neck injuries are nothing to mess with.

05-28-2004, 02:59 PM
Thanks for the omo plata link. That's pretty cool.

As for my neck, I'm glad I remembered to warm up beforehand. I can comfortably touch my chin to my chest. It just got pulled a little f.arther forward than that. It's a bit stiff today, but it's not too bad. I've also been taking ibuprofin, so that's probably helping, too. I think it should be better in a few days max.

I've just never been cranked so much that it popped before. It was kinda scary for a second.