View Full Version : Constitution in Kung Fu

05-30-2004, 10:55 AM
Hi all,

I want ask you, what do you think about the importance of constitution in martial arts? Do you think it's big advantage to have 100Kg and be 2m tall? Do you think the strength is more important than agility or vice versa? What do you think about these attributes and how far they influence your fighting performance?

I was thinking about this for a while and I came on this equation. Maybe you'll laugh(and some surely will:-)) but I think it isn't completely wrong:

(strength+agility+endurance)*fighting skill = overall fighting performance

As you can see, fighting skill is much more important than strenght, agility or endurance, but the sum of all these attributes has same weight as fighting skill, at least in my opinion:-).

05-30-2004, 07:13 PM
What about armour class? Becaue if you have a high armour class then the fighting skill goes down. If you roll good enough and have, say, a plus + 4 magical short sword, then you might get a hit in. Just make sure you roll a critical hit, I am blessed with a protection spell which boost my constitution and recovery rate by 70%.

05-30-2004, 10:09 PM

05-31-2004, 07:23 PM
I was just having a flashback to my pre-teen role playing days.
Im glad somebody found in funny!


05-31-2004, 08:06 PM
*looks around nervously*


06-01-2004, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by Gorgor
(strength+agility+endurance)*fighting skill = overall fighting performance
How about (strength+agility+endurance+endurance+endurance)*s kill + luck

06-07-2004, 01:01 PM
Gorgor: "
(strength+agility+endurance) * fighting skill = overall fighting performance "

Well, yeah, pretty much. But seriously, the problem is *quantifying these qualities. All of us who pump iron can quantify our strength. But how many units of skill do you have? If you are 50% stronger than I, I need to be 50% more skillful to balance my side of the equation... how on Earth would we measure that? Especially because skill is not so much the ability to place a kick just so (which is certainly a Good Thing) but the ability to understand the fighting space, see another's mental state, manipulate the opponent's mind, and especially, move the attacker's body around at will.

That's why everyone' laughing. We've all arrived at an equation of some sort, but there's no way to plug the numbers in. Even just measuring strength has issues.


06-07-2004, 04:37 PM
What about fighting spirit, or the will to fight? That is the biggest factor IMO.

06-08-2004, 06:21 AM
You lack the will of the warrior! You have will of housewife, or at best, will of schoolmarm!

David Jamieson
06-09-2004, 02:12 PM
hey tak, watch who yer knocking!

housewives have the will to stay at home, clean up after everyone and raise children.

schoolmarms have the will to teach and endure the antics of little brats day in and day out to ensure they have some form of education.

both these wills weigh more than a warrior seeing as the skills are required constantly and for long durations.

warriors are only good for one purpose and short duration.

comparibly, the will of the housewife and the will of the school marm are greater than that of any warrior. :D