View Full Version : Isn't it great when............

06-03-2004, 01:09 AM
....we all train together mutually and co-operatively in atmosphere free from rivalry or politics!!!!!

In a an environment where Wing Chun is constantly being destroyed by politics and rumour-mongering, I had a very refreshing experience in the class last night. My club had a guest last night who had trained Ip Chun lineage full-time in Hong Kong with Master Ip Chuns senior students for 5 years. He came along with a completely open mind and and we exchanged ideas on the differences and similarities between the two sons of Ip Man, played some friendly good-humoured Chi Sao and learnt from each other. It was also good for me to play Chi sau with my old lineage .

So if youre on the forum Chris, hope you enjoyed the class and feel free to come and train with us next time youre around.

If only the wider Wing Chun world could be the same, eh ???

Peace, Stu

06-03-2004, 09:27 AM
stuartm wck is not the really real wing chun, and he never trained with dastardly monk x, despite his claims of being am abbott of the London temple!

Plus, I heard at the other club, he doesn't wash his yellow 'Game of Death' track-suit nearly enough.

And his Jong has inappropriate projections!!


old jong
06-03-2004, 09:39 AM
Come on Stuart!...Where do you see things like that going?...All I see is peace between lineages and lots of respect as in here!... (http://www.vingtsun.com.hk/forum/) :D

06-03-2004, 10:03 AM
Old Jong is right. All is quiet. Perhaps you mistake the real WacChun for the hounds of WingChunville. =)

old jong
06-03-2004, 10:30 AM
Hey Victor!
I tried before to answer some insulting posts about my Sigung,Joy tried as well but there is nothing good to expect from this bunch of delirious fanatics. So,I don't lose my times there anymore.
You could try if you want.I see there are a few posts against your Sifu but you will only face total stubborn stupidity as everybody else who tries to infuse some common sense to this place.

I wonder sometimes about other styles of Gung Fu. Are there stupid lineage wars everywhere in all styles?....

06-03-2004, 10:35 AM
"I wonder sometimes about other styles of Gung Fu. Are there stupid lineage wars everywhere in all styles?...."

Yeah Michel...I believe it's universal. One of my oldest and closest friends is a 3rd degree black belt in Kyokushin (Mas O'Yama) style karate - and has his own school for at least 10-12 years now. He's told me a bunch of political horror stories through the years....

as one example.

06-03-2004, 11:04 AM

One more thing...I just found this post on that website as a response to a thread that was badmouthing William Cheung. The post was made on 7/7/03...under the signature of:


"Leave my Sifu alone,he is the best Wing Chun Master ever.
He knows all the secret techniques.
Get over it."

But I never posted it.

Yeah...great website ! LOL.

old jong
06-03-2004, 11:24 AM
It's like some kind of underworld.They are looking up to us and would like to be like us but they are not at the evolutional level yet so,they will use a name from the real place. I have seen my name there as Rene,Joy,Hendrik,you....Whipping hand!!! etc...
It's some sort of sub-astral level populated with low ectoplasmic life forms without real selfs and counsciousness.A barrel of mindless monkeys. You get the idea?....;)

It would be a good fishing pound for ralek and his kind!...;)

old jong
06-03-2004, 12:04 PM
Don't worry about that. I can appreciate your positive experience. It is a good thing to know that there are still good feelings and sharing in the Wing Chun world.

We just made some fun of the dark side of Wing Chun.

old jong
06-03-2004, 12:06 PM
Everybody keeps on deleting their posts!...:confused:

06-03-2004, 12:07 PM
I often think that the most remarkable thing about the lotus flower is how it blooms so pure and chaste from such muddy swamps. WCners likewise can look to the tiny plum blossoms after each long winter.


06-03-2004, 12:32 PM
Why talk about them? Granted, its sadly obvious this forum shares some of the same trolls, but you're far better off ignoring them on both rather than bringing attention from one to the other.

06-03-2004, 10:48 PM
Paul H. sez-
I often think that the most remarkable thing about the lotus flower is how it blooms so pure and chaste from such muddy swamps.
Why-Thank you Paul.
Joyotpaul Chaudhuri
(Joyotpaul- sanskrit conjugation of Joy+utpal Joy=Victorious. Utpal= lotus flower.The Victorious Lotus!!

The lotus flower survives- the writings on the walls and the products of the VTAA
chamber of metabolic transformation aka the HK net's major outhouse
apparently badly handled by non wing chunners and trolls.!!

Why go there? Ever learn anywing chun there?

Or elsewhere in reality forums?
When was the last time you saw a serious discussion of the concepts in the slt, chum kiu or biu jee here.

Not politics- just high noise to info ratios in ma net discussions IMO

06-04-2004, 12:17 AM
That is a very nice name, Joy! People gets all uptight and gung ho over so many silly and trivial things today. I once slept near to a bucket of human feces daily for a 3 month duration in a Cambodian political prison. I do not recall that I eagerly ran to apply for a garbage man's job once I got out of that sick place. =)

06-04-2004, 02:09 AM
Hope im not seen as one of those trolls - i like to think my comments are usually fairly positive and balanced !


old jong
06-04-2004, 10:33 AM
Well!....I guess you're one of the good guys!...;) You don't sound like those strange blokes over there! ;) :D

06-05-2004, 11:50 AM
dont worry stuart, we never have a bad word to say about you in our neck of the woods... shame the same cant be said for that other fellow..;)

06-05-2004, 03:29 PM
That VTAA forum is insane. Who are those people? I have never trained w/ Master augustine fong, but my sifu holds him and his students in high reguard. Growing up in Macao was no joke either. Sifu has told me many stories about growing up there. It was a tough city to live in.

I got an email about 4 months ago or so and someone had posted on the VTAA forum that I was a sifu under Master Fong. This guy demanded that he know who I am so I don't go around making claims that are not true. I simply replied to him, I am not even a sifu, nor do I train with Augustine Fong.

The internet can be a weird place sometimes.