View Full Version : Final year exam stress (lots of questions - sorry)

10-16-2001, 06:15 PM
Hi there,

I am new here but already have a very sad story: I have just about given up all my kung fu classes due to the horrible strain on my time caused by final year in my university (I've been here for waay too long). Because I have been doing little or no exercise, I have found myself getting tired very easily and just a little lazy, and poor concentration in class. I really don't have time to travel to my tai chi classes so have decided to do the get fit thing myself, on a limited time budget though.

I am going to just concentrate on nei gong training (something I really only did in longterm preperation for fightin') and go for a swim and a run twice a week. Nei gong is something I have to do every day (as I was told by my shifu anyway) and was wondering when is the best time to do it.
My set of exercises can take anything from 20 mins (bad day) to an hour (good day) to do.
So: Is there any difference in the effect nei gong will have if I do it in the morning after I fall out of bed, after breakfast, mid day, afternoon, evening? I would rather do it in the morning, just to get it out of the way, but I usually don't have the energy.

- is there any truth in what I was told, in that doing hard chi gong / nei gong is more beneficial than my forms?

- any good specific exercises to help in concentration, or is it a psychological thing?

- any dietry tips for a recently turned vegetarian who is permanently hungry and in fear of fading away?

- or should I should jettison this library for a training hall? (please say yes )

It would be great if anyone could help me with even one of my several questions.

I miss kung fu already

'He who says nothing, consents' JP Sartre

10-16-2001, 06:58 PM
I wouldn't worry about having to quit your KF classes for finals, I did the same and went right back.

I also switched to vegetarianism and found myself hungry a lot. Hunger is a natural indication of your body's need for nutrients. After about two years, with no success, I went back to my omniverous behavior.

"She ain't got no muscles in her teeth."
- Cat

Water Dragon
10-16-2001, 07:14 PM
Time Management. If you think your last year of school is bad, wait until you get out in the real world.

My last year of school I carried 17 hours, worked 20 hours a week, held 2 positions in my fraternity, went to Taiji 4 times a week, and had a wife and a two year old son.

Now, I wish had the free time I did back then.

Dude, it's college. Enjoy it!!!!

You may take my life, but you will never take my Freedom

10-16-2001, 07:30 PM
Do your solo sets.

10-16-2001, 09:15 PM
How on god's green earth did you come out alive?
But I have a rough idea how you feel.
18hrs lectures
4hrs tutorials
6hrs Chinese
President of a university society (we don't have frats here - remind me what that's about again?)
Up until two months ago (when I freaked out and dropped everything): rock climbing (indoor pre-season training); capoeira; tai chi; Lau Gar; Drinking.
And don't forget about doing girlfriend stuff.

Any advice on the nei gong? - still a bit afraid of maybe damaging myself if I do it at imappropiate times.

Cheers anyway for your responses :)

'He who says nothing, consents' JP Sartre

10-16-2001, 09:19 PM
We practice chigong - what the heck is nei gong?

10-16-2001, 09:23 PM
Nei kung - "Internal Training" mate. :) as far as I know, it's QiGong by any other name. Correct me if I'm wrong people...

"Cry shamefully and let loose the turnips of war!"

10-16-2001, 09:47 PM
If you go vegetarian - make sure you eat nuts - they are a good source of protein and "healthy" fats and should stop any hunger pangs...

Water Dragon
10-16-2001, 10:15 PM
Sure, just chill out. Really, it's college, you're supposed to be stressed. Just have some fun too. It'll be over soon, and then allyou have is memories. Make sure they're good ones.

Oh yeah, I slept about 4-5 hours a night my whole college career.

You may take my life, but you will never take my Freedom

10-17-2001, 01:01 AM
Qigong... Qigong, literaly speaking, is working on your qi. Usually, qigong is limited to improving the body's health, and strengthening and cultivating qi.

Neigong... Neigong does the same thing as qigong, except besides qi cultivation, it often works on the spirit as well.
(loose definitions...probably generalizing...)

"Duifang jing zhi meng ji, wo fang tui zhi ce fang xi zhi."

10-17-2001, 03:11 AM

1. Eat lots of nuts :) Eat often, when you feel hungry, eat.

2. Eat raw vegetables. If you practise Qi-Gong, you probably wont have troubles believing that live vegetables have that, life energy. Once cooked, you are only eating life-less vegetables.

3. I think Qi Gong is great. I am not sure, but does your Qi Gong use cetain positions ? Because the stretch is sometimes a good enough to keep you going for awhile. (very losely stated guys)
Mine is just, well, sitting down. So if you are like me, you should perhaps move a bit, hehe.

4. (IMO) IDEALLY, stay away from milk. It makes you tired, and congested. Caffeine makes your thoughts run, not good for Qi and mind. Stay away from garlic and onions, it distracts your mind, makes you angry and anxious, and....

5. Spend 5 minutes a day (perhaps during breaks) to make a help a needy person. It gives you loads of great energy.

10-17-2001, 03:14 AM
I know how you feel. I've had to put my judo dojo on hold for a bit with all the stuff I'm doing with University, etc. Good thing is I'm pretty competent in the art, and other grappling/striking systems (I hope! :eek: ) so I find the time to still train solo, lift weights, spar occasionally, etc.



"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."