View Full Version : re emin boztepe and blitz

06-08-2004, 06:26 PM
hi guys i was in amazed at this interveiw i did not thik blitz would go as far as they did, as the wt people are in oz now as well peace russellsherry

06-08-2004, 06:47 PM
Hi Russell,

We don't get Blitz here in the US, or if so it is very rare to find it.
So most non-aussies won't know what the article said.

If I had to guess it would probably be along the lines of articles here in the US and on Emin's website which deal with the acrimony between Emin & KK, money, ego, money, watering things down to prolong learning, etc. etc.

Course blunt speaking like that is not going to foster love between EBMAS and the EWTO. As with all large organizations, martial, religious, political or business there is bound to be this kind of stuff--it is the nature of man. Get large enough and capable disciples will fall out of favor and there will be bitterness all around.

Eventually, it will cool down and each can focus on their own business and most importantly, their students--without the mudslinging.

To each their own.


06-08-2004, 07:28 PM

you summed it up fairly well. The only really controversial tidbit is Emin's claim, or if you prefer, verification, that he did not challenge William Cheung of his own volition but was sent by Messrs Leung Ting and Keith Kernspecht.

Nothing I hadn't heard before, but not from the horse's mouth.

FWIW, Blitz is usually pretty good at printing whatever the interviewee says, regardless of who it's about or how controversial it may be.

06-08-2004, 07:46 PM
hi anerlick and david, what amazed me the most with the interveiw, was blitz takes money from advertising from each of these schools, they risk , loseing the local wt school and grandmaster cheungs school as well a queation without wanting
to cause trouble what if the local wt guy gets ask by his sifu to sort it out he is in a bad postion as he was emins pupial whose side does he take? my advise none at all keep out of it sometimes, people leave, it is strange anerlick both rick spain and myself have
moved on from our first sifu seems, neither us were right or wrong about our disagrement, peace russellsherry

06-08-2004, 10:21 PM
I dunno, Russell, I think anyone pulling their advertising in such a small MA community with only a couple of magazines, with Blitz bar far the biggest, would be cutting off their nose to spite their face. You pull your adverts, the flow of new people into your school will slow.

I remember a while ago they printed two interviews with a particular 10th Dan (hah!) Australian ninjutsu instructor, in which he absolutely tipped the bucket on one of his competitors, in a way that makes Emin look like the shining light of diplomacy.

I also remember in the old days of Australasian Fighting Arts Erle Montaigue wrote some disparaging articles about the Gracies, resulting in a phone call to Erle from an Aussie BJJBB and two Gracies looking to set up a fight. Threats of axes, guns, rocks and the Australian Department of Immigration were made, but I don't think anyone blamed the mag for printing Erle's opinion pieces.

Most people reading that Emin article would know nothing about and not make the connections between the WT and WWCKFA, Combat Centres, etc, ads and what was said in the Emin interview. Newbies looking for a school wouldn't know, other stylists wouldn't give a rats, and the WC-knowledgeable people have already decided where they stand.

That and maybe Stefan Fischer (sp?) and William Cheung are both mature enough to just let it slide.

Who knows? Maybe the mag rang them beforehand. Anyone who deals with them much, like my Sifu, knows they're awfully good at raising and protecting advertising revenue.

That said, I'd much rather the MA press printed without fear or favour rather than self-censor over how various people may react.

06-09-2004, 07:36 AM
"That said, I'd much rather the MA press printed without fear or favour rather than self-censor over how various people may react."

Amen to that.
I hate it when the media sugarcoats or edits what people have to say.
Just let the chips fall where they may.

06-09-2004, 05:16 PM
hi guy"S i aggree it is good when the both sides of the coin are told , i rememeber , earle s arctical in fighting arts, and the trouble he got into, i rang him on a mattter when he printed one side of a story he was the one whom sent me yip chuns yipman tape peace russellsherryl by the way anerlick have you heard anything about keven brennean? think i misspelled his his i heard a rumor fighting arts was coming bacj but this was a few years ago and nothing come of it