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View Full Version : Iranian kickboxers defect to Australia

06-12-2004, 10:28 AM
From: freethought110@yahoo.com (Freethought110)
Newsgroups: soc.culture.iranian,rec.sport.boxing,alt.politics. greens
Subject: 4 Kickboxers Defect to Australia
Message-ID: <83b59396.0406061721.2e0fc5cb@posting.google.com>

Please circulate this news.

You will recall that I posted an item about the Iranian Mui Thai Kickboxing Team here a little over a week ago. As of last Monday four members of this team have defected to Australia and are as of now seeking asylum here. Three of these individuals escaped from their main group at Brisbane International Airport and over this last weekend they made direct contact with me. There is a twist to this story that I believe needs to be brought to everyone's immediate attention: the chairman of the International Mui Thai Boxing Council, a German by the name of Mr Stephen Fox, as well as the Iranian coach -a Mr Ebadati based out of Tehran - has explicitly and on record threatened the lives of these athletes should they not return to Iran immediately. Mr Fox has even stated on record that he will seek to have the Iranian ambassador in Canberra put pressure on the Immigration Minister to have their application denied, and, more alarmingly, that he will independently contract assailants to do them in (i.e. have them murdered). Mr Ebadati has stated on record that "I will not forgo my right" (ma az haqq-e khod nemigzarim) even should these individuals return to Iran: meaning, that even should they return to Iran forthwith they will be imprisoned immediately, and possibly tortured and even killed, by the IRI regime. Three of these individuals are currently in an undisclosed location in Queensland. Unfortunately a member of the MKO cult (Islamist-Marxist, former Saddam backed, Peoples Mojahedin Organization) last week, learning of their escape and defection, attempted to make contact with them and without their permission posted a short item regarding it which has now been circulated all over the internet. Let it be stated for the record that these athletes are in no way associated with the MKO cult and that they ask the MKO cult to kindly backoff and leave them alone. The last thing these three youngsters need is for the mullahs in Iran
to go after their families with the MKO label. Therefore the three of these athletes who are in contact with me hereby denounce the MKO cult
and the clear political opportunism of its representative in Queensland who unmistakably attempted to use them for his Stalinist cult's own advantage.

As for Mr Stephen Fox and Mr Ebadati's threats: clearly these threats are being prompted and initiated directly by the intelligence arm of
the Islamic Republic of Iran, SAVAMA, whom I have been informed Mr Ebadati is an operative of. Mr Fox (who resides in Thailand) I have been told is a close business associate of Mr Ebadati, which puts him in the direct orbit of contact with the Iranian intelligence establishment. Misters Fox and Ebadati should understand that Australia is neither Iran or Thailand and that such threats to murder (clearly politically motivated) will not be tolerated in this country whatsoever. Should Mr Fox threaten these athletes with contracting hired killers to do them in for their defection from Iran, Mr Fox will find himself in permanent custody with a long jail sentence the moment he steps foot in Australia ever again - and that is a promise. The Green Party of Australia has been informed of the
situation and will be taking appropriate action when it warrants.

Thank you.

Nima S. Hazini

06-12-2004, 11:22 AM
Man, I hope everything works out for those guys.

Of course don't expect anyone to really do anything about it, after all we know Iran is a peace-loving Muslim country, and there is no proof of any Weapons of Mass Destruction there, either. ;)

06-13-2004, 11:01 AM
what's worse is that a non iranian, this Stephan Fox character, seems to be complicit in threatening these guys and their families.

06-13-2004, 04:56 PM
Doesn't surprise me, he's German. If you look hard enough there's probably a Frenchmen hiding in their somewhere :D

At any rate, I really hope they can get away with the defection, and hopefully the Aussie government won't bow down to the Iranian government. Try and keep us posted on any further developments Jun_erh.

Dim Wit Mak
06-13-2004, 05:49 PM
If they return to Iran, their lives will be in more danger than if they don't. Even if they are allowed to live, their lives will be miserable. Imagine the following one way conversation. "You were once famous kickboxer, now you gonna find out what it like to empty bedpans in gereatric center for the rest of your lives! Besides, it's hard to do any fancy kicking with the knee damage you have sustained without proper surgical repair, and there is none available for you." Forgiveness in certain cultures is close to non-existant. Remember when Sadam promised to forgive his sons-in-law, and let bygones be bygones? Hope everything works out.

06-14-2004, 04:56 PM
They will probably be put into some mandatory detention centre for the next 5 years, then be told they have to go back. :(

06-15-2004, 09:33 AM
I wrote to the dude but haven't heard back. I told him to post it here if he could