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05-31-2001, 06:03 PM
Horse stance questions. I do my horse, and stand in it etc etc. We're supposed to sink and be stable. Any pointers on this? I think I'm sunk but I can still be pushed back. Also, how do you maintain mobility in your horse? Also if your fighting stance is supposed to come directly from your horse then why aren't most wing chun stances weight distribution 50/50?

old jong
05-31-2001, 06:18 PM
Firt,is it a horse or a goat finally?
Second,if we do this in moving sands,do we sink faster? :D :D :D
I dont feel serious today...It happens! :rolleyes:

Old jong and cie LTD.(TM)

05-31-2001, 07:26 PM
Your horse may be pretty good, but if the other guy's horse is stronger you will still be moved (unless you know my 8-way wonder horse stance)!

05-31-2001, 07:58 PM
When i started Wc i used to confuse "sinking" into the stance a litle to literaly, dont make the same mistake! :)
When you get the stance right you just feel unaffected by the outside pressure. Don't try and lock up your body using muscle, instead relax and try and unify it so it feels like 1 piece. Then when somone trys to push your arm or chest or whatever, they will be pushing your whole body. The main thing to achieve is correct body allignment, internal alignment that is. When you become more aware of your body you will realise/and be able to move your body correctly to achieve this alignment. But in all honesty, it's not somthing you can look at in the mirror and say "yeah, that looks right" Because its a feeling, not an external shape.
Find the correct feeling and accosiate it with somthing you can accosiate back to later...and keep building on the feeling.

Hope i haven confused the crap out you :)


old jong
05-31-2001, 11:34 PM
Could'nt be said better! ;)

Old jong and cie LTD.(TM)

06-01-2001, 05:11 AM
come over some time. I'll try to help.

06-01-2001, 11:58 AM
Under the WSL method, the weight distribution is 50/50 all the time, so you have a stable base. Yep, even when turning, and especially when moving. There is no point in training a stance in chum kiu and SLT if you are going to ignore it once you start to fight. In my opinion! :)

We are taught to really thrust the hips up and out, to connect or root to the ground, so the thigh and butt muscles are under tension, but the knees and everything below them are relaxed. The back is straight, not hunched forward, and the upper body is totally relaxed.
Thus any recoil is received and transmitted to the largest muscles in the body, the legs and glutes, and punching power comes from the legs, and the floor, rather than upper body strength.

06-02-2001, 01:59 AM
i believe,relaxing and "sinking "should help your stance. ive heard if you get push in the basic wing chun stance you should be rooted even more, like if you put out a lan sau, they can push from the front, and it will stick you to the ground,.intresting, i should try it ..
simple angles

06-02-2001, 10:10 PM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>...they can push from the front, and it will stick you to the ground.. [/quote]

Yes, and it gets interesting because while they press on your body....(eg, if they are on top and press down) They will actually become lighter as their mass is being transfered through your stance and you dont feel a thing. Similar to if you stand on a set of scales and push down on a bench, you weight reading will get lighter and lighter the harder you push. Just like this, the harder the opponent pushed down on your bridge the easier it will be to get through ..and you will seem to have extradorinary strenght :)


06-03-2001, 12:56 AM
This whole stance issue has confused me for some time as well. Do you guys think that the Wing Chun stance should allow mobility or rootedness (if that's a word) more? It seems to me like a strong push will knock you over no matter what. Better to move out of the way. You guys are saying that a proper Wing Chun horse stance will take the 'pushing' energy and direct it to the ground? This is a question I'm taking to my kwoon next week!


06-03-2001, 02:52 AM
>>>Do you guys think that the Wing Chun stance should allow mobility or rootedness (if that's a word) more?<<<

Mobility or rootedness? The answer is both. Mobility comes first. The stance pushing that everyone is talking about is a testing function that tells you if your stance can back up the power in your arms.

If you can distribute force through your legs as someone pushes on you, that means you can keep your body structure together under pressure and when you attack. It's the difference between hitting with your arm, and hitting with your entire body. You also need to structure behind you when you're in the process of trapping.

In a fight, no you wouldn't stand there to resist the pressure. Move around - then move in to strike with your whole body coordinated together.


Not to tire of learning is wisdom;
Not to weary of teaching is benevolence.
-- Tzu-kung

06-03-2001, 03:51 AM
I agree with the last statement that we need to find stillness in motion.Your centering is very important for defence and attack. The main position one should take in the horse is to relax, with time when the muscles are accustomed to the load, sinking is acheived. Only when external stimuli is applied, you will feel the power going to your defence, whether deflecting or moving the whole body.
That is why if you chain punch at the beginning of your practice, there are subtle shoulder movements, after an hour then these subtle movements become less and less. You feel rooted more because you will only be using the neccessary muscles that are needed for that stance.

06-15-2001, 09:51 PM
Don't forget your feet, and every part of them.